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The Real Story

Updated September 12, 2006

Lessons from WWII

During his speech last night, President Bush called this war against extreme Islam, "the calling of our generation." But the media today instead decided to focus on how divided they say this country is about the war and, like I told you in the last story, who's to blame for 9/11.

Here's the thing...no American actually LIKES war, most of us don't even like a challenge. But the Real Story is that before you buy into all of the media spin about how divided this nation is, you need some historical perspective.

Before Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941, our country was adamantly opposed to war. That's not really a surprise - like I said, no generation ever wants to fight. The surprising part is that our grandparents didn't even RECOGNIZE the enormity of the threat before them.

In 1940, George Gallup did a series of polls about the war. In one of

them, he asked, "If it appears that Germany is DEFEATING England and France, should the United States declare war on Germany?" 77% said "no."

When he asked them why, the majority responded that "The United States learned its lesson in the last war," and, --unbelievably -- that "We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain." Nothing to gain by defeating Hitler! That was the attitude of this country less than two years before Pearl Harbor.

Later that year, Gallup polled people again, this time leaving out the part about England and France losing. He simply asked, "Do you think the United States should declare war on Germany?" Before I tell you the response, remember that this question was asked AFTER Germany had already invaded Norway, Holland, Belgium and France. So it wasn't like Germany only had the POTENTIAL to be a threat they already were.

Ready for this? 93% still said "no."

And that brings us back to today to the calling of OUR generation.

Polls now show that 79% of Americans see international terrorism as an "extremely important" threat and 86% say Islamic fundamentalism I s either a "critical or important" threat to our vital interests.

The good news is that we see the threats of our day far more clearly than our grandparents saw the threats of theirs. But the bad news is that it took Pearl Harbor for them to finally decide to act. So if 9/11 WASN'T our Pearl Harbor...if 9/11 didn't unite this country with common purpose as Pearl Harbor once did, then what will our Pearl Harbor need to be?

Spinning 9/11

Finally, today's headlines are all about how the President once again politicized 9/11 by giving a speech last night in which he tried to justify the war in Iraq. Senator Ted Kennedy even went so far to say that he "should be ashamed" of himself. And I've got to hand it to him...if you want to talk about shame, Ted Kennedy is certainly the authority.

But the Real Story is that by paying so much attention to the spin, we're all missing the substance. The President once again quoted Osama bin Laden last night as saying that this fight is part of World War Three and that Iraq is the most important front in the war.

You know, maybe the Real Story is that no one can own the truth...it doesn't belong to one person or one party; You can only borrow it and use it as a shield to protect our children from a future that the President described as, quote "a Middle East overrun by...radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons."

Have you ever thought that maybe the President simply takes terrorists at their word when they say their ultimate goal is to destroy us? Maybe he understands that these people make promises, not threats and that 9/11 was simply the first fulfillment of those promises.

Maybe it's time for the rest of us to start paying attention to the truth as well.

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The Real Story

Updated September 12, 2006

Lessons from WWII

During his speech last night, President Bush called this war against extreme Islam, "the calling of our generation." But the media today instead decided to focus on how divided they say this country is about the war and, like I told you in the last story, who's to blame for 9/11.

Here's the thing...no American actually LIKES war, most of us don't even like a challenge. But the Real Story is that before you buy into all of the media spin about how divided this nation is, you need some historical perspective.

Before Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941, our country was adamantly opposed to war. That's not really a surprise - like I said, no generation ever wants to fight. The surprising part is that our grandparents didn't even RECOGNIZE the enormity of the threat before them.

In 1940, George Gallup did a series of polls about the war. In one of

them, he asked, "If it appears that Germany is DEFEATING England and France, should the United States declare war on Germany?" 77% said "no."

When he asked them why, the majority responded that "The United States learned its lesson in the last war," and, --unbelievably -- that "We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain." Nothing to gain by defeating Hitler! That was the attitude of this country less than two years before Pearl Harbor.

Later that year, Gallup polled people again, this time leaving out the part about England and France losing. He simply asked, "Do you think the United States should declare war on Germany?" Before I tell you the response, remember that this question was asked AFTER Germany had already invaded Norway, Holland, Belgium and France. So it wasn't like Germany only had the POTENTIAL to be a threat they already were.

Ready for this? 93% still said "no."

And that brings us back to today to the calling of OUR generation.

Polls now show that 79% of Americans see international terrorism as an "extremely important" threat and 86% say Islamic fundamentalism I s either a "critical or important" threat to our vital interests.

The good news is that we see the threats of our day far more clearly than our grandparents saw the threats of theirs. But the bad news is that it took Pearl Harbor for them to finally decide to act. So if 9/11 WASN'T our Pearl Harbor...if 9/11 didn't unite this country with common purpose as Pearl Harbor once did, then what will our Pearl Harbor need to be?

Spinning 9/11

Finally, today's headlines are all about how the President once again politicized 9/11 by giving a speech last night in which he tried to justify the war in Iraq. Senator Ted Kennedy even went so far to say that he "should be ashamed" of himself. And I've got to hand it to him...if you want to talk about shame, Ted Kennedy is certainly the authority.

But the Real Story is that by paying so much attention to the spin, we're all missing the substance. The President once again quoted Osama bin Laden last night as saying that this fight is part of World War Three and that Iraq is the most important front in the war.

You know, maybe the Real Story is that no one can own the truth...it doesn't belong to one person or one party; You can only borrow it and use it as a shield to protect our children from a future that the President described as, quote "a Middle East overrun by...radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons."

Have you ever thought that maybe the President simply takes terrorists at their word when they say their ultimate goal is to destroy us? Maybe he understands that these people make promises, not threats and that 9/11 was simply the first fulfillment of those promises.

Maybe it's time for the rest of us to start paying attention to the truth as well.

If the war on terror is really a "struggle for civilization" itself, as President Bush claimed last night, why do we have just 130,000 troops in Iraq?

You would think that if America were really engaged in such an epic battle -- "for all the marbles," as one friend paraphrased it -- we would put up a bigger fight.


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Sooner or later we are going to have to go all in.

Whether America wants this war or not is irrelevant. The only real question is when will we realize that the War is coming and where are we going to fight it?

Still say, get out of Iraq and sell arms to everyone. The Shia, the Sunnis, and the Kurds and just let them get their bellies full of kiling each other.

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At this point, I believe Bush has made several critical mistakes.

1) The Iraq adventure. There were no WMDs and, quite frankly, there is no credible evidence that Saddam Hussein ever had any ties to Al Queda. In fact, it's coming to light that Saddam tried to warn the US through back channels of an imminent Al Queda strike prior to 9/11, but was dismissed.

2) An Insistence on Normalcy. If a country is at war, it needs to behave like a country at war. Bush, aside from a vague "it's going to be a long, hard struggle" line in his post 9/11 speech, never told the country that sacrifices would have to be made in terms of an expanded military and more vigilant law enforcement. If we learned anything from Winston Churchill, it's that the people can handle the truth, nobody how terrifying it may be.

3) Awful Management of Expectations. All you have to do is remember that "Mission Accomplished" sign on the aircraft carrier. I saw that at the time and thought, "Wait a minute. We're not close to being done." If Bush had simply said, "Yes, we've occupied Iraq. But we're not even close to being done. This will take years, and cost American lives long after the Saddam Hussein statues have been toppled," then the American people would have been far more prepared for a protracted insurgency.

4) Terrible communication with the American public. Roosevelt was the textbook communicator. At every juncture, he attempted to keep the American people abreast of what was happening in World War II. He told every American that they had duties to perform, just like American soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

5) The Katrina Debacle. Okay, you're wondering what this has to do with Iraq, right? Well, I believe Katrina looms large in our imagination on Iraq, chiefly because the government's response was so ineffectual. If we couldn't rescue, feed, and house the evacuees of New Orleans after a Class 3 hurricane (Especially after tens of billions of dollars had been poured into civil defense efforts), it's a natural assumption that our efforts in the Middle East are also being performed in a slipshod manner. It's not the truth, but when confronted with wholesale failure by the Bush administration in one arena, it becomes far easier to assume similar incompetence in others.

Now, on the other hand, let's give credit where credit is due.

1) We have not had another terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11. Part of it may be luck, part of it may be that Al Queda is just laying low, quietly planning their next attack. However, I will give Bush a major thumbs up on this.

2) The elimination of Libya and Pakistan as major threats. Pakistan, for what its worth, is far less likely to fall into the hands of radical Islam than it was in 2001 (Although that could stiill happen). Further, the Pakis and the Indians are well on the way to resolving their differences. Remember that in the late 90s, they were very close to all-out war in the Indian subcontinent. Libya has given up their WMDs and is cooperating with Western intelligence in an attempt to climb off the top of our sh*t list.

3) Increased democratization of the Middle East. It's not obvious yet, but we can already see signs of its blossoming. An election campaign in Yemen. Similar multi-party elections in the UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait. The slow but sure expulsiion of Syria from Lebanon. These are the result of steady diplomatic pressure on the part of the US and other western powers.

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I still believe the CIA, or some other government agency, and/or shadow government involvement in the 911 attacks. I will probably go to my grave believing this. That's why there hasn't been another attack, they control the strings. I believe the planes were remotely controlled because the pilots couldn't fly the damn things. The CIA within the Muslim Brotherhood produced the idea and encouraged or helped Muhamad with the planning of the attacks (Bin Laden provided the funds). The Pentagon was hit either a missile or smaller aircraft loaded with explosives, and until we see the unadultered video from all sources, my speculation will continue to be consistent. The truth will come out and some of the American public will be shocked. I, for one, will not be shock in the least bit.

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Man, the X Files had a profound effect on you.

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I still believe the CIA, or some other government agency, and/or shadow government involvement in the 911 attacks. I will probably go to my grave believing this. That's why there hasn't been another attack, they control the strings. I believe the planes were remotely controlled because the pilots couldn't fly the damn things. The CIA within the Muslim Brotherhood produced the idea and encouraged or helped Muhamad with the planning of the attacks (Bin Laden provided the funds). The Pentagon was hit either a missile or smaller aircraft loaded with explosives, and until we see the unadultered video from all sources, my speculation will continue to be consistent. The truth will come out and some of the American public will be shocked. I, for one, will not be shock in the least bit.

Khobar Towers? The African Embassies? USS Cole? WTC in 1993? Any of this ring a bell BF?

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I still believe the CIA, or some other government agency, and/or shadow government involvement in the 911 attacks. I will probably go to my grave believing this. That's why there hasn't been another attack, they control the strings. I believe the planes were remotely controlled because the pilots couldn't fly the damn things. The CIA within the Muslim Brotherhood produced the idea and encouraged or helped Muhamad with the planning of the attacks (Bin Laden provided the funds). The Pentagon was hit either a missile or smaller aircraft loaded with explosives, and until we see the unadultered video from all sources, my speculation will continue to be consistent. The truth will come out and some of the American public will be shocked. I, for one, will not be shock in the least bit.

Khobar Towers? The African Embassies? USS Cole? WTC in 1993? Any of this ring a bell BF?

Sure it does, and those radicals were and are still on the CIA's payroll. Remember us funding the Muslim Brotherhood in Afghanistan, well it didn't stop then. Maybe it would be easier for me to believe our government if they didn't lie so damn much.

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Where do you get your info?

BTW, the Muslim Brotherhood was prominent in Lebanon in the early '80's. Still there, just second fiddle to Hezbollah. The Mujahadeen were the fighters of the Soviets in Afghanistan.

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Where do you get your info?

BTW, the Muslim Brotherhood was prominent in Lebanon in the early '80's. Still there, just second fiddle to Hezbollah. The Mujahadeen were the fighters of the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Speech by John Loftus, former U.S. Deputy Attorney General


What I'm doing today is doing what I'm doing now: I'm educating a new generation in the CIA that the Muslim Brotherhood was a fascist organization that was hired by Western Intelligence that evolved over time into what we today know as al Qaeda.

Here's how the story began. In the 1920's there was a young Egyptian named al Bana. And al Bana formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Bana was a devout admirer of Adolph Hitler and wrote to him frequently. So persistent was he in his admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930's, al Bana and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence.

The Arab Nazis had much in common with the new Nazi doctrines. They hated Jews; they hated democracy; and they hated the Western culture. It became the official policy of the Third Reich to secretly develop the Muslim Brotherhood as the fifth Parliament, an army inside Egypt.

When war broke out, the Muslim Brotherhood promised in writing that they would rise up and help General Rommell and make sure that no English or American soldier was left alive in Cairo or Alexandria.

The Muslim Brotherhood began to expand in scope and influence during World War II. They even had a Palestinian section headed by the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, one of the great bigots of all time. Here, too, was a man - - The grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the Muslim Brotherhood representative for Palestine. These were undoubtedly Arab Nazis. The Grand Mufti, for example, went to Germany during the war and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis. They based it in Croatia and called it the “Handjar” Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler's new army of Arab fascists that would conquer the Arab peninsula from then on to Africa -- grand dreams.

At the end of World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood was wanted for war crimes. Their German intelligence handlers were captured in Cairo. The whole net was rolled up by the British Secret Service. Then a horrible thing happened.

Instead of prosecuting the Nazis - - the Muslim Brotherhood - - the British government hired them. They brought all the fugitive Nazi war criminals of Arab and Muslim descent into Egypt, and for three years they were trained on a special mission. The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948. Only a few people in the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab Armies and terrorist groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Britain was not alone. The French Intelligence service cooperated by releasing the Grand Mufti and smuggling him to Egypt, so all of the Arab Nazis came together. So, from 1945 to 1948, the British Secret Service protected every Arab Nazi they could, but they failed to quash the State of Israel.

What the British did then, they sold the Arab Nazis to the predecessor of what became the CIA. It may sound stupid; it may sound evil, but it did happen. The idea was that we were going to use the Arab Nazis in the Middle East as a counterweight to the Arab communists. Just as the Soviet Union was funding Arab communists, we would fund the Arab Nazis to fight against. And lots of secret classes took place. We kept the Muslim Brotherhood on our payroll.

But the Egyptians became nervous. Nasser ordered all of the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt or be imprisoned, and we would execute them all. During the 1950's, the CIA evacuated the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Arabia. Now when they arrived in Saudi Arabia, some of the leading lights of the Muslim Brotherhood like Azzam, became the teachers in the Madrasas, the religious schools. And there they combined the doctrines of Nazism with this weird Islamic cult, Wahhabiism.

Everyone thinks that Islam is this fanatical religion, but it is not. They think that Islam -- the Saudi version of Islam - -is typical, but it's not. The Wahhabi cult was condemned as a heresy more than 60 times by the Muslim nations. But when the Saudis got wealthy, they bought a lot of silence. This is a very harsh cult. The Wahhabiism was only practiced by two nations, the Taliban and Saudi Arabia. That's how extreme it is. It really has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a very peaceful and tolerant religion. It has always had good relationships with the Jews for the first thousand years of its existence.

For the Saudis, there was a ruler in charge of Saudi Arabia, and they were the new home of the Muslim Brotherhood, and fascism and extremism were mingled in these schools. And there was a young student who paid attention - - and Azzam's student was named Osama Bin Ladin. Osama Bin Ladin was taught by the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood who had emigrated to Saudi Arabia.

In 1979 the CIA decided to take the Arab Nazis out of cold storage. The Russians had invaded Afghanistan, so we told the Saudis that we would fund them if they would bring all of the Arab Nazis together and ship them off to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. We had to rename them. We couldn't call them the Muslim Brotherhood because that was too sensitive a name. Its Nazi cast was too known. So we called them the Maktab al Khidimat il Mujahideen, the MAK.

And the CIA lied to Congress and said they didn't know who was on the payroll in Afghanistan, except the Saudis. But it was not true. A small section CIA knew perfectly well that we had once again hired the Arab Nazis and that we were using them to fight our secret wars.

Azzam and his assistant, Osama Bin Ladin, rose to some prominence from 1979 to '89, and they won the war. They drove the Russians out of Afghanistan. Our CIA said, “We won, let's go home!” and we left this army of Arab fascists in the field of Afghanistan.

Saudis didn't want to come back. Saudis started paying bribes to Osama Bin Ladin and his followers to stay out of Saudi Arabia. Now the MAK split in half. Azzam was mysteriously assassinated apparently by Osama Bin Ladin himself. The radical group -- the most radical of the merge of the Arab fascists and religious extremists -- Osama called that al Qaeda. But to this day there are branches of the Muslim Brotherhood all through al Qaeda.

Osama Bin Ladin's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, came from the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the results of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

There are many flavors and branches, but they are all Muslim Brotherhoods. There is one in Israel. The organization you know as “Hammas” is actually a secret chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. When Israel assassinated Sheik Yassin a month ago, the Muslim Brotherhood published his obituary in a Cairo newspaper in Arabic and revealed that he was actually the secret leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza.

So the Muslim Brotherhood became this poison that spread throughout the Middle East and on 9/11, it began to spread around the world.

I know this sounds like some sort of a sick fantasy, but go to your computer and type in the words “Vanna,” V-a-n-n-a and the word “Nazi,” N-a-z-i, and you will see all of the articles come up. Those are all the pieces of information that the CIA was trying to hide from its employees. It did not want them to know the awful past. So, in 1984, when I was exposing European Nazis on the CIA payroll, at the same time they were trying to hide from Congress the fact that they had Arab Nazis back on the payroll to fight the Russians -- a stupid and corrupt program.

So, when Bob Baer studied his files, he was just stunned. A whole generation: the current CIA people know nothing about this. And believe me, the current generation CIA are good and decent Americans and I like them a lot. They're trying to do a good job, but part of their problem is their files have been shredded. All of these secrets have to come out.

So, of course, my clients in the intelligence community said, “Well, what are you doing?” They gave me an example. They said, “Here's how the Saudis finance these groups. The Saudis have established a group of charities on a street in Virginia. It's 555 Grove St., Herndon, Virginia.” So I said, “OK the Saudis are terrorists, so what?” These charities fund Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda. The Saudis are getting tax deductions for terrorism. They have set up front groups so all the terrorists groups in the U.S. and the front groups get the Saudi money as a charitable donation.

I said, “You're kidding me.” Nope. And they told me that right near where I lived in Tampa, Florida was one of the leading terrorists in the world. There were these two professors at the University of South Florida. One had just left -- and he was now in Syria -- and he was the world head of Islamic Jihad. His number two, the head of Islamic Jihad in the Western Hemisphere, was Dr. Sami al-Arian, who is still employed as a professor at the University of South Florida. You've got to be kidding. This can't be true.

Yes, these guys are raising money all across America and shipping it to Syria to go down to Palestine, the Palestinian areas, and hire suicide bombers to kill Jews. They sent me the videotapes. There was Professor al-Arian on stage and one of his friends gets up and says, “Now, who will give me $500 to kill a Jew? There are people standing by in Jerusalem who will go out in the street and stab a Jew with a knife, but we need $500.” And he said, “All of this money will go to the Islamic committee for Palestine.” And that is the front group in the United States for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

So I had all my friends in the FBI and CIA send in these files. I said, “Why haven't you prosecuted this guy? You've known about him since 1989.” “We'd love to. We've tried to prosecute him but we were told we couldn't touch him because he gets all of his money from the Saudis, and we are all under orders not to do anything to embarrass the Saudi government.”

I said, “I don't mind embarrassing them.” You know what I did? I donated money to the charity that was the terrorist fund, because under Florida law, that gave me the right to sue the charity to find out where my money was going. It was hilarious.

In early March, 2002, I drafted a long lawsuit exposing Professor Sami al-Arian, naming all the crimes he'd committed, all the bombings in Israel, the fundraising in America with terrorism. I mentioned how his money got to him from the Saudis and how the Saudis had convinced our government not to prosecute him for political reasons. Because of my high-level security clearances, everything I write is sort of classified material and has to be sent back to the government before publication, for censorship. So I sent my long lawsuit complaint to the CIA, and they loved it. They said, “Oh, great. We don't like the Saudis either. Go sue them.”

Three days later two FBI Agents showed up at my door, saying, “You know, there are only 21 people in the U.S. government that knew some of this information, and now you're 22. How did you find out?” I said, “I'm sorry, I can't tell you, attorney-client privilege.” That's why my clients pay me $1.00 each.

The day before I went to file the lawsuit, I got a frantic phone call from the United States Department of Justice. They said, “John, please don't file the lawsuit tomorrow. We really are going to raid these Saudi charities. We're going to close them down. Just give us more time.” “Oh yeah, you're going to raid them. That's what you told me in January - - and again in February, and now it's March. You want more time? I'll give you until 4:00 o'clock tomorrow. I'm filing my complaint at 10:00 a.m., so that at 4:00 p.m., I'm going to release the address of the Saudi charities. Back tomorrow. I filed my lawsuit at 10:00 o'clock, and told the press I was going to hold something back for a little bit.

At 10:15, the U.S. Government launched Operation Greenquest, a massive raid on all the Saudi charities in homes and businesses, and in one hour we shut down the entire Saudi money-laundering network in America.

From March 20, 2002 to the present, the government has found more and more evidence seized in those archives on that single raid that day. The evidence was so compelling that Professor al-Arian is no longer giving his speeches. He is now in federal prison awaiting trial. His accomplice, Hammoudeh, has also been indicted. Some 32 different people have been indicted in the United States as a direct result of these efforts.

But not the Saudis -- not the Saudis.

A month after I filed my lawsuit against al-Arian, I did it: I caused some trouble. I invited some 40 of the top trial lawyers in America to come down to St. Petersburg, Florida. Boy, did I have a deal for them. I wanted them to put up millions of dollars of their own money -- I'm poor, I had no money to give them -- but I wanted to do something for America.

These are lawyers like Ron Motley that had won billions of dollars in their lawsuits against the tobacco industry and the asbestos industry. I said, “What I want you to do is look at the evidence I've collected. It's the same Saudi banks and charities that funded Sami al-Arian that also funded al Qaeda.” I said, “I want you to bring a class action in Federal Court in Washington on behalf of everyone who died on Sept. 11th. I'm going to work for free and collect all the evidence, introduce you to the experts, provide all the exhibits and documents . . . and we have to do this for America.”

The lawyers studied all the documents I collected, and on August 15, 2002, they filed the largest class-action lawsuit in American history in the Federal District Court in Washington D.C., asking for one trillion dollars damages against the Saudis. The lawsuit said essentially that all these Saudi banks had one thing in common. They were bribing Osama bin Ladin 300 million dollars a year to stay out of Saudi Arabia and go blow up someone else.

Well, on 9/11, we found out we were someone else, and the Saudis had to pay for their negligence. So that lawsuit is coming along very well.

And more and more people in the CIA and FBI are sort of using me as a back channel to get our information. So, believe it or not, they've actually given me my own TV show now on Sunday mornings on FOX TV nationwide. I'm on at 11:20 eastern standard time. And ABC Radio has given me a national radio program, but I'm on at 10:30 at night and it's past your bedtime.

What I've become in my old age is a teacher. Twenty-five years ago I was a lot younger, a lot thinner, but now every day I get 500 to 1,000 e-mails from honest men and women around the world from the intelligence community.

And we have to end the evil in this world. We have to recognize that al Qaeda simply didn't spring up on its own. The evil route was Nazism. The al Qaeda Doctrine is the same as the Arab Nazis held. They hated Jews, they hate democracy, and they hate Westerners for Western culture. Al Qaeda is nothing more than the religious expression of Arab Fascism. We allowed this branch of the Nazi trunk to survive, to flourish, and it has come back to haunt us.

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BF, The CIA and NSA are watching you. They have been monitoring you on this website and all the others you visit. They know you are on to them and the next big attack orchastrated by them to get us into another war will be sure to take you out! I got this from a fairly reliable source. Watch out, man.


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I used to think Bottomfeeder was a screaming liberal. Now I just realize that he's a screaming paranoid.

Watch out, Bottom! They're coming to get you. If you see a Chevy Blazer with black tinted windshields, you better mash that accelerator and head for Mexico, or it's the re-education camp for you.

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Glenn Beck has done real well over on CNN. I caught bits and pieces of his show, and he's darn impressive. I use to listen to him when his radio show was carried here in ATL.

Well done! :thumbsup:

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Glenn Beck has done real well over on CNN. I caught bits and pieces of his show, and he's darn impressive. I use to listen to him when his radio show was carried here in ATL.

Well done! :thumbsup:

If you have XM Radio he is on 165 from 8-11 am CT. You can also stream his show live at: The Glenn Beck Program

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