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Republicans forced to turn to their nemesis: John McCain


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On the two biggest issues we face: Iraq and the Economy, his policies are a mirror image of Bush's the last 8 years. So yes, a third term is an accurate portrayal.

how big of a federal budget do you want? we currently have a $2.9 trillion federal budget. When and if, we leave Iraq, that will free up a great deal of funds. So would a $2.9 trillion federal budget...heck, you know what, i'll go ahead and bump it to $3 trillion.

Will a $3 trillion federal budget be big enough for Democrats?

Iraq war funds aren't in the Federal Budget. It's funded with supplementals. It was supposed to be funded with oil from Iraq.

at the 1:05 mark Obama starts talking of how the war funding could have been spent on various things including debt. So does Obama not know that Iraq war is funded with supplementals?

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Actually, the Iraq war is funded by the credit card Bush got from the Chinese...but that's a whole other can of worms...

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Actually, the Iraq war is funded by the credit card Bush got from the Chinese...but that's a whole other can of worms

Go ahead and open as many can of worms as you want. Blame bush all you want to. In fact, let's send Bush to Guantanamo Bay. Let's go ahead and impeachment Bush and Cheney. Let's go ahead and write editorial after editorial about Bush not finding his veto pen until after the 06 congressional hearings. Let's talk about bridges to nowhere. Let's talk about continuous deficit spending. Let's talk about those low, low approval ratings. Let's talk about McSame and a Bush 3rd term. Let's talk about those budget surpluses under Clinton. Oh... I'm sorry, it still won't pay down any of the current debt.

The debt is very high. I don't expect it to be paid off in a year. How will our National Debt be paid down and/or paid off?

Im hearing about a Pay As You Go type plan, but not sure how this can be pulled off to pay for all of the proposed government expansion and pay down the debt too.

Obama wants to raise (rollback) the Bush tax cuts on the top income earners. To pay down some of the national debt?

No. The tax revenue will go to pay Universal Healthcare.

Obama wants to raise the cap on Social Security. To pay down some of the nationa debt?

No. Of course not. The tax revenue is meant to make Social Security more solvent.

Obama wants to raise the 15% capital gains tax rate. To pay down some of the national debt?


In the speech, Obama called for a windfall profits tax on oil companies, with the money used to help consumers pay utility bills. He also said middle-class tax breaks he's proposed would help families with energy costs.

Obama wants a windfall profits tax on oil companies. To pay down some of the national debt?



The Senate action sent the bill back to the House, which last week endorsed the help for veterans and the unemployed, but kept its version clean of most other domestic programs. The House also included a one-half of a percentage point income tax surcharge on wealthier people to pay for the expanded GI bill.

The bi-partisan GI Bill included a one-half of a percentage point income tax surcharge on wealthier people to pay for the expanded GI bill


can only find limited info on this measure. so this is the only issue that's iffy:

In a column posted on the AIM web site, Kincaid noted that Senator Joe Biden,

chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was trying to rush Obama's

"Global Poverty Act" (S. 2433) through his committee without hearings. The

legislation would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national

product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845

billion over and above what the U.S. already spends. It was scheduled for a

Thursday vote but was moved up a day, to Wednesday, and rushed through by

voice vote. Kincaid learned, however, that conservative Senators have now put

a "hold" on the legislation, in order to prevent it from being rushed to the

floor for a full Senate vote.

So all of this talk about tax increases, yet nothing to pay down our National Debt.

And I'll ask again, when and if Universal Healthcare is passed won't it undermine the need for The Prescription Drug Act? The annual funds for the Drug Act could be used to least show some accountability towards paying on our debt?

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I'm confused now...

Are we talking about how we are going to pay down the national debt?

How we are going to make SS solvent?

How we are going to address the healthcare crisis?

How we are going to fund military operations?

The capital gains tax?

Or all of the above?

As for Pay-Go, it stops the bleeding...or keeps us from digging, if you will. Ultimately, to pay down debt you have to have more than you bring in. So either find new revenue streams or start cutting programs/current initiatives, etc. Budget 101.

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What's Obama looking to cut? He's looking to expand.

I mention all of the tax increases because none of them address our debt. All of the tax increases go towards making goverment bigger.

If we say Iraq War Funds can be used to pay down debt, how can we use that same Chinese credit card to pay down the debt?

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