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Our guys played a great game tonight, and lost. It pisses me off. The refs missed some calls, both ways. We dropped some passes and had some screw ups. They dropped some passes and gave us at least two monumental breaks. Our staff missed some calls, but if that last play doesn't work, we would have never noticed the missed calls and Les Miles would have been crucified for being enough of a fool to fill his ten gallon hat. There. I hope you're happy.

That said, grow up. No one outside of Auburn thought we would beat Florida. We did. Vegas picked Arky. We won. The smart money tonight was on LSU. We almost proved the money wrong. Nine of the last eleven top ten teams we played, we beat. (Or is it ten of twelve? Either way...) The team did some things to hurt its chances, and the staff made some mistakes, but we were still there to the end. If it weren't for the job CTT and his staff did tonight, we would not have been there at the end to lose it, and the close calls would not have mattered enough to be worth bitching about. CTT has done an incredible job knocking off top teams, and has earned a pass for one less than stellar night. Remember, that team that won tonight is a very strong NC contender, and CTT and his staff took a team that is more than half freshmen and soph's, and ran that NC contender to its ragged edge. Tell me another coach you think could take a bunch of youngbloods and beat up Florida and LSU for 119 minutes and 58 seconds.

I can't stand when other teams blame the refs, the bounces, and the alignment of the planets for a close loss to Auburn, and I'm not going to sit here and let us do the same when we lose a close one. We lost. Grow a pair, be proud of the fight our guys had in them, and give LSU credit for a hard fought and damn well deserved win. When we lay an egg like Tennessee did today, then we can bitch.

Oh, and for those complaining about the lack of creativity: My high school coach used to say that trick plays are only used on two occasions; one is when the other team is too stupid and poorly coached to recognize them and stop them, and the second is when the other team is just better than you and you are admitting that you aren't physically capable of sacking up and going toe to toe with them. Neither strikes me as being relevant to our game tonight. Personally, I am glad we were at the point we were without having to run a bunch of double reverse whoopty-doos.

War Eagle, and when the sun comes up tomorrow, we will all still be Auburn Tigers and proud of it.


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After a terrible night's tossing and turning, I am glad to read this and be able to say "Well said".



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Damn Right!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed!!!! It is rare that one play determines a game. Unless we experienced a Missouri 5th down situation it is rare that one call determines a game. There are too many plays for one call to determine. You make your luck and LSU made more big plays than we did. We hung and played well and we still have 4 games left on our schedule. Let's go out and win and get some positive momentum for next year. Oh and I would like to see Kodi Burns play in some more critical situations to get him ready for next week. I see us making a title run in 2009. Call me crazy but we should be very good. WDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Agreed, everyone needs to stop whining. I think the #1 problem is that we [fans] don't know how to lose when we play well and don't have the bounces go our way. In the past 4 years, we've lost because we didn't show up and/or basially played like crap. Its easy to bitch and moan about it then. Hold your heads up. This was in no way embarassing and there is no room to question the coaching.

We played a solid game. Lets just win out take our 10-3 record, and be ready to contend for a national championship the next 3 years

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We played well, I'm sure proud of the fight in this team. LSU is just a better team than Auburn. Their offensive line and QB made all the difference. We played poorly in the 3rd quarter and let them get back in the game. Was hacked off at the calls, the spot, etc., but it's really hard to feel bad about this game. WDE and let's win out.....

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Now that was a great post, when you cry like a bunch of bammers, Just means you can dish out but can't take it. for those who think ctt lost that game, get a life, thay would have lost bigger without him trust me.

LSU was geting beat, it took them till the last play to beat us. Lsu is the best team in the country,

they will kill bama in two weeks


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Well Said.

I'd rather have a win, but I'll take a hard fought loss any day rather than a give-up.


Lets win out. From what i've seen, we have the talent to do it.

Now someone sell me some Bama tickets please! B)

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