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Reagan firsts for those who have been


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------------------- Ronald Reagan's Record "Firsts" --------------------

First to serve as Governor on a "conservative" platform and increase spending by 112%.

First Governor to increase personal income taxes by 60%, increase the cigarette tax by 200%, and increase state tax collections by 152%.

First to have a popularity rating of only 35% after his first two years in office.

First to have had a shotgun wedding.

First president to have been divorced.

First to increase spending by 80%--in only 8 years.

First to spend more in eight years than was spent in prior 50 years.

First to cut taxes by 60% for his rich pals.

First to have increased the national debt faster than growth of national income.

First to "almost": triple the national debt.

First to increase the national debt faster than growth of GDP.

First to double the deficit.

First to turn America into a debtor nation.

First to set a record for the largest one day percentage decline in the DOW in history. 10-19-87.

First to have "real" interest rates of 8% after averaging 1% over 35 years.

First to keep prime interest rates at 20%.

First to have home loan interest rates as high as 16%.

First to allow the savings and loan industry to be raided after signing a deregulatory bill and proclaiming "I think we have hit the jackpot". Come and get it the vaults are unguarded.

First to send an autographed Bible to a man he called "The Satan of Terrorists".

First to have an admiral plead the Fifth Amendment.

First to have a stealing, lying, gutless wife abusing Marine LT. Colonel plead the Fifth Amendment.

First to have a sitting cabinet member indicted.

First to have an Assistant Secretary of State indicted.

First to have an Asistant Secretary of Defense sent to prison.

First to have over 100 members of an administration charged with crimes.

First to have more members of his administration charged with crimes than the cumulative total of all other presidents in the twentieth century.

First to testify "under oath" 130 times that "I don't remember".

First to have an Admiral with a photographic memory testify 128 times " I don't remember".

First to repeatedly falsify his wife's age, as though anyone cared.

First to promote his religious faith and while never having an active membership in any church.

First to never use the term Jesus Christ in speeches.

First to have unemployment at 10.8% since great depression.

First to attack a small unprotected nation with 88,000 inhabitants and 10,000 bb guns, and then proclaim "America stands tall again". "we have whipped the Vietnam Syndrome. We have defeated communism".

#1-in farm foreclosures.

#1-In bank failures.

#1-In Savings and Loan failures.

#1-In percent increase in personal bankruptcies.

#1-In having servicemen killed during peacetime.

#1-In largest drop in popularity in one week.

#1-In being first to honor Nazi Storm Troopers by calling them" Innocent Victims".

First to lie - over and over- to reporters "I do not dye my hair; my barber uses a special shampoo."

First to have a wife who "forced" him to wear three suits in one day.

First to boast "Not bad for a dumb guy who worked only 20 hours per week".

First to have his wife sit nearby and whisper answers to questions.

First to have his press secretary remove him from the microphone when he could not answer questions. (When the reporter shouted out "answer my question", the president replied "my handlers won't let me speak").

First to have a Special Assistant say on national TV "sometimes you had to hit him on the head with a 2 x 4 to get his attention".

#1-In needing a staff person standby during press conferences to tell the press "what he really meant".

#1-In recorded misstatements.

#1-In never having a single press conference in which he did not make incorrect statements.

First to invite the Pope to visit the White House and "bring the wife and kids".

First to fall asleep while the Pope spoke.

First 20th Century president to have historians rate him below every president of the 20th except for Richard Nixon. 1994 Poll.

First to have been openly alienated from his children.

First to suggest his eldest son undergo psychiatric examination.

First to have been voted in British polls (twice) as the "most feared leader in the world" sic em Rambo.

First to have his official biographer state on national TV: 'After he was shot in 1981, he got slower and slower each year. His speech got slower. He deliberated more and he hesitated more when he spoke. He lost his physical quickness and would not make decisions on the spot. It was a very, very slow and steady mental and physical decline".

First president to have the Geriatrics Department of a major university study his behavior and conclude that after three years in office he had Alzheimer's.

First to have over $10,000,000 increase in wealth from serving for 8 years as president.

If the Dimocrats are truly a "tax and spend" party, then the Repubics are truly a party that "borrows and spends". This places the burden on future generations of our kids. :thumbsdown:

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Forget your password again, Shug?

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No I didn't forget it and won't again! I still wonder why it suddenly didn't work though! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! If I s hould disappear again for no good reason, doubt it not! ;) Republicans are not tolerant of other views!!!!!!

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Boss, a bunch of what you just sited is from the Carter Years. This was called the Misery index and it was what got Reagan Elected in the First Place! :lol:

First to have "real" interest rates of 8% after averaging 1% over 35 years.

First to keep prime interest rates at 20%.

First to have home loan interest rates as high as 16%.

First to have unemployment at 10.8% since great depression.

Reagan, Carter, Clinton, nor either of the Bushs have spent a dime. The HOR spends all revenues of the US. And Yes our sucks at present but the Tip O'Neill HOR was just as bad. The National Debt is a crying shame. O'Neill and the Dems fought Reagan every day against a balanced budget.

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First to have unemployment at 10.8% since great depression.

Wow...you must love GWB then considering the current unemployment rate

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------------------- Ronald Reagan's Record "Firsts" --------------------

First to attack a small unprotected nation with 88,000 inhabitants and 10,000 bb guns, and then proclaim "America stands tall again".  "we have whipped the Vietnam Syndrome.  We have defeated communism".

If the Dimocrats are truly a "tax and spend" party, then the Repubics are truly a party that "borrows and spends". This places the burden on future generations of our kids. :thumbsdown:


First he did not defeat communism, it is alive and well. Just ask Cheney.

Secondly, Kons do spend money we don't have and Dems have to raise taxes to pay for the credit card spending of the Kons. The system works against the average American by devaluing their labor. It's a crazy system that must go down, and the sooner the better.

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No I didn't forget it and won't again! I still wonder why it suddenly didn't work though! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! If I s hould disappear again for no good reason, doubt it not! ;) Republicans are not tolerant of other views!!!!!!


Could you whine anymore about your stupid password? :roll:

Though he has not posted in a while (Military Service, I believe), Tiger AL is a moderator on this board and is a major liberal. TexasTiger is a liberal as well and has managed to post a number of times in the Politically Speaking forum. He has gotten into major disagreements with DKW who owns this board and is a conservative. Tex and TigerMike argue all the time and Tex hasn't had any password problems. Sure appears to be operator error to me.

BTW, if disagreeing with a viewpoint means being intolerant it doesn't appear that you, an appearant Dem, are tolerant of any one else's view on here except those that agree with you. And I believe McCain-Feingold is a bipartisan bill. ;)

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This thread is about as pointless as it gets. Most of this is simply ridiculous drivel, taken out of context or flat out bunk.

Reagan was our greatest President, certainly since WW2. He desreves far better than this sh*t.

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AUman, if your password is acting up it's either because you're too dense to work the site properly or a random brain fart by the site software. When there is disagreement over political views here, we don't resort to monkeying with passwords to keep you from posting. We're not scared of anything you have to say and people way more out there and far more adept at arguing their points have found no problem posting their wacko ideas here. Now, you may get a deluge of people willing to attack your view...but you won't be silenced just because you post things people don't agree with.

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TexasTiger is a liberal as well and has managed to post a number of times in the Politically Speaking forum.  He has gotten into major disagreements with DKW who owns this board and is a conservative.  Tex and TigerMike argue all the time and Tex hasn't had any password problems. 


For the record, I consider myself a moderate. I think this board is dominated by folks from the EXTREME FAR RIGHT of the Republican Party and any dissent is quickly labeled as librul. Also, I've had quite a few password problems. I can always log back in, though.

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Reagan was also first to beat the Iron Curtain.


I don't mind giving Reagan his due when it comes to the fall of European communism, but I do have a problem with some (Not necessarily you, DKW) who act as if he did it singlehandedly in just his 8 years in office.

The truth is, communism was doomed to collapse sooner or later because of its inherent economic flaws. It suffered from two fatal weaknesses: 1) it removed any incentive motives for the average worker who had no real personal investment in economic success or productivity, and 2) it never found a way to successfully root out the vice and corruption that was rampant within system. With these flaws, it's end was inevitable.

I think Communist China finally recognizes the first problem, which is why they are racing toward a free market economy as fast as they can. I don't know that they're doing much about the corruption problem, however. I'm also not sure if they realize that the key word in "free market economy" is "free" It can't work in unless the central government releases some of its restraints. However, freedom is much like water behind a dam: You can't allow a few leaks of freedom to get the economy going without the whole dam of totalitarianism eventually washing away in a flood of freedom.

Anyway, I think all involved in the West's forty-five year struggle of containing Soviet communism while it slowly choked on itself deserve credit for "winning the Cold War". I concede, however, that Reagan's policies hastened the end by luring the Soviets into a military spending race which yanked the remaining crutches out from under their already crippled, dying corpse of a system. [And of course, their failed Afghanistan adventure did its part in "yanking out the crutches" as well.]

I'm also happy the end came with surprizingly little violence--I didn't expect the Soviet empire to fall without some very violent deaththrows that could have easily dragged the whole planet down with it. For that, I think we should be grateful that relatively calm heads like Gorbashev (sp?) & Yeltsin were in charge during the collapse. More extreme leaders may have tried to hold its Warsaw Pact empire together through military force, or solve its economic problems through expansion/conquest that might have led to WWIII.

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For the record, I consider myself a moderate. I think this board is dominated by folks from the EXTREME FAR RIGHT of the Republican Party and any dissent is quickly labeled as librul. Also, I've had quite a few password problems. I can always log back in, though.

TT, it's funny that you consider yourself 'moderate'. It really is.

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For the record, I consider myself a moderate. I think this board is dominated by folks from the EXTREME FAR RIGHT of the Republican Party and any dissent is quickly labeled as librul. Also, I've had quite a few password problems. I can always log back in, though.

TT, it's funny that you consider yourself 'moderate'. It really is.


Do you consider yourself on the Extreme Far Right of the Republican party?

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Do you consider yourself on the Extreme Far Right of the Republican party?

I'm more of a Libertarian than Extreme Far Right of the Republican party. Some of them might even call me a Liberal, so where does that put you ?


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Do you consider yourself on the Extreme Far Right of the Republican party?

I'm more of a Libertarian than Extreme Far Right of the Republican party. Some of them might even call me a Liberal, so where does that put you ?



I support a balanced budget amendment, supported invading Aghanistan, generally libertarian on many issues, and I think there is a dearth of critical thinking amongst most Bush supporters. That last one frequently gets me called a "liberal" on this board.

Thirty years ago, I was a Republican leaning independent. My views haven't changed dramatically, but the Republican party certainly has.

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