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Scoring points when your defense Can't get a 3 and out.


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Seriously does our offense get the opportunity to score? I wonder what the statistics for three and out this year have been generated by our defense. The offense gets a lot of grief but how many opportunities do they actually get.  

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This whole bend dont break philosophy 8s ridiculous. You leave your defense on the field all day. You eventually break. And you limit opportunities for your offense

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19 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

Saying all year that it’s not just the offense.  Either our coaches are bad, players aren’t very good, maybe a combination of both.   

Auburn is just not a good football team on either side of the ball and next year will be even worse. Our entire coaching staff should be gone at year end, but that will not happen. AU is now buried in the lower middle of relevance in the SEC and one more year will only drive that point home even more. Well coached teams don’t miss a beat just because of a virus. I truly believe this team would have been no better in a normal football season. It’s way past time to get rid of a high school coach who’s gotten rich from the stupidity of those that allowed it. 

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Everyone, outside of the most sunshine, of sunshine-pumper, knew the defense was going to struggle this year.  The O-line was going to be worse than last year, regardless of the media folks spinning the better talent deal, which means the offensive guru's were going to have figure out a way to score a lot of points.   There is talent across the board at the skill positions.   Yet, the scheme does not utilize that talent at all.   The game plan for short quick routes/throws, only helps bring more defenders in the box.   

Schwartz not running deep routes routinely is criminal.  You don't even have to throw the ball to him, or complete a pass if you do, all it takes if for Schwartz to get behind them one time early and the DC's become hesitant to bring safety's down to stop the run.  Which then opens the middle up for more 15 yard throws.   

End the end, Gus is a coach that leveraged a novel idea, up-tempo offense in a time of huddling using play clock, to have success in high school. He never out-schemed anyone.  His offenses fatigued teams that were unprepared.   Once college defenses started changing to smaller more versatile players, Gus' very basic offense, and temp became obsolete.  Gus was never an offensive guru, scheme wise he plays checkers against DC's that are chess masters.  

I hated when Gus was hired as HC because I had studied his HS offense, along with some HS coaches that were wanting to implement an up-tempo offense.  it was never going to be successful without a dynamic running QB.  Auburn would be more successful right now if Auburn ran the 2013 offense, Bo isn't the runner Marshall was, not by a long shot, but the offense would be more successful.  This offense would be much more successful running a true read-option with either Malik Willis or Gatewood, 

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12 minutes ago, USATiger said:

Everyone, outside of the most sunshine, of sunshine-pumper, knew the defense was going to struggle this year.  The O-line was going to be worse than last year, regardless of the media folks spinning the better talent deal, which means the offensive guru's were going to have figure out a way to score a lot of points.   There is talent across the board at the skill positions.   Yet, the scheme does not utilize that talent at all.   The game plan for short quick routes/throws, only helps bring more defenders in the box.   

Schwartz not running deep routes routinely is criminal.  You don't even have to throw the ball to him, or complete a pass if you do, all it takes if for Schwartz to get behind them one time early and the DC's become hesitant to bring safety's down to stop the run.  Which then opens the middle up for more 15 yard throws.   

End the end, Gus is a coach that leveraged a novel idea, up-tempo offense in a time of huddling using play clock, to have success in high school. He never out-schemed anyone.  His offenses fatigued teams that were unprepared.   Once college defenses started changing to smaller more versatile players, Gus' very basic offense, and temp became obsolete.  Gus was never an offensive guru, scheme wise he plays checkers against DC's that are chess masters.  

I hated when Gus was hired as HC because I had studied his HS offense, along with some HS coaches that were wanting to implement an up-tempo offense.  it was never going to be successful without a dynamic running QB.  Auburn would be more successful right now if Auburn ran the 2013 offense, Bo isn't the runner Marshall was, not by a long shot, but the offense would be more successful.  This offense would be much more successful running a true read-option with either Malik Willis or Gatewood, 

Ol' MIss' outing against Bama this year showed the HUNH still pays dividends if you truly dedicate yourself to running it at the fastest pace possible. The problem with Malzahn is he got away from the HUNH years ago and never got back to it. He became too neurotic about personnel packages, slowed up his offense and started tipping his hand. 

Ironically, the HUNH worked against Saban because the Tide coach was so particular about his defensive personnel packages. Saban learned from his own frustrations and adapted some of the philosophies for his Tide teams whereas Malzahn has now fallen prey to his own version of that personnel-obsessed Achilles heel. 

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Gus' coaching incompetency is so obvious to everyone except himself.

And it leaks down to our players sometimes.

The 3 that stood out to me today: We got blown out and embarrassed last week which ended any conversation of us calling this a successful season, so ATM marches straight down the field, promptly scores a touchdown and we down 7-0. We run 3rd down and come up 1/2 yard short. At this point, there is absolutely nothing left this miserable season to lose, and what does Gus do? Punt! Chicken Crap! How much confidence do you think this decision gave our offense? Squat!   #2 we score right before halftime, ATM is marching down the field with basically no resistance from our defense. It's obvious ATM is going to put points on the board. Instead of using our timeouts to give our offense at least a chance to get a field goal right before half, Gus in his infinite wisdom, takes 3 timeouts into the locker room.   #3. Not starting Tank when he is 100 o/o ready to play, also not getting one of our Top 3 offensive weapons (Pegues) a single touch in the game.  Wow!!!! Another Epic Failure by our brilliant coach!

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It is simple. The defense is worse than the offense. And the offense is terrible. That should tell you everything you need to know about the defense. Steele has done a very bad job this year. These are his players. Either he has checked out or he does not have the players. If he does not have the players that is his fault because he should have recruited better.

there is not a coach out there that is doing a good job on the Auburn sideline at this point. It is time to clean house. The entire thing is toxic.

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7 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:

It is simple. The defense is worse than the offense. And the offense is terrible. That should tell you everything you need to know about the defense. Steele has done a very bad job this year. These are his players. Either he has checked out or he does not have the players. If he does not have the players that is his fault because he should have recruited better.

there is not a coach out there that is doing a good job on the Auburn sideline at this point. It is time to clean house. The entire thing is toxic.

Toxic is the perfect word to describe it 

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