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Did Bush know before 9/11?


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Briefing notes may hold key to crucial question as panel member decries limited access to papers.... However, Bush won't release them.

This administration that promised no stone would go unturned to find the root cause of 9-11, doesn't think the findings need to be shared.

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Yes, he did. And it just filled his heart with pride to know that all those people dying were going to improve his presidency and help out all his oil buddies.

If you keep posting ****, I'll keep responding with ****.

Carry on.

MOD'S NOTE: Don't evade the profanity filter.

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Yes, he did. And it just filled his heart with pride to know that all those people dying were going to improve his presidency and help out all his oil buddies.

If you keep posting shite, I'll keep responding with shite.

Carry on.

Oh, I'm not saying Bush thought the threat was real. he didn't. That's the problem. How could he act on the information and still sell his "Star Wars" system when the opposition was telling the nation that terrorism was a bigger threat than a rogue nation launching a missle against us. What's he hiding? Why won't he release the information to the panel appointed to study the failings leading up to 9-11?

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Oh, CCTAU, it is true because the "Misleader" said so! That bastion of objective and unbiased journalism. ;):P

If you'll look closely, the article was documented by various legitimate newspapers!! But hey, don't let that bother you when you can try and poison the source by ignoring that fact!!

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Donut, you're about the last person on this board to be chastising others for ignoring "fact".

For instance?

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Oh, CCTAU, it is true because the "Misleader" said so!  That bastion of objective and unbiased journalism. ;)   :P

If you'll look closely, the article was documented by various legitimate newspapers!! But hey, don't let that bother you when you can try and poison the source by ignoring that fact!!

Sort of like ignoring the facts of Bush's resume. The same info you and your friends post on here everyday.

By the way, the wink and smile was an indication of joking around. I didn't actually read the article once I saw the name of the source and the illustrations on the main page. I actually thought the name "Misleader" was funny in and of itself.

So, before you go and get so defensive or condescending with me, take a breath, think about what you are about to do, and then move on, OK? OK!

Buh-Bye Now! ;)

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Yes, he did. And it just filled his heart with pride to know that all those people dying were going to improve his presidency and help out all his oil buddies.

If you keep posting shite, I'll keep responding with shite.

Carry on.

Oh, I'm not saying Bush thought the threat was real. he didn't. That's the problem. How could he act on the information and still sell his "Star Wars" system when the opposition was telling the nation that terrorism was a bigger threat than a rogue nation launching a missle against us. What's he hiding? Why won't he release the information to the panel appointed to study the failings leading up to 9-11?

I guess some other President who cut military spending would have known the threat was absolutely real this time. :rolleyes:

And btw, you need to change your sig........Thomas Jefferson said that in reference to dissent against England, not dissent against our own country.

I guess the far left is the ultimate 'Spin Zone'......................

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Yes, he did. And it just filled his heart with pride to know that all those people dying were going to improve his presidency and help out all his oil buddies.

If you keep posting shite, I'll keep responding with shite.

Carry on.

Oh, I'm not saying Bush thought the threat was real. he didn't. That's the problem. How could he act on the information and still sell his "Star Wars" system when the opposition was telling the nation that terrorism was a bigger threat than a rogue nation launching a missle against us. What's he hiding? Why won't he release the information to the panel appointed to study the failings leading up to 9-11?

I guess some other President who cut military spending would have known the threat was absolutely real this time. :rolleyes:

And btw, you need to change your sig........Thomas Jefferson said that in reference to dissent against England, not dissent against our own country.

I guess the far left is the ultimate 'Spin Zone'......................

So, he thought it was the highest form of patriotism ONLY if it was while we were a colony. Are you saying that he thought patriotism stopped including dissent when we were no longer a colony? No. Dissent only became unpatriotic when George W. became president because I'm sure you had plenty of dissension when Clinton was president. Am I wrong?

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I am saying that you are twisting words for your own benefit.........it is nothing new for you.

I'm rubber. You're glue... blah, blah, blah... Can we actually discuss the topics now instead of me? Is this the new conservative approach? Keep the liberal busy defending himself instead of actually responding to the truth of the articles?

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Bottom line is Bush continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth. He says he wants to know the full 9/11 story, but continues to throw up roadblock after roadblock.

Is this the new conservative approach? Keep the liberal busy defending himself instead of actually responding to the truth of the articles?

You've figured it out. Gold star for you!!!

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Donut, you're about the last person on this board to be chastising others for ignoring "fact".

For instance?

How about the way you ignored fact after fact regarding the economic situations of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and G.W. Bush on our thread from a week ago? To continue to try and pin the downturn and subsequent recession on our current president was a blatant ignoring of fact.

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I am saying that you are twisting words for your own benefit.........it is nothing new for you.

I'm rubber. You're glue... blah, blah, blah... Can we actually discuss the topics now instead of me? Is this the new conservative approach? Keep the liberal busy defending himself instead of actually responding to the truth of the articles?

Just copying the far left's approach.............. ;)

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I am saying that you are twisting words for your own benefit.........it is nothing new for you.

I'm rubber. You're glue... blah, blah, blah... Can we actually discuss the topics now instead of me? Is this the new conservative approach? Keep the liberal busy defending himself instead of actually responding to the truth of the articles?

did someone piss on your donuts today?................I am sure that it is a vast right wing conspiracy. :lol:

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What you guys fail to mention is that if not for Bill Clinton's golf game being of the utmost importance to national security, there would have been no 9/11 at all. Why try to pin 9/11 and its associated conspiracies on Bush, who had been President for all of 9 months, rather than Bill Clinton, who had been President for EIGHT YEARS and had MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES to get Bin Laden prior to 9/11 and DIDN'T????????? Bush just got left holding the bag for the messy clean-up. You are saying that it was more Bush's problem than Clinton's? That Bush holds responsibility for the actions of the CIA, led by a man who is a CLINTON APPOINTEE? That dog don't hunt.

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