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Bama Bobo Honker of the Day


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Paul Finebaum makes his first appearance in the daily Bama Bobo Honking parade. Finebaum, who will likely need knee replacement surgery by March due to the damage he's doing to his joints when he drops suddenly to the ground and may in addition require chiropractic treatment due to the stress on his neck from bending that gourd head backward in proper bobo-receptive fashion, has been eclipsed by other vigorous honkers despite his best efforts. Until today.

Today, Finebaum refused to play the clip of Saban bashing LSU fans claiming that it "could not be verified" and was "bad business". Whatever. He's merely lining up behind his new station which should have as it's signature: WJOX - Bobo Honking Radio.

While he clearly lost Bobo Honking privileges for merely acknowledging that the clip exists, he fell right back into position by doing his dead level best to insinuate that the recording is fraudulent.

Congratulations Paul. Way to honk it, buddy.

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Honestly, I think Paul is covering his ass. He wants to be able to get interviews with saban down the road. He hasnt been able to get a bama coach on his show since dubose left.

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Honestly, I think Paul is covering his ass. He wants to be able to get interviews with saban down the road. He hasnt been able to get a bama coach on his show since dubose left.

It's bobo honking at its finest. Sucking up to Saban by ignoring something that is out there and shows what kind of dirtbag Saban is to "cover his ass"? Bobo honking personified.

Now he's trying to stick Tuberville in it by associating him with using a racial slur toward blacks. Not saying that Tuberville did, but saying that he COULD make a tape that made it sound like he said it. Idiot.

If you've listened to that clip, no question it's Saban, BTW.

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Now he's trying to stick Tuberville in it by associating him with using a racial slur toward blacks. Not saying that Tuberville did, but saying that he COULD make a tape that made it sound like he said it. Idiot.

Wow, now that's a whole new level of favortism.

So Saban makes a racist remark and Slimebomb acts as if it's a made up conspiracy while simultaneously blaming Tuberville for the hypothetical situation he just made up in which he does the same thing???

That's worse than a woman starting an argument with you for something you did in her dream.

Any more details about what he said about this?

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This is from the same guy that would not hesitate to run a 17 yearold kid into the ground over and over again. Pathetic!

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This is from the same guy that would not hesitate to run a 17 yearold kid into the ground over and over again. Pathetic!

Yeah he's a tool.

Says Saban should get a pass for it. Even if it IS true, Saban was just telling a story. When he made fun of LSU fans as coonasses and ditch diggers it was just "funning".

Doing his best to throw dirt on it and act as if it's bogus.

The callers -- same roster of idiots -- are comparing Saban to Bryant and claiming that this "bogus" tape shows just how scared teams like USC are of Saban. Bigger idiots have never walked the face of the earth.

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…..besides the fact he’s not doing his journalistic duty in chasing the tape to see where it came from.

Then again, he’s really not a journalist, but more of a side show freak (all apologies to side show folk everywhere).


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I love the fact that he's ticking them off. Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters? The movie, "The Waterboy" spoke the truth about good 'ol Luzeanna. Call me crazy, but I would rather my daughter live in the most raggedy whorehouse in Auburn or Knoxville than the finest "mansion" in the bayou. :puke:

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I love the fact that he's ticking them off. Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters? The movie, "The Waterboy" spoke the truth about good 'ol Luzeanna. Call me crazy, but I would rather my daughter live in the most raggedy whorehouse in Auburn or Knoxville than the finest "mansion" in the bayou. :puke:

That is usually where you find the better looking female 'Bama alumni. B)

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I love the fact that he's ticking them off. Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters? The movie, "The Waterboy" spoke the truth about good 'ol Luzeanna. Call me crazy, but I would rather my daughter live in the most raggedy whorehouse in Auburn or Knoxville than the finest "mansion" in the bayou. :puke:

That is usually where you find the better looking female 'Bama alumni. B)

My house is not a whorehouse. I resent that statement. ;)

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I love the fact that he's ticking them off. Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters? The movie, "The Waterboy" spoke the truth about good 'ol Luzeanna. Call me crazy, but I would rather my daughter live in the most raggedy whorehouse in Auburn or Knoxville than the finest "mansion" in the bayou.


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Nah, not racist. Just an intense hate for all things associated with that "state."

Here's to the Corndogs going 0-12. Yes, I want you guys to beat them, too.

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What do residents of the 9th Ward have to do with the LSU football team? Nothing.

Stay classy, Alabama student.

What does Dale Earnhardt have to do with ours?

Oh, don't you worry about that.

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What do residents of the 9th Ward have to do with the LSU football team? Nothing.

Stay classy, Alabama student.

What does Dale Earnhardt have to do with ours?

Oh, don't you worry about that.

There's a terrible joke in there somewhere.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

What do residents of the 9th Ward have to do with the LSU football team? Nothing.

Stay classy, Alabama student.

What does Dale Earnhardt have to do with ours?

Oh, don't you worry about that.

Fans hanging on to past glory?

Your analogy is lacking. How did you score high enough on the ACT to get into the University?

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I used Earnhardt because my die-hard AU uncle is always using the phrase "3 Forever" to slam 'Bama fans by linking us up to NASCAR. I guess I should have clarified. And no, I don't like NASCAR.

As for my ACT score, that's a good question. How did I score high enough to receive scholarship funds, as well? Gee whiz.

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Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters?

Are you calling everyone from NO those names?

If so, I would love to strike up a nice old conversation about it to someone who went to Bama.

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Why should we be afraid of those redneck ditch diggers (not even touching on the magnificence of the lower 9th ward residents) and snake eaters?

Are you calling everyone from NO those names?

If so, I would love to strike up a nice old conversation about it to someone who went to Bama.

Of course not.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

You said you had issues with the state as a whole.

Can't put that toothpaste back in the tube.

It appears you and Saban are cut from the same cloth.

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You said you had issues with the state as a whole.

Can't put that toothpaste back in the tube.

It appears you and Saban are cut from the same cloth.

OK, I admit it. My hate for LSU gives me a bad taste of the entire state.

Go Louisiana. Go. Go. Go.

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Nothing makes me laugh more than ESPN talking about LSU is a becon of hope for the state or whatever other bullcrap they come up with implying that everyone actually roots for them....when 60% of the state doesn't even root for LSU.....and that 60% is based off of nothing but opinion.

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North Louisiana isn't LSU country whatsoever...anyone who tries saying it is kidding themselves. Never has been, Never will be.

SouthWest Louisiana has always been split with Texas schools people

SouthCentral and NO are the strongholds of LSU but even there I wouldn't even say they have anymore then 75% of the people supporting them.

So...I mean....you get a number from that....I am just guessing

Tulane fans, Texas schools, Ole Miss/Alabama/UGA and other schools have seen increases in Louisiana HS kids since 2001....

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