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Another "number one cause" of global warming


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PETA plans to make Al Gore squeal like a stuck hog.

(PETA) is laying the issue at Al Gore's feet -- and they accuse his movie of failing to address cause number one:

Norfolk, Va. -- This morning, PETA sent a letter to former vice president Al Gore explaining to him that the best way to fight global warming is to go vegetarian and offering to cook him faux "fried chicken" as an introduction to meat-free meals. In its letter, PETA points out that Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth--which starkly outlines the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming and just won the Academy Award for "Best Documentary"--has failed to address the fact that the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions.

Among other things the letter cites studies showing that switching to a vegan diet is more effective than switching to a Prius:

The effect that our meat addiction is having on the climate is truly staggering. In fact, in its recent report "Livestock's Long Shadow--Environmental Issues and Options," the United Nations determined that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.

· Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius.

I hope they hold Al Gore's feet to the fire on this one.

Clearing a Few Things Up for Al Gore


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Raising cattle (and other animals) for meat, processing and distribution as food is the number one cause.

Vegan is the alternative. That's why I hold Whole Foods Market Long.

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I am shocked. I never thought I would live to see the day PETA would ever criticize a real moonbat like AlGore.

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Raising cattle (and other animals) for meat, processing and distribution as food is the number one cause.

Vegan is the alternative. That's why I hold Whole Foods Market Long.

I went to the new Whole Foods in Mountain Brook on Friday to see what all the fuss was about. I had the kids in tow and picked up an onion, some tomatoes, and a bottle of wine. Nothing looked overpriced.

Until I got to the meat. $5.00/lb for ground beer. Not ground chuck. GROUND BEEF. Man, I left the cart in the middle of the aisle, and dragged my kids out of the store past all those pious-looking yuppies and drove straight to the Winn Dixie in Cahaba Heights.

Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

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Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

I have seen that show myself.

Speaking of the new Whole Foods in Mountain Brook, that place was packed all weekend. I didn't stop, but the couple of times I drove by the parking lot was packed with Hummers & SUV's.

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Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

I have seen that show myself.

Speaking of the new Whole Foods in Mountain Brook, that place was packed all weekend. I didn't stop, but the couple of times I drove by the parking lot was packed with Hummers & SUV's.

Well, the sushi bar looks pretty good. The wine is relatively cheap, but I didn't recognize any of the labels. The produce looked good, but nothing really superior to Publix.

Quite frankly, it looked like it was being overrun by SAHMs and the NPR Totebag Crowd.

Oh, and there were pious little signs everywhere proclaiming their ecologically-correct this and ecologically-correct that. By the time I read the 15th self-aggrandizing bit of propaganda, I wanted to recycle my lunch all over their recycled tile floor.

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Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

I have seen that show myself.

Is she hot?? Details, man!

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Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

I have seen that show myself.

Is she hot?? Details, man!

The one I saw looked better after the tiger paint was applied. :(

I didn't take pictures. ;) but here are a couple.

DISCLAIMER If these pictures are too much, please delete them. :thumbsup:



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You know what's funny? The very PRESENCE of animals causes more CO2 than all of humans travels and industry. So, PETA, we would actually be better off...from a global warming standpoint...if we killed ALL the animals.

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You know what's funny? The very PRESENCE of animals causes more CO2 than all of humans travels and industry. So, PETA, we would actually be better off...from a global warming standpoint...if we killed ALL the animals.

That's what I'm sayin. Kill'em and eat'em. MMMMMMMMMM.

Vegetarian - old indian word that means bad hunter.

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Vegetarian - old indian word that means bad hunter.


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Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

Please let us know when they come to town again, that would be a hoot!

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Oh, and PETA isn't run by a rational bunch of people. However, I do try to make it to Five Points South every time the circus is in town. Because that's when the naked PETA girl climbs into a cage to protest the circus.

Please let us know when they come to town again, that would be a hoot!

We could plan an AUNation, meet and greet. <_<

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