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Judging level of mendacity is a very subjective matter. For discussion:

*this only covers known Bush lies by September 2003

The Mendacity Index

Which president told the biggest whoppers?

To come up with our Mendacity Index, we asked a nominating committee* of noted journalists and pundits to pick the most serious fibs, deceptions, and untruths spoken by each of the four most recent presidents. We selected the top six for each commander-in-chief, then presented the list to a panel of judges** with longtime experience in Washington. Panel members were instructed to rate each deception on a scale of 1 (least serious) to 5 (most serious). Then we averaged the scores for each deception and for each president. We believe their validity rests somewhere between the Periodic Table and the U.S. News & World Report college rankings.

Don't trust our experts? We invite you to take the survey yourself.

Click here to go view the average scores for each president's specific fibs:

Ronald Reagan . . . George H. W. Bush. . . Bill Clinton . . . George W. Bush

Ronald Reagan

Overall Mendacity Rating = 3.3

Killer Trees.

After opining in August 1980 that "trees cause more pollution than automobiles do," Reagan arrived at a campaign rally to find a tree decorated with this sign: "Chop me down before I kill again." Score = 1.8

Balance the Budget And Increase Defense Spending?

The Reagan administration introduced the 1981 Economic Recovery Act by claiming that it would cut taxes by 30 percent, increase defense spending by three-quarters of a trillion dollars, and achieve a balanced budget within three years. Budget director David Stockman admitted in November of 1981 that, "None of us really understands what's going on with all these numbers" and that supply-side economics "was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top rate." Score = 4.5

Guns of Brixton.

"In England, if a criminal carried a gun, even though he didn't use it, he was tried for first-degree murder and hung if he was found guilty," Ronald Reagan claimed in April 1982. When informed that the story was "just not true," White House spokesman Larry Speakes said, "Well, it's a good story, though. It made the point, didn't it?" Reagan repeated the story again on March 21, 1986 during an interview with The New York Times. Score = 2.4

The Liberator.

In November 1983, Reagan told visiting Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir that he had served as a photographer in a U.S. Army unit assigned to film Nazi death camps. He repeated the story to Simon Wiesenthal the following February. Reagan never visited or filmed a concentration camp; he spent World War II in Hollywood, making training films with the First Motion Picture Unit of the Army Air Corps. Score = 2.9

Arms for Hostages.

"We did not--repeat, did not--trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we," Reagan proclaimed in November 1986. Four months later, on March 4, 1987, Reagan admitted in a televised national address, "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not." Score = 4.6

Cadillac Queens.

Over a period of about five years, Reagan told the story of the "Chicago welfare queen" who had 80 names, 30 addresses, 12 Social Security cards, and collected benefits for "four nonexisting deceased husbands," bilking the government out of "over $150,000." The real welfare recipient to whom Reagan referred was actually convicted for using two different aliases to collect $8,000. Reagan continued to use his version of the story even after the press pointed out the actual facts of the case to him. Score = 3.9

George H. W. Bush

Overall Mendacity Rating = 3.2

Read My Lips.

In his speech to the Republican Convention on Aug. 18, 1988, Bush predicted that, if he was elected, "the Congress will push me to raise taxes, and I'll say no, and they'll push, and I'll say no, and they'll push again, and I'll say to them, 'Read my lips: no new taxes.'" In his budget for 1991, Bush raised the top income-tax rate and boosted levies on gasoline, tobacco, and booze. Score = 2.8

Drugs in Lafayette Park.

Addressing the country about the war on drugs on September 5, 1989, Bush held a plastic bag of crack cocaine before the television camera and said it had been "seized a few days ago in a park across the street from the White House." In order to obtain the prop, however, undercover DEA agents had lured a teenage drug dealer from southeast D.C. to Lafayette Park. The dealer's initial response to the request was, "Where the [expletive] is the White House?" Score = 2.8

SCUD Studs?

On March 14, 1990, President Bush bragged that Patriot missiles placed in Israel and Saudi Arabia had successfully intercepted "41 of 42" Iraqi SCUD missiles. "Thank God for the Patriot missile," Bush said. But an Israeli Defense Ministry study found that only 1 of 17 Patriot missiles fired in Israeli had actually hit a SCUD. Studies by an MIT physicist suggested that the hit rate from Patriot missile launchers in Saudi Arabia was not substantially better. Score = 3.3

The Best Man For The Job?

Upon nominating Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court of the United States, Bush told reporters, "The fact that he is black and a minority has nothing to do with this sense that he is the best qualified at this time. I kept my word to the American people and to the Senate by picking the best man for the job on the merits." Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel. Score = 3.4

Iran Contra.

In 1986, when asked whether he had participated in White House discussions about the Iran-Contra arms program as vice president, Bush claimed to have been "out of the loop." He specifically denied attending a January 1986 meeting at which Secretary of State George Schultz and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger opposed the arms-for-hostages deal. But White House logs, made public by independent counsel Kenneth Walsh in 1992, revealed that Bush had attended that meeting, and several others. In response, Bush claimed not to have heard Schultz's and Weinberger's objections, though Weinberger's journal entry for the meeting noted of the deal "VP favored." Score = 4.0

Bill Clinton, Taxaholic.

During the 1992 campaign, Bush repeatedly claimed that Bill Clinton had "raised taxes 128 times" as governor of Arkansas. The Wall Street Journal and the Congressional Research Service found that, to reach 128 increases Bush had counted as "raising taxes" such acts as lengthening the state's dog-racing season and simply counted many taxes twice. As governor, they concluded, Clinton had cut taxes about as many times as he'd raised them. Score = 3.1

Bill Clinton

Overall Mendacity Rating = 3.1


In a 1991 interview with The Washington Post, Clinton said: "The rule was there was no graduate deferment, but you got to finish the term you were in . . . I wound up just going through the lottery, and it was just a pure fluke that I was never called." But as both the Associated Press and The Wall Street Journal reported in 1992, Clinton received an induction notice before promising to join an ROTC program in 1969 and later wrote to a reserve colonel expressing thanks for "saving" him from the draft by letting him take the deferment even though he never in fact joined the ROTC. Score = 3.1

Sending Troops to Bosnia.

In 1995, after deciding to deploy U.S. troops to Bosnia--in violation of a 1993 pledge not to deploy troops without a clear exit strategy--Clinton pledged that they would not be sent "unless I was absolutely sure that the goals we set . . . are clear, realistic, and achievable in about a year." U.S. troops are still in Bosnia today. Score = 2.9

Remembering The Iowa Caucuses.

At the start of the 1996 election season, Clinton commented, "Since I was a little boy, I've heard about the Iowa caucuses." There were no Iowa caucuses when Clinton was a boy. They began in 1972, while Clinton was a graduate student at Oxford University. Score = 1.8

Black Church Burnings.

During a weekly Oval Office radio address on June 8th, 1996, Clinton told his audience that "I have vivid and painful memories of black churches being burned in my own state when I was a child." The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported the following day that there was no evidence available of a black church ever being burned down in Arkansas. Score = 2.8

That Woman.

During a press conference on Jan. 26, 1998, Clinton declared, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." But Clinton had, indeed, received oral sex from Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern at the time. Score = 4.1

Rwandan Inaction.

In March of 1998, Clinton traveled to Rwanda to apologize for U.S. inaction during the 1994 genocide, saying that he and others "did not fully appreciate the depth and the speed with which you were being engulfed by this unimaginable terror." But international press coverage, American intelligence, and reports from human rights organizations all indicated early on that hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Tutsis were the victims of systematic, state-sponsored killing. Just 11 days after the start of the killings, Secretary of State Warren Christopher had ordered U.N. ambassador Madeleine Albright to call for an immediate withdrawal of all U.N. troops from Rwanda. Score = 4.1

George W. Bush

Overall Mendacity Rating = 3.6

The Trifecta.

On many occasions during 2001 and 2002, President Bush talked about a campaign promise made in Chicago that he would only deficit spend "if there is a national emergency, if there is a recession, or if there's a war," sometimes adding, after 9/11, "Never did I dream we'd have a trifecta." Reporters pressed the Bush's communications staff to prove that Bush had actually made such a statement during the 2000 campaign, but the White House couldn't turn up any proof. Bush continued to insist he'd made the promise. Score = 2.9

Cutting AmeriCorps.

In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President Bush made AmeriCorps the centerpiece of his new, post-9/11 service agenda, promising to expand the program's roster by 50 percent in order that Americans might serve "goals larger than self." But in 2003, he signed legislation that cut the program's operating budget by 30 percent. This year, AmeriCorps has half as many members as it did in 2001. Score = 3.9

Going to War.

During a visit to West Virginia in January 2002, Bush joked, "I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war." During the Vietnam War, however, Bush served with the Air National Guard in Texas, and had specifically noted on his Air Force officers test that he did not wish to serve overseas. Score = 3.1

16 Words.

In making the case for a U.S. invasion of Iraq, President Bush stated in early 2003, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Yet the CIA had itself previously warned top White House officials and British intelligence that the reports of an Iraqi attempt to buy uranium from African countries were almost certainly untrue, and no nuclear program nor weapons of mass destruction have yet been found in Iraq. Score = 4.5

"Average" Tax Cuts.

Announcing his second big tax cut package in January 2003, Bush stated that "These tax reductions will bring real and immediate benefits to middle-income Americans. Ninety-two million Americans will keep an average of $1,083 more of their own money." But because the package was tilted heavily towards the very wealthy, the average tax cut for households in the middle quintile of the income spectrum was only $217, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. Score = 3.6

What WMDs?

In May 2003, President Bush stated, "We found the weapons of mass destruction." U.S. forces have yet to find any evidence of chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons in Iraq. Score = 3.8

*Nominating Committee: Tony Blankley, Sidney Blumenthal, James Carville, John Fund, Joe Conason, Jonah Goldberg, Hendrick Hertzberg, Haynes Johnson, Hamilton Jordan, Michael Kinsley, Victor Navasky, Bruce Reed, Wlady Pleszczynski, and David Tell


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Nice array of lies, distortions and exaggerations you have there.

Trees do cause pollution, as described by the Gov't regulations. The NAZI death camp photographer story is a fabrication that Libs love to tell. Reagan saw those secret photos while he was HERE, in the states, long before the rest of the world knew of the camps.

The lie about Clarence Thomas , " Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel", is misleading because that's how the ABA RATES qualifeid judges. There's nothing 'middling' about that endorsement what so ever. If Clinton did indeed raise taxes that many times, it didn't matter, technically, how many times he cut taxes. Dems today are going to raise taxes by not keep W's tax cuts perminant. Doing nothing can end up raising taxes, depending on how the laws are written.

W's 16 words were true then, and still are. Rating should be 0. Trying to figure out how much a family will keep from the new taxes isn't a simple task. "But because the package was tilted heavily towards the very wealthy...." , that seems to be the major problem for the socialist on the Left. What WMD's ? " U.S. forces have yet to find any evidence of chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons in Iraq. " That statement itself is a lie. We HAVE found WMDi in Iraq, including over 500 chem weapons shells.

This is the sort of work only Paul Finebaum could be proud of <_<

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The lie about Clarence Thomas , " Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel", is misleading because that's how the ABA RATES qualifeid judges. There's nothing 'middling' about that endorsement what so ever.

To hold on to the Pollyanna view that Republicans have never lied to you, it is essential to be grossly misinformed. The ABA ratings are "not qualified", "qualified", and "well-qualified." Thus, "qualified", is "middling" by definition. BTW, Alito, Roberts and Scalia were rated as "well-qualified" by the ABA when they were nominated, so don't go whining about the biased, liberal ABA.

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The lie about Clarence Thomas , " Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel", is misleading because that's how the ABA RATES qualifeid judges. There's nothing 'middling' about that endorsement what so ever.

To hold on to the Pollyanna view that Republicans have never lied to you, it is essential to be grossly misinformed. The ABA ratings are "not qualified", "qualified", and "well-qualified." Thus, "qualified", is "middling" by definition. BTW, Alito, Roberts and Scalia were rated as "well-qualified" by the ABA when they were nominated, so don't go whining about the biased, liberal ABA.

Where did I say that Republicans have NEVER lied ? And it was my understanding that there was no middle rating for judges at that level by the ABA, and that they were either qualified or not. Even if I'm wrong, that still doesn't make the Thomas issue a lie for President Bush.

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Just a follow up on the 'unbiased' nature of the A.B.A.

ABA Retains Little Objectivity in Nomination Process

By Sam Batkins

The nation’s largest lawyers’ organization, the American Bar Association, has played a prominent role in the confirmation of federal judges for more than a half century. Since 1952, the ABA’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has examined and rated the professional qualifications of potential federal judges before the U.S. Senate considers them for confirmation. A familiar scale is used to reflect the Committee’s judgments about each nominee’s qualifications: a nominee at the top of the legal profession should be rated "Well-Qualified," a nominee who is perfectly competent of performing the duties of a federal judge should be rated "Qualified," and a nominee who does not possess the necessary qualifications is to be rated "Not-Qualified," according to the ABA’s standards.

Regrettably, however, in recent years the ABA Standing Committee has allowed political considerations to influence its evaluations of the professional qualifications for far too many judicial nominees. Indeed, the Committee seems to have adopted a decidedly liberal and partisan posture when rating judicial nominees and assessing their legal qualifications for seats on the federal bench. Empirical evidence substantiates this claim, just as it supports the Bush Administration’s objection that there is far more to the ABA’s ratings than just the law and a nominee’s résumé.

The ABA Standing Committee’s liberal partisan bias has been hardly concealed. Of the 15 members of the Committee along with a Board Liaison, 10 have contributed to the Democratic Party or Democrats, including Senators Edward Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards. In fact, they have given a total of $38,440 to Democrats and liberal causes since 1989, according to the non-partisan website opensecrets.org. In addition, Standing Committee members and the Board Liaison have contributed to left-wing groups with political interests in the judicial confirmation process, including gifts to EMILY’S List. It is this overt political bias that has apparently influenced the Standing Committee’s ratings of judicial nominees for years.

Take, for example, President George W. Bush’s nomination of now-Judge Jeffrey Sutton to sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. The ABA rated Judge Sutton as "Qualified," but in making its evaluation, the Committee should have considered the following facts. [/b]

Judge Sutton graduated first in his class from Ohio State University College of Law and clerked for both Judge Thomas Meskill of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit and Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the U.S. Supreme Court. In practice, Judge Sutton argued 12 cases before the United States Supreme Court, was rated one of the top 45 lawyers under the age of 45 by American Lawyer magazine and was an Adjunct Professor of Law at Ohio State University College of Law. On their face, these facts seem to warrant a higher rating than that of simply "Qualified" for Judge Sutton. Even more so, when they are compared to the ABA’s "Well Qualified" rating of Clinton nominee Eric Clay. It is through such a comparison that the Committee’s partisan bias is amplified.

In 1997, President Clinton nominated Judge Clay to the same Court on which Judge Sutton was nominated and now serves — the 6th Circuit. But when compared to Judge Sutton’s resume, Judge Clay’s qualifications hardly merited the unanimous "Well-Qualified" rating that he received. Judge Clay clerked for a U.S. District Judge for one year and then worked in private practice until he was nominated by President Clinton. Clay never argued a case before the Supreme Court, and his list of legal accomplishments falls far short of Judge Sutton’s in other areas, as well. While there is no doubt that Judge Clay’s legal experience adequately prepared him to sit on the federal appellate bench, there is no reason why his credentials should have placed him in higher esteem in ABA ratings than Judge Sutton, one of the select group of lawyers to both clerk at and argue before the U.S. Supreme Court.

That Judges Scalia, Alito and Roberts received a ' Well-Qualified ' rating speaks more to their own qualifications and less to the imagined impartiality of the A.B.A.

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My mother in law hit me with the Bush lied BS one day so I asked her if Clinton was a good presidet. Why yes, says she. Well he wasn't says I so why are you are lying about Clinton. End of discussion.

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The lie about Clarence Thomas , " Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel", is misleading because that's how the ABA RATES qualifeid judges. There's nothing 'middling' about that endorsement what so ever.

To hold on to the Pollyanna view that Republicans have never lied to you, it is essential to be grossly misinformed. The ABA ratings are "not qualified", "qualified", and "well-qualified." Thus, "qualified", is "middling" by definition. BTW, Alito, Roberts and Scalia were rated as "well-qualified" by the ABA when they were nominated, so don't go whining about the biased, liberal ABA.

Where did I say that Republicans have NEVER lied ? And it was my understanding that there was no middle rating for judges at that level by the ABA, and that they were either qualified or not. Even if I'm wrong, that still doesn't make the Thomas issue a lie for President Bush.

So you believe this:

Upon nominating Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court of the United States, Bush told reporters, "The fact that he is black and a minority has nothing to do with this sense that he is the best qualified at this time. I kept my word to the American people and to the Senate by picking the best man for the job on the merits."
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My mother in law hit me with the Bush lied BS one day so I asked her if Clinton was a good presidet. Why yes, says she. Well he wasn't says I so why are you are lying about Clinton. End of discussion.

Those family dinner conversations must be scintillating.

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very subjective matter

That is right, saying that Clinton's whoppers were anywhere near as small as any other President would suggest a very subjective topic.

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very subjective matter

That is right, saying that Clinton's whoppers were anywhere near as small as any other President would suggest a very subjective topic.

You're right. Clinton lying about Gennifer Flowers is far more serious and grave than Reagan lying about negotiating with terrorists by trading arms to IRAN for hostages, thus supplying an enemy with arms and encouraging more hostage taking. Had a Dem President done that, you guys would still be talking about it daily.

"We did not--repeat, did not--trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we," Reagan proclaimed in November 1986. Four months later, on March 4, 1987, Reagan admitted in a televised national address, "A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not."
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And Clinton lying about being "the first black President" while 800K Rwandans died while he did exaclty nothing is alright by you huh?

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And Clinton lying about being "the first black President" while 800K Rwandans died while he did exaclty nothing is alright by you huh?

Got a link to that "quote"? Or are you just speading more lies as you call others liars?

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If he didnt believe it, he wouldnt have gone...

Tex, you bore me. We all know you are a Clinton sycophant. There is no need to prove it to us. We Conservatives can talk openly and honestly about being upset with Bush, etc. All you libs can do is put on the knee pads for Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Pelosi, et al.

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Texas Tiger wrote:

So, you believe this :

Upon nominating Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court of the United States, Bush told reporters, " The fact that he is black and a minority has nothing to do with this sense that he is the best qualified at this time. I kept my word to the American people and to the Senate by picking the best man for the job on the merits."

Yep. No doubt about it. Where's the lie ?

And let's not ever forget Bob ( don't confuse me with John ) Kerry's quote about then Prez Bill Clinton.. "(He's) an unusually GOOD liar. Unusually good ! "

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If he didnt believe it, he wouldnt have gone...

Tex, you bore me. We all know you are a Clinton sycophant. There is no need to prove it to us. We Conservatives can talk openly and honestly about being upset with Bush, etc. All you libs can do is put on the knee pads for Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Pelosi, et al.

Calling you on your blatant lies is hardly being a sycophant. You bore me with your pathological lying. You claim Clinton said something he didn't say. You are a liar. And you even lie when you call others liars!! You want to criticize Clinton for something real, go ahead. Want to say he lied about Gennifer and Monica? Go ahead. If that's what get's your panties in wad, go crazy. I've never said he didn't lie. But I don't think any objective review of the record will show he is any more decietful than most other politicians. Reagan told whoppers. The old geezer probably believe most of it. I think he had trouble telling fact from fiction, which is probably why Republicans admire him so much.

Just curious, can you even admit Bush lied?

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Texas Tiger wrote:

So, you believe this :

Upon nominating Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court of the United States, Bush told reporters, " The fact that he is black and a minority has nothing to do with this sense that he is the best qualified at this time. I kept my word to the American people and to the Senate by picking the best man for the job on the merits."

Yep. No doubt about it. Where's the lie ?

And let's not ever forget Bob ( don't confuse me with John ) Kerry's quote about then Prez Bill Clinton.. "(He's) an unusually GOOD liar. Unusually good ! "

You're a bad one, but it's not for lack of practice!!!! :moon:

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TexasTiger wrote:

Just curious, can you even admit Bush lied ?

Ok, let's review, shall we ?

George W. Bush

Overall Mendacity Rating = 3.6

The Trifecta.

On many occasions during 2001 and 2002, President Bush talked about a campaign promise made in Chicago that he would only deficit spend "if there is a national emergency, if there is a recession, or if there's a war," sometimes adding, after 9/11, "Never did I dream we'd have a trifecta." Reporters pressed the Bush's communications staff to prove that Bush had actually made such a statement during the 2000 campaign, but the White House couldn't turn up any proof. Bush continued to insist he'd made the promise. Score = 2.9

( Lame. )

Cutting AmeriCorps.

In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President Bush made AmeriCorps the centerpiece of his new, post-9/11 service agenda, promising to expand the program's roster by 50 percent in order that Americans might serve "goals larger than self." But in 2003, he signed legislation that cut the program's operating budget by 30 percent. This year, AmeriCorps has half as many members as it did in 2001. Score = 3.9

( What about in 2001 and 2002 ? Good thing he tried to cut spending SOMEWHERE. Again, lame. )

Going to War.

During a visit to West Virginia in January 2002, Bush joked, "I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war." During the Vietnam War, however, Bush served with the Air National Guard in Texas, and had specifically noted on his Air Force officers test that he did not wish to serve overseas. Score = 3.1

( That was before he had twins. Please, he's clearly kidding. Another ridiculous reach on the Bush basher's attempt. )

16 Words.

In making the case for a U.S. invasion of Iraq, President Bush stated in early 2003, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Yet the CIA had itself previously warned top White House officials and British intelligence that the reports of an Iraqi attempt to buy uranium from African countries were almost certainly untrue, and no nuclear program nor weapons of mass destruction have yet been found in Iraq. Score = 4.5

( Real score = 0. Those words were 100% true then and still are today. The British NEVER recanted their claims because there was nothing to recant. Iraq wasn't in Niger looking to buy decorative woven baskets. )

"Average" Tax Cuts.

Announcing his second big tax cut package in January 2003, Bush stated that "These tax reductions will bring real and immediate benefits to middle-income Americans. Ninety-two million Americans will keep an average of $1,083 more of their own money." But because the package was tilted heavily towards the very wealthy, the average tax cut for households in the middle quintile of the income spectrum was only $217, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. Score = 3.6

( More spin by the Left wing biased folks. )

What WMDs?

In May 2003, President Bush stated, "We found the weapons of mass destruction." U.S. forces have yet to find any evidence of chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons in Iraq. Score = 3.8

( WMD's were found. WMD materials that Saddam never did account for. Sorry, another '0' on the score card )

TexasTiger wrote :

You're a bad one (liar) , but it's not for lack of practice!!!!

So, in your fantasy world, when someone says something you don't like, or that you don't agree with, that makes them a 'liar' ? Seriously, where have I lied ?

Be specific.

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If he didnt believe it, he wouldnt have gone...

Tex, you bore me. We all know you are a Clinton sycophant. There is no need to prove it to us. We Conservatives can talk openly and honestly about being upset with Bush, etc. All you libs can do is put on the knee pads for Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Pelosi, et al.

Calling you on your blatant lies is hardly being a sycophant. You bore me with your pathological lying. You claim Clinton said something he didn't say. You are a liar. And you even lie when you call others liars!! You want to criticize Clinton for something real, go ahead. Want to say he lied about Gennifer and Monica? Go ahead. If that's what get's your panties in wad, go crazy. I've never said he didn't lie. But I don't think any objective review of the record will show he is any more decietful than most other politicians. Reagan told whoppers. The old geezer probably believe most of it. I think he had trouble telling fact from fiction, which is probably why Republicans admire him so much.

Just curious, can you even admit Bush lied?

Bob Kerrey be damned...

BTW, I admitted that Bush lied to the Conservatives about not being a Democrat. I admit that every politician is a liar on some level, so yes Bush is a liar and I have admitted it. I do not admit that he lied anymore than amy other politician. When you compare him to Clinton, hell he is a choir boy.

Tex, there are whole websites devoted to how big a liar Clinton is. Kerrey is quoted on almost everyone. He is a Dem telling everyone what a huge liar Clinton is.

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If he didnt believe it, he wouldnt have gone...

Tex, you bore me. We all know you are a Clinton sycophant. There is no need to prove it to us. We Conservatives can talk openly and honestly about being upset with Bush, etc. All you libs can do is put on the knee pads for Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Pelosi, et al.

Calling you on your blatant lies is hardly being a sycophant. You bore me with your pathological lying. You claim Clinton said something he didn't say. You are a liar. And you even lie when you call others liars!! You want to criticize Clinton for something real, go ahead. Want to say he lied about Gennifer and Monica? Go ahead. If that's what get's your panties in wad, go crazy. I've never said he didn't lie. But I don't think any objective review of the record will show he is any more decietful than most other politicians. Reagan told whoppers. The old geezer probably believe most of it. I think he had trouble telling fact from fiction, which is probably why Republicans admire him so much.

Just curious, can you even admit Bush lied?

Bob Kerrey be damned...

BTW, I admitted that Bush lied to the Conservatives about not being a Democrat. I admit that every politician is a liar on some level, so yes Bush is a liar and I have admitted it. I do not admit that he lied anymore than amy other politician. When you compare him to Clinton, hell he is a choir boy.

Tex, there are whole websites devoted to how big a liar Clinton is. Kerrey is quoted on almost everyone. He is a Dem telling everyone what a huge liar Clinton is.

Your proof that someone is a big liar is that other right wing wackos like yourself have dedicated their time to creating websites that include the erroneous info I called you own earlier. And, gasp! One of his sore loser opponents for the Dem nomimation once said he was a good liar! Reagan used to lie for a living, for Godsakes. No one has ever been more convincing than Reagan at spinning a good yarn. He becomes the character! And you guys worship him like a God!

You guys spent 80 million of or tax dollars fully examining every moment of Clinton's public career, including his 12 years as Governor and his term as Attorney General. All sorts of opportunity for corruption and yet there was nothing they could hang on him other than he lied about sex. He came to the WH with less money than I have. 2 years as Governor and he couldn't even figure out a way to make one million dollars with all those connections? So fine, he lied about sex. I doubt there are many politicians that could withtstand an 80 million dollar federal investigation and come out without a single indictable offense, other than lying about a BJ.

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If he didnt believe it, he wouldnt have gone...

Tex, you bore me. We all know you are a Clinton sycophant. There is no need to prove it to us. We Conservatives can talk openly and honestly about being upset with Bush, etc. All you libs can do is put on the knee pads for Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Pelosi, et al.

Calling you on your blatant lies is hardly being a sycophant. You bore me with your pathological lying. You claim Clinton said something he didn't say. You are a liar. And you even lie when you call others liars!! You want to criticize Clinton for something real, go ahead. Want to say he lied about Gennifer and Monica? Go ahead. If that's what get's your panties in wad, go crazy. I've never said he didn't lie. But I don't think any objective review of the record will show he is any more decietful than most other politicians. Reagan told whoppers. The old geezer probably believe most of it. I think he had trouble telling fact from fiction, which is probably why Republicans admire him so much.

Just curious, can you even admit Bush lied?

Bob Kerrey be damned...

BTW, I admitted that Bush lied to the Conservatives about not being a Democrat. I admit that every politician is a liar on some level, so yes Bush is a liar and I have admitted it. I do not admit that he lied anymore than amy other politician. When you compare him to Clinton, hell he is a choir boy.

Tex, there are whole websites devoted to how big a liar Clinton is. Kerrey is quoted on almost everyone. He is a Dem telling everyone what a huge liar Clinton is.

Your proof that someone is a big liar is that other right wing wackos like yourself have dedicated their time to creating websites that include the erroneous info I called you own earlier. And, gasp! One of his sore loser opponents for the Dem nomimation once said he was a good liar! Reagan used to lie for a living, for Godsakes. No one has ever been more convincing than Reagan at spinning a good yarn. He becomes the character! And you guys worship him like a God!

You guys spent 80 million of or tax dollars fully examining every moment of Clinton's public career, including his 12 years as Governor and his term as Attorney General. All sorts of opportunity for corruption and yet there was nothing they could hang on him other than he lied about sex. He came to the WH with less money than I have. 2 years as Governor and he couldn't even figure out a way to make one million dollars with all those connections? So fine, he lied about sex. I doubt there are many politicians that could withtstand an 80 million dollar federal investigation and come out without a single indictable offense, other than lying about a BJ.

Tex, just how many of his friends and colleagues went to jail? How many convictions were handed out? How many people ended up dead?

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Funny thing about TexasTiger.... not only do I debunk his silly , inane 'lying' thread, but when I ask him to show where I'm a 'bad' liar, he can't even come up with any examples. I have no reason to lie about politics, yet TT seems to think that if I have a different opinion than he, I'M the one lying. :blink:

I know, I know. It's best just to not treat most Libs seriously. Just :roflol: at them and carry on w/ the rest of the day.

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The lie about Clarence Thomas , " Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel", is misleading because that's how the ABA RATES qualifeid judges. There's nothing 'middling' about that endorsement what so ever.

To hold on to the Pollyanna view that Republicans have never lied to you, it is essential to be grossly misinformed. The ABA ratings are "not qualified", "qualified", and "well-qualified." Thus, "qualified", is "middling" by definition. BTW, Alito, Roberts and Scalia were rated as "well-qualified" by the ABA when they were nominated, so don't go whining about the biased, liberal ABA.

This is as far as I got. Once again you pull an illegitimate response from your arse. Raptor responded to specific lies and you come back with this crap. You are a buffoon.

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The lie about Clarence Thomas , " Thomas had served only one year as a judge and was given the middling endorsement of "qualified" by a divided American Bar Association panel", is misleading because that's how the ABA RATES qualifeid judges. There's nothing 'middling' about that endorsement what so ever.

To hold on to the Pollyanna view that Republicans have never lied to you, it is essential to be grossly misinformed. The ABA ratings are "not qualified", "qualified", and "well-qualified." Thus, "qualified", is "middling" by definition. BTW, Alito, Roberts and Scalia were rated as "well-qualified" by the ABA when they were nominated, so don't go whining about the biased, liberal ABA.

This is as far as I got. Once again you pull an illegitimate response from your arse. He responded to specific lies and you come back with this crap. You are a buffoon.

Now you got me confused. What specific lies and who's the buffoon? :blink:

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