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Arkansas to Big 12?


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Out of those possibilities you mentioned, I think Louisville would be the best fit. They seem to be committed to putting their football program at the top and their basketball program speaks for itself. I believe we could put some fannies in the stands at Beard-Eaves if the Cardinals came to town.

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I don't think the SEC needs another perennnial powerhouse (like FSU, Miami, etc.). We already have UT, UGA, FL, AU, & LSU. If Bama ever returns to greatness (a big "IF", I know), that makes half the conference that can reasonably be expected to compete in the Top 10 nationally if we don't beat ourselves up too much.

Arkansas, like Ole Miss & South Carolina, was always a 2nd-tier SEC school that occasionally competed at the top. If they left (which I don't expect0, I think we should replace them with a similar quality school--I'd suggest Southern Miss or Louisville. The only opposition I have to Troy (or UAB) is that I don't want to encourage any more competition for recruits than we already have.

Although Georgia Tech & Clemson would be good fits, I don't see any ACC school leaving them for the SEC. Unless, of course, Bama ever made good on the idle talk of them jumping to the ACC--then I can see some ACC schools coming over to us just to get away from the ethical stink of a conference that had Miami, FSU, and Bama in it! :D

[...not that Tennessee, South Carolina, and others have done much for this conference's moral reputation lately. :( ]

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The obvious choice would be Louisville. The not so obvious choices are Houston and Memphis. Houston would probably be the favorite of those three to come to the SEC. They would open up the SEC up in Texas, the huge Houston TV market, a brand new stadium to play their games in (Reliant) and a very easy rivalry with LSU.

Memphis would have the Ole Ladies and the Commodes/Vols screaming so I doubt that would happen, USM and Tulane are too small time for the SEC. Louisville would be crazy to leave their new basketball conference. So I think it would be Houston.

now if South Carolina and Arkansas left, then I think West Virginia and Hosuton would be a no brainer. I don't see clemson coming to the SEC when they are struggling with the ACC.

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Personally, I would love to see another "super power" come in to the conference, like FSU, Texas, Miami etc. I truly believe that the BCS will eventually implode within the next 3-4 years and some form of a playoff will come to pass. Not to go off on a whole playoff vs. BCS argument here. I just think a playoff is too attractive from a money standpoint and someone will recognize that real soon.

That being said, if a playoff exists, I think teams could afford to play the big boys, both out of conference and inside the conference. Wouldn't it be awesome to be talking about the conference opener between Alabama and Texas or Georgia at FSU? Auburn entertaining the Canes!!! :thumbsup:

Dang, forget the playoffs or bowls, the SEC regular season would be too much fun.

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The obvious choice would be Louisville. The not so obvious choices are Houston and Memphis. Houston would probably be the favorite of those three to come to the SEC. They would open up the SEC up in Texas, the huge Houston TV market, a brand new stadium to play their games in (Reliant) and a very easy rivalry with LSU.


SEC coaches, ADs, and Presidents already don't like traveling to Arkansas as a conference game.

No way they let in Houston.

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Just throwing out names here, but Texas A&M would be a good addition. Their fans are bonkers and live for Aggie football. I know LSU and A&M had a pretty good series a few years back.

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The obvious choice would be Louisville. The not so obvious choices are Houston and Memphis. Houston would probably be the favorite of those three to come to the SEC. They would open up the SEC up in Texas, the huge Houston TV market, a brand new stadium to play their games in (Reliant) and a very easy rivalry with LSU.


SEC coaches, ADs, and Presidents already don't like traveling to Arkansas as a conference game.

No way they let in Houston.


Well, the Arky thing is mainly because Fayetteville is out in the middle of B.F.E. It's not really any further for Florida (for instance) to go to Arkansas than it is to go to Lexington, KY. Not that I want Houston, but there is a major airport there so getting in and out wouldn't be quite the hassle that going to Arky is.

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I for one wish that Arkansas would leave the conference. The rivalries with them just haven't developed like some people thought they would. Name one team in the SEC that really thinks of them as a rival? I can't. I don't know that we need any more teams, though I would like the idea of A&M being in our conference. I have spent a lot of time out there on their campus and they are just more like us. Another idea would be to kick Vandy to the curb and go back to a 10 team conference. That would give us the opportunity to schedule some big non-conference games without killing the team playing tough games on consecutive weekends. Having the GA/Bama games back to back at the end of the year is bad enough.

I like the idea of scheduling some teams home and home like USC that we normally would only play in a bowl. Those were great games for college football even if we did lose.

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I for one wish that Arkansas would leave the conference.  The rivalries with them just haven't developed like some people thought they would.  Name one team in the SEC that really thinks of them as a rival?


I thought LSU/Ark had a pretty good rivalry going. Anyhoo, what are the Hogs saying about all this? Are the fans wanting Arkansas out of the SEC? Anyone have a link to a hog forum where they are talking aout this?

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Maybe the piggies can go to the acc with uat! :big:

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Just throwing out names here, but Texas A&M would be a good addition.  Their fans are bonkers and live for Aggie football.  I know LSU and A&M had a pretty good series a few years back.


Geographically I think any of the Texas schools, including A&M, are too far away--Arkansas is far enough.

But the thought of seeing Franchione beat up on Alabama every year in the west does sort of make me drool!

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Well, the Arky thing is mainly because Fayetteville is out in the middle of B.F.E.

The Fayetteville area has a population pushing 400,000. What's the population of the Auburn metro area?

Not that I want Houston, but there is a major airport there so getting in and out wouldn't be quite the hassle that going to Arky is.

Some of the cities the airport up here has multiple daily DIRECT flights to...


Dallas/Ft Worth

New York


Los Angeles


Salt Lake City




St Louis






Where can you fly direct from the Auburn International Airport?

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Well, the Arky thing is mainly because Fayetteville is out in the middle of B.F.E.

The Fayetteville area has a population pushing 400,000. What's the population of the Auburn metro area?

Not that I want Houston, but there is a major airport there so getting in and out wouldn't be quite the hassle that going to Arky is.

Some of the cities the airport up here has multiple daily DIRECT flights to...


Dallas/Ft Worth

New York


Los Angeles


Salt Lake City




St Louis






Where can you fly direct from the Auburn International Airport?


Thank you travelocity.

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Well, the Arky thing is mainly because Fayetteville is out in the middle of B.F.E.

The Fayetteville area has a population pushing 400,000. What's the population of the Auburn metro area?

Not that I want Houston, but there is a major airport there so getting in and out wouldn't be quite the hassle that going to Arky is.

Some of the cities the airport up here has multiple daily DIRECT flights to...


Dallas/Ft Worth

New York


Los Angeles


Salt Lake City




St Louis






Where can you fly direct from the Auburn International Airport?



Are you a Hog Fan? I'm guessing you are. Maybe not. But if you are ... welcome to the board.

Also, how do other Hog fans feel about the prospect of of leaving the SEC and joining the Big 12?

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Also, how do other Hog fans feel about the prospect of of leaving the SEC and joining the Big 12?


Most have no interest in leaving the SEC. I for one would welcome the move; It's a much better geographic fit. UA is closer to 5 Big XII schools than the closest SEC school, plus most of our history is with teams in that league.

That said, I am in the distinct minority with that opinion. Had there been such an option when we left the SWC, there's little doubt in my mind that Arkansas would be in the Big XII today. There's about a 0% chance of the Razorbacks leaving the SEC now though.

All this speculation is pointless. It's simply not going to happen.

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Well, the Arky thing is mainly because Fayetteville is out in the middle of B.F.E.

The Fayetteville area has a population pushing 400,000. What's the population of the Auburn metro area?

Not that I want Houston, but there is a major airport there so getting in and out wouldn't be quite the hassle that going to Arky is.

Some of the cities the airport up here has multiple daily DIRECT flights to...


Dallas/Ft Worth

New York


Los Angeles


Salt Lake City




St Louis






Where can you fly direct from the Auburn International Airport?


Thank you travelocity.



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No Texas team belongs in the SEC. Arkansas doesn't either. You have to pick a team from the Geographic boundaries. Louisville wouldn't be a good fit because it is too Northern. Georgia Tech, Florida State would have been the ideal expansion teams.

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  Another idea would be to kick Vandy to the curb and go back to a 10 team conference. 


I thought the NCAA's rule is that you have to have 12 teams to have a conference championship game. I don't want to give that up!

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  Another idea would be to kick Vandy to the curb and go back to a 10 team conference. 


I thought the NCAA's rule is that you have to have 12 teams to have a conference championship game. I don't want to give that up!


I believe you are correct.

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Why kick Vandy to the curb? Because they suck at football?

What about baseball, basketball, and academics (which they kick everyones butt)?

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The SEC was a much better conference before expansion. I don't think the Championship games add any substance either.

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