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Has the internet made you a BETTER fan?


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For the folks who can recall a time before message boards, e-mails and even 24 hr sports talk radio. Are we BETTER fans now than we were back in the day? Clearly, we know a lot more about coaches, players and anything remotely connected w/ our fav team. And we certainly know a great deal more about our rivals and what THEY'RE saying. It definatly makes for some lively converstation.

How much time do you think you would spend doing anything related in being a fan of your fav team if you DIDN'T have any internet connection? \

Has the internet made you look forward to gamedays like you use to ? Do you enjoy the games more or even less than before.

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Rap, I will tell you this board and the internet in general, has made me a "better" fan. I don't know if better is the right word for it but certainly I'm more informed and more enthusiastic. Daily discussions about something near and dear to my heart, Auburn, is something I wouldn't have thought of even 5 years ago.

Just look, from this board alone, you can get daily updates on practices with photos to go with it. You can keep up with recruiting, literally to the hour. Remember a couple of weeks ago when Caudle was announcing at a certain hour and we were all going back and forth trying to be the first to post it? :P

Before, all we had was a preseason rag from Forrest Bammer Gump Davis. :moon:

You can get information about anything and everything going on with all aspects of Auburn University. I have noticed that a lot of my buddies actually call me from time to time asking what I've heard about this or that at Auburn...and I can usually give them the scoop. I guess AUNation makes me the definitive source for all things Auburn in my neck of the woods. :big:

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I'm a more informed fan today. Like Raptor said, all we had to rely on pre-internet were slanted propaganda rags that praised :ua: and gave little attention to anyone else.

I'm a better educated fan because of the easy access to all the latest information today, but the orange and blue blood that runs through my veins is the same it has always been.

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Remember a couple of weeks ago when Caudle was announcing at a certain hour and we were all going back and forth trying to be the first to post it?

I posted it first :P

and as for the question, absolutely!

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I believe that I was a pretty well informed fan before the internet due to a few connections that I had close to campus in Auburn. Even before the message board boom, I adopted and utilized the crap out of the web before most people I knew were willing to try it out. I also knew a lot of the history of the town, university and football team by reading all the books about Auburn that I could get my hands on. But yeah, the web has definitely increased my knowledge and (more importantly to me) the speed at which that knowledge reaches my brain. It's now minutes rather than 24-48 hours.

What the internet has really helped me with is to view fans as people and not as a group. I used to be really critical of EVERYBODY that wasn't an Auburn fan when it came to football, but that's changed some recently. BG and slinky are regulars here that I feel are very level-headed most of the time and pretty sec-saavy, even though they're youngsters. These guys really make it hard for me to lump everyone together like I did back in the day.

However, it has also shown me that there are a lot of stereotypes and labels that have been put on certain fanbases that are totally warranted and appropriate. Just confirming my short-sighted, unwarranted hatred.

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I think the Internet has its good and bad things.

Good - Up to the hour information, lots of stats, lots of things to learn about team and opponent.

Bad - Way, Way too many rumors. Remember that whole Damon Evans (our AD thing?)...that was bullcrap.

Remember that player that assaulted the TA and cheated? Ends up he may not have cheated nor even grabbed her.

Rumors are able to spread way too quickly and harshly when not true.

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TIS & Auesquire are right on the money. THIS site makes Football more enjoyable. Some of the "other" sites are, well, useless. Thank God for THIS site. It is the BEST :au: there is......bar none.

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I ran into this board around a year ago, and I just began posting this week. This board, in my humble opinion, has made me a better fan in that I can see rational and intelligent DISCUSSION between Auburn fans and fans of our rival schools.

Before I came across this board, I was greatly disappointed in the banter - which was not so friendly - that I came across, and I never spent much time there because the banter was quickly turned into personal insults, etc. It made me think that "computer geeks," no offense intended, had turned an unfulfilled high school or college life into being "King of the Message Board" as a way to form a superior identity. Additionally, other boards allowed this to continue without an informed discussion / analysis of the game itself.

I have many friends from multiple SEC schools (AU, UA, Ole Miss, UGA, LSU), and I know that we all have bad and good fans....some just have more bad than others...

Kudos to the mods and participants on this board that allow these discussions to continue across the SEC fan base...

War Eagle-

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Kind of like OkieDoug, if not for the internet and this board, I would be clueless about anything going on in Auburn other than what scraps I can get off SportsCenter or Gameday. Living in Big 12 country makes for slim pickings, and sometimes I can't even get games on regular TV because Big 12 "games" take precedence (hence our subscription to Game Plan). It makes me feel so much more connected and intouch and the friendships I have made on this board are incredible. Next best thing to being there!!!

So while it hasn't made me a BIGGER fan (impossible), it HAS made me a BETTER, more informed fan.

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Ditto to Okie and Jenny about living far away and benefitting from the internet. But I don't know if I'm a better fan as much as the technology has made being a fan better.

Since I grew up in SC, I was 5 hours from Auburn. This was back in the late 70s and early 80s. My Grandfather in Birmingham would send me the Sunday sports page of the game recaps. I would get it on Wednesday or Thursday. On occasion, my Dad and I would drive to a rest area near Augusta GA just to hear the game on the radio if it was UT, LSU or something of that caliber. Whenver I visited relatives in Alabama, I had to go to the mall to stock up on AU merchandise. And I had to put up with a lot hype about the Carolina - Clemson game, and got into very few Iron Bowl discussions.

Now, I can listen to the games from the comfort of my own home (aside from all the TV coverage not related to the internet). I can read game recaps and commentary within minutes of the end. We order clothes for the boys on-line, without waiting for the next family vaction.

And of couse, the AU family I have here on this borad. Being fan is better now.

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Having been a recruiting fan for more years than I care to think about, I would have to answer yes to your question. I pretty much keep up with all the SEC schools recruiting and I look for and keep up with some players on other teams. Now when at a game and I see an opposing player make a play, many times I can remember him being recruited. Before the internet I sure didn't keep up with all the other teams, nearly as much as I do now.

I still get "that feeling" before games. Those games against big rivals or against highly rated teams, cause a more intense "feeling" for the fans.

I agree with others, not a bigger fan, but a more informed fan.

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The internet is good.


Yeah, that was pretty much my view all along. I didn't want to tip my hat ( not that that I wear one too often ) as to where I was going w/ this post.

All in all, the internet has connected folks who are of like mind and share a love for things....well, Auburn.

That to me is a very good thing.


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the internet and this board keeps me up to date on my passion for auburn football. thought i'd been a pretty good AU fan until i started seeing posts from folks who have forgotten more than i'll ever know 'bout my favorite football team. realizing this, i kind-a lurk on the side and take it all in. being an alum and fan of AU makes me :big:

War Eagle & god bless

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TIS & Auesquire are right on the money. THIS site makes Football more enjoyable. Some of the "other" sites are, well, useless. Thank God for THIS site. It is the BEST :au:   there is......bar none.


100% agree the best by far.

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