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It is, as it was....

DKW 86

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It is a film that leaves the viewer indicting not Jews and not Romans and not cynical bureaucrats. It leaves you indicting yourself: it leaves you wondering about what your part in that agonizing drama would have been back then, and what your part is today.

When all is said and done, that is all that matters "and what your part is today"!

That is what Christianity is all about, coming to the knowledge that the Crucifixion is about us as individuals.

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It is a film that leaves the viewer indicting not Jews and not Romans and not cynical bureaucrats. It leaves you indicting yourself: it leaves you wondering about what your part in that agonizing drama would have been back then, and what your part is today.

When all is said and done, that is all that matters "and what your part is today"!

That is what Christianity is all about, coming to the knowledge that the Crucifixion is about us as individuals.

Well said. Too bad that too many people, including some of "Christians" take for granted what Christ did and they forget that it is something personal and not religious. It was "religious" people that put Him on that cross.

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The film, which depicts the final 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life, is to be released on Ash Wednesday, February 25. It has already come under fire from some Jewish and Roman Catholic groups that are concerned it will fuel anti-Semitism.

One thing I have never understood is people who don't like Jews "because they killed Jesus." I suppose the fact that Jesus was a Jew never occured to them.

But I am sure those people are using that as an excuse to rationalize their actions & thoughts.

If you want to see a trailer on this movie, here is a link.



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