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Roseanne Barr... what the?


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Actually, Raptor said this...

Fact is, very few things can be accomplished by both sides agreeing equally.

To which I responded...

Fact is Raptor, very few things go unaccomplished b/c both sides couldn't find a resolution. Those are just the ones that happen to be "hot button" and make great news stories.

Your statement proved me correct. "Hotbutton issues" like the border, healthcare, tax reform have not been solved because both sides have not come to a resolution. Just like our country, in Congress, the minority party has rights, and often its those rights that force a resolution of an issue to be somewhere in between. Do I wish the process would act quicker on some issues? Of course, but if your not patient with the political process, I have learned that the outcome can be a snap decision that doesn't work for anyone. If you define "Congress doing something" as solving issues as to how you would solve them or in the time frame you would solve them--- well, then there probably has never been a Congress that has accomplished anything.

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