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We the voters of Newfane would like Town Meeting


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ARTICLE 29: We the voters of Newfane would like Town Meeting, March 2006, to consider the following resolution:

Whereas George W. Bush has:

1. Misled the nation about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction;

2. Misled the nation about ties between Iraq and Al Quaeda;

3. Used these falsehoods to lead our nation into war unsupported by international law;

4. Not told the truth about American policy with respect to the use of torture; and

5. Has directed the government to engage in domestic spying, in direct contravention of U.S. law.

Therefore, the voters of the town of Newfane ask that our representative to the U.S. House of Representatives file articles of impeachment to remove him from office.


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And we all know that Newfane, Vermont is the center of all decision making for the United States gov't. What happened to Oldfane?

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As posted on the ITAT board, this is nothing but a bunch of whiney, Blue State losers who literally have nothing better to do than sound like a bunch of bammers after a) getting whooped by Auburn again in November or b ) getting whooped by Auburn again in February.

Same song , different verse :roflol:

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Hey, guys. Conservative Republican here. What's more, I do a lot of work for defense suppliers. But...

...Refute one of their charges.

1) Nobody's found a WMD in Iraq. Period. Essentially, we decided to go to war, found a pretext, then only listened to whatever intelligence agreed with their own world view.

2) At best, the adventure in Iraq was tangentially linked to our legitimate War On Terror. Sure, Hussein fed money to the Intifada. But the links beyond that are very tenuous. Certainly no smoking gun as we knew existed in Afghanistan.

3) Did we concoct evidence? The jury is out on that one. I think the more accurate statement would be that we listened to the evidence that fitted our pre-formed view of Iraqi intentions.

4) Torture has become a legitimate intelligence gathering device. I have spoken to military officers who have said the same thing, and spoke from first-hand knowledge. Further, my father, who won two purple hearts and a silver star in Korea, was sickened when these charges were proved true. Even when things were at their most desperate in Korea, my father knew of no incidences of torture used in the American military.

5) Again, civil liberties have been truncated. All you have to do is go to the bank and open a checking account to see the effects of the Homeland Security. And while I don't have anything to hide, I certainly don't recognize the NSA's rights to listen in my phone conversation.

All that being said, I voted for Bush twice. However, I voted for Bush in 2004 only because there was not a credible opposing candidate. While there is honest, reasonable debate on how effective we are currently fighting the insurgency in Iraq, the fact remains that it was a war that probably should not have been fought in the first place. And our rush to war has created a far more difficult road than if we had not invaded Iraq.

Case in point? We had the weight of world opinion on our side when we invaded Afghanistan. There was no legitimate voice of dissent from any quarter, foreign or domestic, on whether the Taliban should be destroyed. And, like it or not, the fight against militant Islam will require the ongoing military, economic, and political cooperation of a host of countries. Yet, the Iraq invasion, done on the flimsiest of pretexts to settle an old score, squandered our credibility. After all, the day is going to come when we'll have to take legitimate military action against Iran. However, given how badly we botched matters on Iraq, how many willing participants will we round up then?

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