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LSU spring game


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Excuse me, but why are ya'll even bothering to compare 2006 rushing stats? Jamarcus Russell is about to get drafted No. 1, i.e. LSU did a lot of passing last year. We'll probably run it more next year, sure, but last season's stats just aren't all that informative.

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I have no trouble denying it at all. We've already had this conversation. Miles has -- with talent you LSU fans say is the best in the world -- done a good job at beating the North Texas States and Tulanes of the football universe. But in games where his team is challenged: Auburn, Florida, Tennesse, Georgia (you know, quality teams) his record is mediocre.

If, as you say, he's done exceptionally well why hasn't he been able to guide all that "talent" to a better record against legitimate teams? Guys, a pine-cone eating bear with a cross-eyed chipmunk as an assistant could have coached that team to ten wins a season given the paucity of quality competition on the schedule. And the bowls? Could any team get spoon fed like LSU has? Vandy would be 2-0 against the paper punks LSU was fortunate enough to draw in the bowl.

LSU's success (and by virtue Miles' reputation) is due to having more talent than most teams it played. In any game where Miles has been required to make a difference, LSU has struggled or lost. Give me equal talent and a neutral field and I'd take Fulmer, Richt, Tuberville, Johnson, Meyer and Spurrier for sure over Les 'is not more' Miles. I'd have to think about Nutt and Brooks. The only two coaches in the league I can say for sure I wouldn't take ahead of Miles are Orgeron and Croom.

I thought we had straightened this out but apparently not. You started all this by selectively analyzing Miles's record against Tubby, Meyer, Fulmer, Richt, and Nutt. Your research showed that, against those 5 coaches, Miles is 5-4. I'm not going to look up the stats b/c frankly it would take too long, but are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that any coach out there has a substantially better record against those guys than Miles does? You're fooling yourself if you think that's the case.

About the talent thing, it's not LSU fans running around saying our talent is head and shoulders better than anybody else. In fact, it's not. It's as good as anyone else's yes, but LSU is not in its own league talent-wise (you could really only make that argument for USC, much as I hate to admit it). In reality, its people like YOU that have created that belief. You can't admit that Miles might be a halfway decent coach so you have to conclude that he's coaching the most talented team in college football history.

It's a moronic argument anyway. If talent won all by itself - in the absence of good coaching - Miami would still be a powerhouse, USC would be about 55-0 right now, the list goes on. Just admit it - talent is a necessary piece of a much larger puzzle.

A couple of other things in your post are just flat wrong. "Paucity of competition on the schedule?" Are you serious? Did you look at LSU's schedule last season? Road games against Auburn, Florida, Tennessee, and Arkansas (all those "legitimate" teams you included in your statistical analysis). What about the year before? Did you forget that LSU played a "home" game against ASU on the road, right after the hurricane? Seriously, what on Earth are you talking about when you say LSU had an easy schedule?

"In any game where Miles has been required to make a difference, LSU has struggled or lost." First of all, please support this statement. Actually, never mind. It doesn't even make sense. How can you have a game in which the HEAD COACH is not "required to make a difference?" You blame it on Miles when he "struggles or loses" (important to add "struggles" in there since he's only lost 4 times) but you act like he's just out there playing in the grass when LSU wins.

So, at the end of the day, your standard for Les Miles being a good coach - not even a great one, just good - is that he must blow out everybody on the schedule. He can't "struggle or lose" to anybody, including Tuberville, Meyer, Fulmer, Richt, and Nutt.



Excellent post Gorilla and that's probably why you don't see anyone trying to take you to task on it.

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Excellent post Gorrilla. I've tried to tell them that you can't win in the SEC just off of talent (just ask Ron Zook :lol: ) Last year they were telling me with the talent we had, Tubby would've won the title DESPITE playing Auburn,UF,Arkansas, and Tennessee on the road. :roflol:

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NO, NO, NO, Southlink! Not one of Miles' players will EVER help LSU win. When Saban's players are gone, we're f*cked. :rolleyes: Saban is secretly training his former players and Miles players in the off-season.

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Geeze... even you know they are better than a 6-7 win season.

Yeah maybe 8 wins. I may be eating some crowdogs when this post gets thrown in my face next fall.

Living in Mobile is Hell, You have a Homer on every corner and Lots of LSU folks live down here too. You never seen any of them until their MNC a few years ago and now you cannot get rid of them. That is why I hope they Hit the Bottom of the west where they belong so I won't have to deal with them any more. I can handle the Homers 5 in a row shuts em up pretty fast.

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NO, NO, NO, Southlink! Not one of Miles' players will EVER help LSU win. When Saban's players are gone, we're f*cked.

Could be true in 1-2 more years

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NO, NO, NO, Southlink! Not one of Miles' players will EVER help LSU win. When Saban's players are gone, we're f*cked.

Could be true in 1-2 more years

I am going to compare Present day LSU with the Dallas Cowboys of the 1990's when Jimmy Johnson left Switzer won a tiltle of his players then they found out that he wasn't an NFL coach and they went back to mediocre. I am saying that Everyone is going to find out this year that Miles is a Dud and the past years of sucess was on the arm of Russell, and the Mind of Jimbo Fisher. Without them they will be a middle of the road Sec Team. Miles = Mike SHula.

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NO, NO, NO, Southlink! Not one of Miles' players will EVER help LSU win. When Saban's players are gone, we're f*cked.

Could be true in 1-2 more years

I am going to compare Present day LSU with the Dallas Cowboys of the 1990's when Jimmy Johnson left Switzer won a tiltle of his players then they found out that he wasn't an NFL coach and they went back to mediocre. I am saying that Everyone is going to find out this year that Miles is a Dud and the past years of sucess was on the arm of Russell, and the Mind of Jimbo Fisher. Without them they will be a middle of the road Sec Team. Miles = Mike SHula.

Yeah our whole 11-2 season was because of Russell and Fisher. Had absolutley nothing to do with the head coach or our defense.

So when Miles loses it's due to his coaching, yet when Miles wins, it has nothing to do with his coaching, its just talent?

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Yeah our whole 11-2 season was because of Russell and Fisher. Had absolutley nothing to do with the head coach or our defense.

So when Miles loses it's due to his coaching, yet when Miles wins, it has nothing to do with his coaching, its just talent?

Pretty Much! :lol:

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Excellent post Gorrilla. I've tried to tell them that you can't win in the SEC just off of talent (just ask Ron Zook :lol: ) Last year they were telling me with the talent we had, Tubby would've won the title DESPITE playing Auburn,UF,Arkansas, and Tennessee on the road. :roflol:

Maybe LSU should fire Miles and save millions! With all that vastly superior talent we have who needs a head coach. Our players just need to show up to win games. :roflol:

Any coach with LSU's talent should have gone 4-0 against AU, UF, TN and AR on the record. Whoever believes that doesn't know football and is really underestimating the SEC.

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I think you make a good point about the SEC titles, and if Miles hasn't gotten one after 4 years of coaching I'll be less than enamored. However it would be somewhat bammerish to demand one in his first two years.

I wasn't trying to imply that Tubberville's '99 situation was similiar talentwise to Miles' I was just pointing out that in nine years Tubbs has one SEC title. Does this make him a poor coach? I certainly don't think so. There is a huge luck component that goes into winning SEC and BCS championships in this day and age of parity in the SEC.

In short I think that, while I've been pleased so far with Miles, the jury is still out. Its too early to proclaim him a master coach, and it is also too early to claim that he is subpar.

I don't see the Aubbies pulling off the victory this year. And Brandon Cox may not make it to halftime this year. LSU by double digits.

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I think you make a good point about the SEC titles, and if Miles hasn't gotten one after 4 years of coaching I'll be less than enamored. However it would be somewhat bammerish to demand one in his first two years.

I wasn't trying to imply that Tubberville's '99 situation was similiar talentwise to Miles' I was just pointing out that in nine years Tubbs has one SEC title. Does this make him a poor coach? I certainly don't think so. There is a huge luck component that goes into winning SEC and BCS championships in this day and age of parity in the SEC.

In short I think that, while I've been pleased so far with Miles, the jury is still out. Its too early to proclaim him a master coach, and it is also too early to claim that he is subpar.

I don't see the Aubbies pulling off the victory this year. And Brandon Cox may not make it to halftime this year. LSU by double digits.

better tell the offense to score a td against us first before you start rambling about a double digit victory.....

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  • 1 month later...

I was wondering is there is any more energy is this dead horse, thought I would beat it one more time.

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NO, NO, NO, Southlink! Not one of Miles' players will EVER help LSU win. When Saban's players are gone, we're f*cked.

Could be true in 1-2 more years

I am going to compare Present day LSU with the Dallas Cowboys of the 1990's when Jimmy Johnson left Switzer won a tiltle of his players then they found out that he wasn't an NFL coach and they went back to mediocre. I am saying that Everyone is going to find out this year that Miles is a Dud and the past years of sucess was on the arm of Russell, and the Mind of Jimbo Fisher. Without them they will be a middle of the road Sec Team. Miles = Mike SHula.

Yeah our whole 11-2 season was because of Russell and Fisher. Had absolutley nothing to do with the head coach or our defense.

thats pretty much the deal, and i doubt you can convince an AU fan it can't happen. let me show you why.

CTT became AU's coach in 99. they hired al borges going into 04.

99: 5-6 overall 2-6 SEC

00: 9-4 overall 6-3 SEC (defeated by UF in SECCG)

01: 7-5 overall 5-3 SEC

02: 9-4 overall 5-3 SEC

03: 8-5 overall 5-3 SEC

enter CAB...

04: 13-0 SEC champs and beat VATECH in the sugar bowl

05: 9-3 overall 7-1 SEC

06: 11-2 overall 6-2 SEC

so if you're trying to say that JF and JR couldn't have been that huge of a factor in it, i think you're wrong. you can't tell me that CAB brought some magic fairy dust with him from the west coast and made everything right and that he had nothing to do with the past 3 seasons. CTT is a good coach.....he doesn't have to be the smartest, and he may not be i have no clue. but, as long as you surround yourself with smart people it will take care of yourself. thats the way it is anywhere. and afaik, jimbo fisher is pretty smart.

i won't draw conclusions just yet, because we havent seen even the first snap. but i will take a guess and say i think this might be a rough season for LSU.

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i go to auburn but am from the baton rouge area...so i went to the spring game with my friends. I was not very impressed. I know perriloux from one of my rival high schools and he just doesn't have the mindset. He had one good play that stuck out in my mind. The receivers dropped many many balls, however doucet looked very good. There *star* player holliday only had i think 2 touches and this is for a guy they said they were going to get a lot more touches this year (also had 3 or more drops)...he's too little i feel. The defense looked pretty passive. The most impressive thing to me was the o-line...the rb's were consistently picking up 4-5 yards per carry. This will be a great team no doubt...b/c it's only spring, however they do not look like a national championship top team. We always have our hands full in death valley, but this may be the year we win by more than 1-4 points

Yes you are correct. Auburn will distroy LSU.LSU has no talent.Les Miles can't coach or recruit.The whole team is depleated of talent.I doubt if the LSU Tigers will win 3 games.LSU has zero RBs no QB a very weak defense and even their Band sucks.I even heard that all of the officials who called the game last year at Auburn have said that LSU can not and will not win in Tiger Stadium, if they have anything to say about it.It is over LSU give up.Auburn and Tubbervile are the greatest team in the SEC,possibly in the entire country.

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i go to auburn but am from the baton rouge area...so i went to the spring game with my friends. I was not very impressed. I know perriloux from one of my rival high schools and he just doesn't have the mindset. He had one good play that stuck out in my mind. The receivers dropped many many balls, however doucet looked very good. There *star* player holliday only had i think 2 touches and this is for a guy they said they were going to get a lot more touches this year (also had 3 or more drops)...he's too little i feel. The defense looked pretty passive. The most impressive thing to me was the o-line...the rb's were consistently picking up 4-5 yards per carry. This will be a great team no doubt...b/c it's only spring, however they do not look like a national championship top team. We always have our hands full in death valley, but this may be the year we win by more than 1-4 points

Yes you are correct. Auburn will distroy LSU.LSU has no talent.Les Miles can't coach or recruit.The whole team is depleated of talent.I doubt if the LSU Tigers will win 3 games.LSU has zero RBs no QB a very weak defense and even their Band sucks.I even heard that all of the officials who called the game last year at Auburn have said that LSU can not and will not win in Tiger Stadium, if they have anything to say about it.It is over LSU give up.Auburn and Tubbervile are the greatest team in the SEC,possibly in the entire country.

If only you knew how ignorant you sound mocking that post. It looks like the only thing you got right in your yapping was the last sentence. class dismissed

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i go to auburn but am from the baton rouge area...so i went to the spring game with my friends. I was not very impressed. I know perriloux from one of my rival high schools and he just doesn't have the mindset. He had one good play that stuck out in my mind. The receivers dropped many many balls, however doucet looked very good. There *star* player holliday only had i think 2 touches and this is for a guy they said they were going to get a lot more touches this year (also had 3 or more drops)...he's too little i feel. The defense looked pretty passive. The most impressive thing to me was the o-line...the rb's were consistently picking up 4-5 yards per carry. This will be a great team no doubt...b/c it's only spring, however they do not look like a national championship top team. We always have our hands full in death valley, but this may be the year we win by more than 1-4 points

Yes you are correct. Auburn will distroy LSU.LSU has no talent.Les Miles can't coach or recruit.The whole team is depleated of talent.I doubt if the LSU Tigers will win 3 games.LSU has zero RBs no QB a very weak defense and even their Band sucks.I even heard that all of the officials who called the game last year at Auburn have said that LSU can not and will not win in Tiger Stadium, if they have anything to say about it.It is over LSU give up.Auburn and Tubbervile are the greatest team in the SEC,possibly in the entire country.

Yeah, that's about right. Except for the spelling of CTT's name. One B there Heat. One B!

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i go to auburn but am from the baton rouge area...so i went to the spring game with my friends. I was not very impressed. I know perriloux from one of my rival high schools and he just doesn't have the mindset. He had one good play that stuck out in my mind. The receivers dropped many many balls, however doucet looked very good. There *star* player holliday only had i think 2 touches and this is for a guy they said they were going to get a lot more touches this year (also had 3 or more drops)...he's too little i feel. The defense looked pretty passive. The most impressive thing to me was the o-line...the rb's were consistently picking up 4-5 yards per carry. This will be a great team no doubt...b/c it's only spring, however they do not look like a national championship top team. We always have our hands full in death valley, but this may be the year we win by more than 1-4 points

Just ask Arkansas how big he CAN be. lol

Can't believe you watched the spring game and didn't comment on Keiland Williams and/or Richard Murphy. Perriloux will have to wait another year and he should be ready by then but his HS numbers- though they are just that- say he has A LOT of upside.....time will tell.

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