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Song lyrics

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I guess this is a take off on the "favorites" threads we've had. I was listening to Derek Webb's I See Things Upside Down CD this morning and the song "I Repent" really struck me hard. I thought I'd share and either encourage others to put down some lyrics that are getting their attention right now or discuss ones that others post. Here goes:

I repent

(words and music by derek webb)

I repent, I repent of my pursuit of America's dream

I repent, I repent of living like I deserve anything

Of my house, my fence, my kids, my wife

In our suburb where we're safe and white

I am wrong and of these things I repent

I repent, I repent of parading my liberty

I repent. I repent of paying for what I get for free

And for the way I believe that I am living right

By trading sins for others that are easier to hide

I am wrong and of these things I repent


I repent of judging by a law that even I can't keep

Of wearing righteousness like a disguise

To see through the planks in my own eyes

I repent, I repent of trading truth for false unity

I repent, I repent of confusing peace and idolatry

By caring more of what they think than what I know of what we need

By domesticating You until You look just like me

I am wrong and of these things I repent

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