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Bama Bobo Honker of the Day


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Hmmmm. That's surprising. Come to think of it... my neigbors lived in Homer, LA their whole life but are OU nuts. I guess this is just an example, huh?

You'd think they'd just flat out dominate being the only BCS school in the state.

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I love the fact that he's ticking them off. Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters? The movie, "The Waterboy" spoke the truth about good 'ol Luzeanna. Call me crazy, but I would rather my daughter live in the most raggedy whorehouse in Auburn or Knoxville than the finest "mansion" in the bayou. :puke:

You people's inability to see the forrest for the trees amazes me.

Do you seriously not realize that he will be saying the exact same stuff or worse about bammer when he leaves there?

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