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Top 10 reasons bammers hate CTT


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Maybe I'm just oblivious to the arrogant and ignorant masses that surround me. Recently, as the season has begun, I have let my guard down to hear all football related comments of any person speaking; I have noticed vile and vicious verbal attacks directed towards CTT's good name and honor.

I keep asking myself 'why?'. Has this hatred always been there, fuming and proliferating in the souls of the lost masses of UATers? My conclusion, it has. It began at least seven years ago. As Auburn has climbed to the top tier of the SEC, UAT has rapidly becoming the laughing stock of the SEC, if not the entire nation.

Now, they have busted the bank and are "letting it all ride on the next roll of the dice", "going for broke". Their sense of self worth has recently be revived and that little talking head they call Bama Pride has reappeared to be a blight on the college football world.

My Top 10 reasons UATers/bammers hate CTT

10) The 2000 season, CTT 'turns the ship around' at Auburn. In 1999, CTT's first season at Auburn, the Tigers finished 5-6. By December 2000, Auburn was in the SEC Championship game after thumping Bama in the Iron Bowl's return to Tuscaloosa. Bama would fire Mike Dubose after a 3-8 finish and other 'scandalous' things.

9).....pm me your contributions or post below, I'll update when I have time.

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9. CTT's players go to class and off the police blotters (usually). When they do show up on the blotters they get suspended which gets attention of the people involved. Bammer's get ice cream and punishment handled "internally". Bammer's know this makes them look bad and it drives them crazy that we still win with some of our better players sitting in the stands in street clothes.

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8. CTT loves interacting with the public and with alumni. It is not like another coach I could name that acts like it is taking medicine to speak to his fanbase. (Although I have to admit, I wouldn't like it either). CTT is also a good public speaker, standing in one place and not jumping all over the podium. He is poised, calm, and treats people like they want to be treated. $atan doesn't.

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7.) No matter what negative articles their alumni write for the papers that put Auburn in a negative light, Tuberville constantly rises above it and just continues building one of the best programs in college football today.

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6. They come from a presupposition that they are better than Auburn and any year now, they will regain 1970s-style dominance over us. Pair that with their illogical belief that CTT is a mediocre coach and you have a situation where every year that passes where they don't realize this dominance and he adds to the streak makes them seeth more and more because it's an affront to their entire worldview.

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4. Because $4 mil can't buy class and integrity.

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And the number one reason Bama fans hate TT?

1) A spirit that is not afraid. Tuberville is not afraid of Bama. He shows it no real deference. He understands the rivalry, recognizes its importance to the fans and realizes how critical restoring the balance is but he's never been afraid of them.

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Reminds me of the conversation Dye had with Bryant at midfield before the 1981 Iron Bowl. After letting Bryant know they'd better buckle up because we were "about to get after your ass," Bryant replied, "What are you trying to do, boy? Scare me?"

Dye's reply: "I'm not tryin' to scare you Coach. I'm just lettin' you know we're not scared of you anymore."

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