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Disabled girl raped and videotaped in school


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• COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A 16-year-old disabled girl was punched and forced to engage in videotaped sexual acts with several boys in a high school auditorium as dozens of students watched, according to witnesses. Mifflin High School Principal Regina Crenshaw was suspended and will be fired for not calling police, school officials said. Three assistant principals were suspended. One of them cautioned the girl's father against calling 911 to avoid media attention, but he ignored the suggestion.


Stay tuned! This is going to break wide open soon. Glenn Beck has been hammering this school and the administration, especially the Assistant Principal for not calling 911. He found out the name of the Asst. Principal that suggested to the father of the girl that calling 911 would create a "Media Circus," and has been giving out the name and the phone numberfor the school. He's asking for a free lance journalist to pick this up and vowing to help. This happened back inMarch and it has hardly been reported anywhere. This incident was video taped by a witness and no one has been arrested yet.

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I heard about it this morning. The school didn't want to call the police. They were worried about the media bringing attention to this. Heck, I guess they just want to forget about this girl. It's plain rediculous.

I guess it's too late , the media knows now.

Hopefully, all of the people who were involved are held accountable. hopefully, all the people that was worried more about the reputation of the school ,rather than the well being of the girl.

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EVERYBODY associated with this including any witnesses that didn't step up and FOR SURE the administration should spend a good bit of time in jail.

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Seems a bit much to fathom. How, why....

Not only am I wondering what sort of world are we living in , or who is raising this ' children', but who the heck is running the schools ? There was another story about how a school had to be evacuated and a Haz-Mat team called to a chemistry classroom because a student had broken a glass container which held --- mercury. It was a thermometer. Yep, because a thermometer had been dropped on the floor, not just the class, but the entire school was evacuated! 4 students were treated for' ' contaminants' and had their clothes taken from them. The area the Haz-Mat team 'sanitized' included a 4'x 4' section of one classroom.

Your tax dollars at work, folks.

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The kids are in power, not the teachers.

And AURaptor said it best... "Your tax dollars at work". Apparently the school can't even babysit the kids now.

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