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Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS)


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This was the funniest excerpt:

Now, I cannot testify to Howard Dean's sanity before this campaign, but five terms as governor by a man with no visible tics and no history of involuntary confinement is pretty good evidence of a normal mental status. When he avers, however, that ``the most interesting'' theory as to why the president is ``suppressing'' the 9/11 report is that Bush knew about 9/11 in advance, it's time to check on thorazine supplies. 

When Rep. Cynthia McKinney first broached this idea before the 2002 primary election, it was considered so nutty it helped make her former Rep. McKinney. Today the Democratic presidential front-runner professes agnosticism as to whether the president of the United States was tipped off about 9/11 by the Saudis, and it goes unnoticed. The virus is spreading.


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He knew.

:D:D:D:D:D:D ... oh, wait. Isn't this the jokes forum that woods started? Sorry - I just figured TigerAl's comment was in the wrong thread. :roll:

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Man, I wish we had a "I want some of whatever you were smoking" emoticon.

Bush is supposed to deal with in NINE MONTHS what Clinton didn't address in EIGHT YEARS???? If anything "comes out" one day, my money is on it being a scathing indictment of CLINTON for EIGHT YEARS of knowledge about OBL and his subsequent dereliction of duty in failing to address the problem on his own watch.

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There's something fishy about this whole 9/11 thing...I don't know exactly what it is, but Bush is definitely hiding something that he doesn't want the people to know, as evidenced by his stonewalling of the 9/11 Comission.

When he was told, on video, that the second tower was hit, why did he continue reading about goats with those kids in school? Why wasn't he or anyone else worried for his safety when his schedule that morning was public knowledge for two weeks prior, because the nation was under attack? Why, when the goat story was over did Bush hang out taking pictures instead of tending to the defense of the country? Why did it take an hour after the first tower was hit before NORAD authorized fighters to take off from Andrews AFB, only minutes from DC?

Questions abound, but Dubya has no interest in finding out the answers, contrary to his previous statements. I don't give a rat's ass whether you think I'm credible or not, that's not in the top 100 of my concerns. You'd better wonder about the credibility of the goofball in the White House before he fumbles the ball AGAIN.

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It'll come out. You wait.

Man, I didn't realize that you could actually see credibility leave someone's body.

Yep, it is all gone now. And to think of the hours I spent arguing with him, thinking actual logic would work...

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tigeral, exactly what do you believe bush knew?

"There's something fishy about this whole 9/11 thing...I don't know exactly what it is, but Bush is definitely hiding something that he doesn't want the people to know, as evidenced by his stonewalling of the 9/11 Comission. "

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tigeral, exactly what do you believe bush knew?

Apparently what tigeral has doesn't even qualify as circumstantial evidence. Yet he is confident enough to say " He knew " and "It'll come out. You'll see". :roll:

Whats sad is you get the feeling that many libs want this to be true. That is obviously why they are so willing to go out on a limb with no evidence whatsoever to back them up.

Let me ask you tigeral what would you have done in bush's exact same situation that you are questioning? Please spare no details. Also remember that one wrong move could send out the wrong message and send the country into a much worse panic and send signals of instability to other countries.

Also bush was obviously concerned about his safety or they wouldn't have taken the evasive rout around the country before returning to dc. I mean he could have jumped up out of the chair and knocked a bunch of kids and teachers out of his way as he made his way to safety I guess. I think he was trying to let everyone know that he wasn't panicking and everything would be ok. I am sure that he was confident that every possible measure was being taken to ensure his safety and he didn't need to interrupt his schedule at that moment.

I think he did an excellent job of handling an unprecedented situation. If a similar one arises I think he would do even better with this experience under his belt.

I do wonder why it took so long to scramble planes from andrews. I'm not ready to lay that blame on bush until there is a definite reason to do so.

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And if you think about it, JFK was killed in Dallas, in the very State that Bush was Governer. And Area 59 where they have UFOs is in New Mexico, RIGHT next door to Texas, the mystery deepens!!!

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You'd better wonder about the credibility of the goofball in the White House before he fumbles the ball AGAIN.

Like you worried about Clinton's credibility when the World Trade Center was bombed back in 1993? Or the Khobar Towers bombing in 1997? Or the USS Cole in 2000?

Geez. Seems to me the ball had been fumbled numerous times already if simply having a terrorist act occur while you're President qualifies.

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There's something fishy about this whole 9/11 thing...I don't know exactly what it is, but Bush is definitely hiding something that he doesn't want the people to know, as evidenced by his stonewalling of the 9/11 Comission.

When he was told, on video, that the second tower was hit, why did he continue reading about goats with those kids in school? Why wasn't he or anyone else worried for his safety when his schedule that morning was public knowledge for two weeks prior, because the nation was under attack? Why, when the goat story was over did Bush hang out taking pictures instead of tending to the defense of the country? Why did it take an hour after the first tower was hit before NORAD authorized fighters to take off from Andrews AFB, only minutes from DC?

Questions abound, but Dubya has no interest in finding out the answers, contrary to his previous statements. I don't give a rat's ass whether you think I'm credible or not, that's not in the top 100 of my concerns. You'd better wonder about the credibility of the goofball in the White House before he fumbles the ball AGAIN.

Bush is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt.

If he panics and runs out, that is overreacting.

If he acts calm, he is not concerned and therefore in on the deal.

Now they say he didnt react. Right after the atack everyone wondered where he was because he was busy trying to find out what to do and where to land.

The liberals have done a complete flip flop on this, not like that is anythnig new for them.

Bush's crime is the 2000 election.

The real crime was the Dems running a guy that could not even win his home state, TENN. Gore takes care of business, he wins TENN and is president. Instead, the people that know Al Gore-America's Most Famous Slumlord, vote against him in huge numbers.

That is why they hate Bush, the Dems screwed up a slam dunk election and they are mad at themselves and are taking it out on Bush.

They have not won a major election in the US since 2000.

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I remember right after 9-11, the democrats wanted to impeach for President Bush because, as president, he should have known about the attacks and taken action to prevent them. After all, Clinton would have (and he said so himself, Donut). As I recall, they made mention that (to paraphrase) "Bush was in over his head as president and his lack of experience led to success of the attack".

Now, comes the revelation from the muck-raking socialists that Bush had advance warning of the attacks. The grapes are getting really sour now. David said it best when he posted, "Bush is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't". He will never be able to please this small yet very rabid sect of the population due to the fact that he beat Gore. That is what it all boils down to.

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