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Classless Even In Victory


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. . . "We just beat the hell outta you" crap? I know that AU has been involved in doing that, but only to Bammer I believe. When did that start? Who started it? And does anyone really think it's good sportsmanship to yell that crap at the end of a game?

I hope our fans don't do that anymore - even when we beat the hell outta Bammer.

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Yes your fans AND band do it. And end it with Go To Hell Alabama.

But as David will tell you, since we "did it first" and its only retaliation, its okay.

When there's nothing left to dog bama about, you can always count on someone bringing up Rammer Jammer on an AU board.

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So Bammer did it first?

Did they do it to us the very first time they did it?

Now they do it to every "good" team they beat?

Is it not classless to do that?

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Yes your fans AND band do it. And end it with Go To Hell Alabama.

But as David will tell you, since we "did it first" and its only retaliation, its okay.

When there's nothing left to dog bama about, you can always count on someone bringing up Rammer Jammer on an AU board.


Frankly I dont care about that cheer....the only time I've heard it is the past couple of years by Auburn fans when we beat y'all :big:

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i might be alone on this one, but i don't see anything wrong with that cheer, it is a football cheer. If anyone has a serious problem with it then they should examine our fight song a little closer, "we just beat the hell out of you" isn't all that off from "give em hell give em hell" I remember when i was a kid i had the aubie doll that would play the song and it was edited (hit em high, hit em low...i think that's how it went). By the way bama sucks.

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I also don't mind the cheer. They DID just beat the hell out of :uf: . Any time you win a football game its a big deal and cheering about it should be accepted and encouraged. besides, they're only saying hell. Its not like they're saying "F you florida gators, you effin .." you get the idea.

My vote, let them sing it all they want 'cause come november we're gonna shove it back at them.

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The Gators deserved every bit of that Rammer Jammer Cheer. Before the game they decided to stomp all over the mid-field logo. Then while TP was on the ground the UF fans above the student section were taunting the fans below them with that stupid gator bite thing, tossing cups into the student section, and shooting birds. Thats what you call classless. Yes, UF deserved every bit of that cheer.

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I never took any issue with it, either...my stance is that beating them is the ultimate silencer.

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Yes your fans AND band do it. And end it with Go To Hell Alabama.

But as David will tell you, since we "did it first" and its only retaliation, its okay.

When there's nothing left to dog bama about, you can always count on someone bringing up Rammer Jammer on an AU board.


BG...you have been awfully defensive lately...

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That's becuse BS (BG's original name and much more fitting) has been listening to the bammer-ham media and has his tickets to Pasadena in hand.

Yes, the turds played a very good game (funny that it took this staff 30 games to put one together). They may very well win several more this season and should play in a good bowl game.

A lot can happen over the next 6 games so let the turds enjoy this win, they deserve it. I'm sure the Auburn nation will rejoice in at least on loss by the turds this season and I believe it might occur down on Pat Dye's field...

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I just get tired of the Rammer Jammer double standard. Soapbox issue with me i guess.  :D


let me vouch for BS's inability to understand the 'double standard' to which he refers. we've had this discussion before on the board, and he simply doesn't get it.

now, in bama's defense, (and i am one that does not like the cheer), i think a win like yesterday's is just about the only time it could be construed as appropriate to cheer.

-not when you beat Podunk State by 50... where's the class in that? what accomplishment is there in beating a team you should by an amount you should beat them by.

-certainly not when you eek by Podunk State.

-not when you win a squeaker against UT (or AU or UGa or UF or " " ) by 2 on a last second field goal...that's not beating the heck out of anybody...you're relieved for escaping w/ the "W".

-only when you trounce a team in a game that should've been close (or a trouncing going the other way). i think UA's win over miamuh in the sugar bowl for the NC would be another appropriate time.

yet, bama fans like the cheer, regardless of the circumstances, and i doubt much will change their cheering it whenever they happen to win a game.

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It's kinda like the cowbells at Miss State... people are always gonna complain about tradishuns meant to annoy the other team and their fans.... but what are you gonna do to 80,000 fans huh? Throw a flag and step off 5 yards? :lol:

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The cheer was brought over by an old MDB director from his directing days at Ole Miss (name escapes me right now). The cheer was adapted to Alabama and is known by most of the older band members and alumni as 'Ole Miss' and not 'Rammer Jammer'.

So, blame Ole Miss. lol :P;)

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Well, to yell, "Hey. . . , we just beat the hell outta you" serves no purpose other than to humuliate a beaten foe. It is not good sportsmanship. It reflects poorly on the university and obviously fits in so well with the particular university I am referring to.

Thinking back, it's been so long since Bammer has won a big game, I'm surprised they remembered the words . . . well, elephants have a very long memory they say. :lol:

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Let's cut thru all the BsS and get to the truth. This is a long time bama cheer. They originated it yearsa ago. They like to do it but don't like to get it in return. Anything else is pure BS.

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Well, to yell, "Hey. . . , we just beat the hell outta you" serves no purpose other than to humuliate a beaten foe.  It is not good sportsmanship.  It reflects poorly on the university and obviously fits in so well with the particular university I am referring to. 

Thinking back, it's been so long since Bammer has won a big game, I'm surprised they remembered the words . . . well, elephants have a very long memory they say.  :lol:


Again, I'll defer to the retort that AU throws back at us when we lose to them. Not only do you say you beat the hell out of us, but you also tell us to go to hell.

You can't have it both ways. Either your fans and band are classless, or its just a cheer.

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Let's cut thru all the BsS and get to the truth. This is a long time bama cheer. They originated it yearsa ago. They like to do it but don't like to get it in return. Anything else is pure BS.


Read my last post. The cheer originated from Ole Miss.

hey couldn't even come up with an obnoxious cheer on their own, they stole it from Ole Miss (Hottie Tottie).  :rolleyes:

Yes, and Auburn was the first to play "I've been working on the Railroad", "It's great to be...", "George", Star Wars, etc. :rolleyes: Truth is, everyone gets their cheers from somewhere else. Sure, there are some originals that everyone has, but the majority come from elsewhere.

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Well, to yell, "Hey. . . , we just beat the hell outta you" serves no purpose other than to humuliate a beaten foe.  It is not good sportsmanship.  It reflects poorly on the university and obviously fits in so well with the particular university I am referring to. 

Thinking back, it's been so long since Bammer has won a big game, I'm surprised they remembered the words . . . well, elephants have a very long memory they say.  :lol:


Again, I'll defer to the retort that AU throws back at us when we lose to them. Not only do you say you beat the hell out of us, but you also tell us to go to hell.

You can't have it both ways. Either your fans and band are classless, or its just a cheer.


And I will say the absolutely ONLY time Auburn does that chant is when we beat Bama. No one else, not Ole Miss, not LSU, not Tennessee, not UGA, not Florida, only Bama. Why you ask? Because it is yours.

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I've always found that cheer to be pretty dumb and rather funny, its hilarious to see it thrown at Bama due to the results........... as can be seen in this thread. Crying and whining insue.

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I agree that the cheer is not a big deal. Maybe it is not the most tasteful, but so what? If that was the worst things fan did, going to games would be much more pleasant. Throwing cups (or beer bottles), cursing at particular people, that is the kind of stuff that gives a school a bad name.

And, it is like a few people have already said: the best way to shut them up is to beat them on the field. Then throw the cheer back on them.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I have no problem with the cheer and I have no problem throwing it back in their faces when we beat them.

I do agree that it is a bit much when they do it to someone like Northern Ill..., wait, LA Tec..., wait, wait, Central Flor..., ummmm, Middle Tennessee State. It should be for the bigger games that are supposed to be close or a traditional rival. Reasonable Bama fans agree.

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It would make more sense and be more appropriate to change the words and do it before and early in the game. "We're gonna' beat the hell out of you."

No problem with the cheer here. I've heard it blasting in my ears while leaving the stadium and I've hollered it at the top of my lungs after an Iron Bowl victory.

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