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US Media's Pro-Israel Propaganda Interrupted By Palestinian Mustafa Barghouti's CNN Interview


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US Media's Pro-Israel Propaganda Interrupted By Palestinian Mustafa Barghouti's CNN Interview where he is found to be lying about many things including that Hamas only attacked military targets. It didnt.  It attacked civilians, women, and children and killed them or took them hostage. They attacked a music festival that was set aside to celebrate peace. They killed the unarmed civilians there. This man lied about to Zakaria's and CNN's face and instead of calling the Nazi out for his 100% lies, they sat there and let him continue to tell more lies. This dirtbag is not about peace with anyone. He lies about land ownership etc. But like braindead lil Brownshirts Zakaria and CNN just let him get away with it.

Now some of you SFs around here explain to us how its okay for CNN to broadcast Disinformation. 

Edited by DKW 86
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Our country is polluted with hateful people in leadership, in the media and in our communities. They hide behind a myriad of falsehoods to garner a voice in the public square. It’s pathetic. 

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War in Israel: A Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?

by Greg Laurie on Oct 9, 2023

It is almost 50 years to the day the last time Israel was officially at war in what is known as the Yom Kippur War back in 1973 when she was attacked by Egypt. Syria, and others. But this is a different kind of war.

Thousands of rockets rained on Israel from multiple directions, and Hamas gunmen invaded by land, sea and sky. Now, hundreds of people have been murdered and kidnapped, and they were using what we might describe as Isis-like methods: targeting young women and young children, launching massive indiscriminate rocket fire towards civilian population centers, as well as terrorist infiltration of cities and settlements close to the Gaza border.

They went literally home to home, door to door, looking for the young and for the elderly. They’ve taken hostages. Old women, little children, young women—they specifically targeted civilians in this attack. Some of the women they took as hostages were survivors of the Holocaust. To date, and this number tragically will only get larger, there are 1,300 dead and 2,000 wounded. This attack is simply without precedent, causing Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, to say, “We are at war.”

Israel’s Enemies

Who is Hamas? They’re a terrorist organization funded by Iran. That’s not a secret.

A spokesman for Iran, Gahzi Hamad, told the BBC that terrorist group had received funding for the attack, according to the Wall Street Journal.

And Iran has for a long time stated that their objective is to destroy Israel. They have also signaled that they are developing a nuclear weapon. In the past they have threatened to, in their own words, wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.

One leader of Iran said, “They ask, ‘Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?’ But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are altogether attainable, and surely can be achieved. The regime that is occupying Jerusalem must be wiped off the map.”1

Interesting how it always comes back to Jerusalem. The Bible predicted, thousands of years ago, that the end time events would revolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris.

But Jerusalem, this tiny little city, in this tiny sliver of land, will play a key role in the events of the last days. It’s the focal point of end times events. It’s amazing when you think about it, because in Zechariah 12:3–4 God says, “I will make Jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nations stagger when they send their armies to besiege Jerusalem and Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves” (NLT).

Pay Careful Attention

Now, the irony of all this is that the United States of America through the Biden administration just gave six billion dollars to Iran. What a bad move it is to give any money to a nation that sponsors terrorism around the world.

But here’s where students of Bible prophecy should pay attention. The Bible tells us in the end times that Israel would be scattered and regathered. This has happened, and this really was the sign that set the prophetic clock ticking.

On the heels of the Holocaust, who would have ever thought that these Jewish people who lost six million lives to the Nazis would somehow regather in their homeland, but it happened, against all odds. And on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation. I’m proud to say the United States was the first nation to acknowledge that.

But after Israel was regathered, the Lord said she would come under attack. Specifically in Ezekiel 37 and 38, the Bible speaks of the regathering of Israel, and then it speaks of a large force from her north attacking her. That force is identified as Magog. Who is Magog? Listen, no one can say with absolute certainty.

But many Bible students and prophecy teachers believe it’s modern-day Russia. I think you can make a very good case for that. If you get out a map of the Middle East and look to the north of Israel, you will find Russia. Why would Russia ever want to invade Israel? Well, there’s another thing the Bible says about Magog, if she is indeed Russia, and that one of her allies that will march with her is Persia.

Persia is the ancient name for modern Iran. So the Bible predicted hundreds of years ago that this large force from the north of Israel would attack her after she was regathered, and one of the allies that would attack Israel with Russia or Magog, whoever it is, would be Iran or Persia.

Not once in the past 2,500 years has Russia formed a military alliance with Persia, Iran, but they have recently developed a special connection. Russia has signed billion dollar deals to sell missiles to Iran, and the Iranians have helped the Russians, providing them with drones, weaponized drones to use in the Ukraine war.

Bible Prophecy Before Our Very Eyes

How do you even stop something like this? Let’s just say, for the sake of a point, that Israel decided to strike out at Iran, specifically, because they’re funding all of this.

What would that produce? Well, it could produce a conflict we read about in Ezekiel 38. The Bible says that Magog will come against her will; the Bible describes hooks in her jaws, pulling her forward almost as though Magog is coming in reluctantly along with her ally, Persia (or Iran).

Am I saying with absolutely certainty this is the scenario that will play out? No. But if you get up in the morning and read this headline, “Russia Attacks Israel,” fasten your seatbelt because you’re seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled in your lifetime before your very eyes.

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4 hours ago, gr82be said:



Am I saying with absolutely certainty this is the scenario that will play out? No. But if you get up in the morning and read this headline, “Russia Attacks Israel,” fasten your seatbelt because you’re seeing Bible prophecy fulfilled in your lifetime before your very eyes.

Literally every generation has Christian groups that see the never ending Middle East situations as  Ezekiel/ revelations end of times stuff. Heck,  I’ve seen articles that trump has the “mark of the beast”.

My 2 cents: before we just shut down and brace for the apocalypse, I think it’d be best to solve the problems and prevent it - Russian aggression, alt right extremist Muslims, and China/Taiwan. 

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37 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

alt right extremist Muslims

I wonder if Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib would be concidered alt right?  They both have supported freeing Palestine and both believe Palestine is doing Allah’s work.

Are you trying to say if you are religious you’re automatically alt right?  Or is this more of a global interpretation?

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14 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I wonder if Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib would be concidered alt right?  They both have supported freeing Palestine and both believe Palestine is doing Allah’s work.

Are you trying to say if you are religious you’re automatically alt right?  Or is this more of a global interpretation?

It’s a global interpretation. Religious fundamentalists are often referred to as conservative groups regardless of the religion. That label does not connect them to the US conservative label. 

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4 minutes ago, Didba said:

It’s a global interpretation. Religious fundamentalists are often referred to as conservative groups regardless of the religion. That label does not connect them to the US conservative label. 

Evidently, that label is connected to the US alt left now.  Interesting.  Or he could have just said Muslim extremist. Or would that be xenophobic?

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9 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

Evidently, that label is connected to the US alt left now.  Interesting.  Or he could have just said Muslim extremist. Or would that be xenophobic?

Nah, not xenophobic.

Not sure, what label you are conflating in your first sentence. 

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29 minutes ago, Didba said:

Nah, not xenophobic.

Not sure, what label you are conflating in your first sentence. 

Not conflating any label.  It has only been recently that I have heard alt right in the international interpretation.  The first time I heard it was when Italy voted in a conservative and the media labeled her as alt right.

Very 1984 if the media.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

Not conflating any label.  It has only been recently that I have heard alt right in the international interpretation.  The first time I heard it was when Italy voted in a conservative and the media labeled her as alt right.

Very 1984 if the media.

I thought you were talking about the term religious fundamentalist as tied to conservative middle eastern governments/muslim extremist.

We had our wires crossed on which labels we were referring too.

Alt right first received mainstream use after Trump’s election to describe his base fractioning away from what had been the status quo of the GOP. 

As for the Squad, they wouldn’t be labeled alt right, you were correct that alt left would be an outsider’s label for them, just as alt-right is used for Trump’s base  


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