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All Auburn All Orange for USC game?


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Thats what auburntigers.com says. I thought they were just gonna do this once a year for each sport but I guess they really like people wearing the same color. It says that "one home game and all nationally televised home football games will be designated as All Auburn All Orange." Anyways, heres the link


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I'm agin it!

Blue looks soooooooo much better in the stands.

It was supposed to be 1 time a year.

How well did it work against GT??

Ok, you orangies may now flail me abundantly! :moon:

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The stands full of blu are blah. It just doesn't show up The orange is bright and you can definitely tell the difference.

I say all orange all the time :cheer:

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I like the ALL ORANGE-ALL THE TIME too. :cheer::cheer::cheer:

p.s. Legal, consider yourself flailed! :D

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Could this be THE game? <_< You know, legend has it, that it is written that the great orange ones will return one day, this could be :cheer: THE DAY!

"They will take to the field dressed in garb from days of old and conquer their foes! All mouths shall hail their coming from the cave of champions and all hearts will be glad! They will have the strength of the Tiger, from whence the orange comes, and they will rise as one mighty orange beast and conquer their enemy!" :au:

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The stands full of blu are blah. It just doesn't show up The orange is bright and you can definitely tell the difference.

I say all orange all the time :cheer:


I'm with you PT!

I have my Orange all washed & ready!


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I'm agin it!

Blue looks soooooooo much better in the stands.

It was supposed to be 1 time a year.

How well did it work against GT??

Ok, you orangies may now flail me abundantly!  :moon:


I personally prefer to wear blue when it comes to my :au: attire, but others are right about the orange showing up better in the stands for TV.

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JHS looks great when the fans all wear the same color and the orange definitely shows up better than blue, so I'm a fan of the all-orange. When I watch video of old games and everyone is wearing different colors, the stadium is not nearly as imposing looking.

My only complaint is that Auburn's colors are supposed to be burnt orange and navy blue, and we seem to have forgotten the burnt part. We all wear an almost flourescent orange, which I think is too similar to :ut: or :uf: .

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I'm an orange fan myself, but agree with other statements that we need to stick to the correct orange, and the same can be said for blue. I've seen some FLA blue hats around here.

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I live in NC so most of my football watching is done over the tube. All orange is a very powerful force on the screen.

This is a very smart marketing move on the part of someone.

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I really don't like the overemphasis on orange, mainly because my fat ass looks like a pumpkin on 'roids, but I suppose I'm in the minority.

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