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Apendix Surgery


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This may not help...but my father had his appendix removed at the age of 45. not too out of shape but out of shape none-the-less....he was back at work the next day..

Extrapolating, a guy in phenominal shape and in his 20's like Tre Smith should be good to play football pretty quickly. I'd expect him to be 110% come Sept 3rd.

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My wife had hers removed a few years ago and she was only out of work for a couple of days. Tre will ready to go soon. Just holding him out extra for extra healing I imagine.

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I read in the paper today that he was back at practice and rode the bike during practice. He finished practice with "a quick walk around the practice field". He siad that he felt good except for quick sudden movements.

It is going to take time for him to heal. Although this was not a major surgery, he does have a cut in his side. It wouldn't matter if you have anything taken out or not, if you have a 2-3 inch cut in your side, it takes time to heal; especially to run around, contort your body and take hits on that cut.

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Tre didn't have your usual appendectomy. They scoped it which doesn't involve the usual incision and the recovery time is a lot less. Tre will be fine and ready by the GT game.

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An apendicitis inflammation can be very dangerous. What most people don't realize is that hudreds of people die earch year because their appendixes ruptured before the doctors had time to remove it and they died as a result.

An apenicitis rupture is impetuous, hard to predict and strikes without warning. It's not an incident to take lightly here and I'm glad that Tre's okay, not for the football team, but for his own well being.

When my father was ten years old, his appendix ruptured just one minute after the doctor removed it from his side. If the doctor had been a minute too late, then my father would have died.

If you have your appendix removed and have evaded death, then you're doing okay.

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I had this exact same surgery last year. The incisions in your belly with this surgery are very, very small - kinda like arthroscopic knee surgury vs. the old fashioned kind.

For me, the recovery was very easy. The incisions on the outside didn't hurt, but my insides seemed a little bit touchy for a few weeks. No heavy lifting or anything like that. I can only imagine what it would have felt like to have some gigantic D-lineman trying his best to kill me, though.

I'm sure Tre will be fine.

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From the medical standpoint, he should be cleared to play two weeks after the surgery. THere are very few risks from a non-emergent appendectomy, and even fewer with the type of surgery that Tre Smith had. The appendix is easy to grab out, much like a gallbladder, but many less post-surgical effects because the appendix is not involved in digestion. He'll be fine.


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So why is Tre Smith sidelined for 2-3 weeks?  Do they have to cut through you abdominal wall to get to your apendix?


Like SCWarEagle said... Its not really a problem to go back to work, and do daily normal things right after the surgery.

But having a 250 pound D-lineman ram his facemask into your side right where you just had a part of your body removed is probably not such a good idea, nor would it feel to good.

I imagine the 2 weeks is to let his body heal, so that he is confident in being able to twist his abdomen and take hits in that area.

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Well the medical field must have improved since 1986 when I had mine removed. For about 24 hours I just felt I had eaten bad chicken. Went to a doc-in-the-box on saturday morning and he had me in the hospital having surgery before noon.

All I can say is the surgery is great as they knock you out but when you wake up and try to sit up wondering where the heck you are is another tiing. I have a 5" scar on my abdomin and it was pretty painful. I guess the new Scope surgery would be many times better than having 5" of flesh and muscle cut to get the offending sucker out. Back then they kept you in for about 3 days and I was told not to go to work for two weeks. I was back to work within 5 days but for about two weeks I did not want anything to touch that area.

Back then they put you on a morphine drip that was controled by a timer. All I can say it it is a powerful drug that I would not want to get addicted to. They would only give it for about 36 hours to avoid causing addiction which I can remember my body craving the drug. The brain said no but you body says give me more. Not something I ever want to feel again.

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You're right, things have improved drastically surgically since then.

Also, there's a fine line when the things get infected and when they get out of control. Hate that you had it so bad, but look on the bright side, at least you lost 5 pounds out of the deal and got some really cool morphine!

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