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Obama/Clinton Ticket...

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This is beginning to make the rounds win in the press. Personally, even though it's hard for me to be objective about this, I think it's a really, really awful idea for Obama.

Here the man just basically has led a successful insurgency, a coup against the Clinton's for the Democratic Party, basically painting the Clintons as part of the problem, not the solution. Clinton has effectively demonstrated her hamhandedness and ruthlessness, thereby blowing the huge advantage she had when the campaign opened. So now, he would turn around and make Hillary his running mate? Huh?

Personally, Obama has about a 45% chance of winning the presidency, in my humble opinion. Putting Hillary on the ticket would drop that number like a paralyzed falcon, chiefly because she's such a polarizing figure. Seriously, very few people like the idea of the Clintons stalking the White House again, even if Hillary is the putative #2. The political intriguing would begin about five nanoseconds after Obama took the oath of office.

So why on earth are people bandying this about? It makes zero sense to me whatsoever.

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It's a way for Obama to appeal to older voters and the white, working class he's doing so poorly with.

I don't think it will happen, but I'm not ruling it out. Power is a terrible thing to pass up for a Clinton.

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I don't see it happening. The primary has been too abrasive.

So why on earth are people bandying this about?

Which people?

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She isn't needed.

He's doing as well among whites as Kerry did, but will find bigger margins of victory among all other groups. She would be the ultimate drag on the ticket and party.

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It's a way for Obama to appeal to older voters and the white, working class he's doing so poorly with.

I don't think it will happen, but I'm not ruling it out. Power is a terrible thing to pass up for a Clinton.

Is that even possible for the Clinton Machine? If this happens I would be shocked. I figure deep down the two hate one another. Could be wrong, but I don't picture the two having BBQ's and watching ball games together.

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It's a way for Obama to appeal to older voters and the white, working class he's doing so poorly with.

I don't think it will happen, but I'm not ruling it out. Power is a terrible thing to pass up for a Clinton.

Is that even possible for the Clinton Machine? If this happens I would be shocked. I figure deep down the two hate one another. Could be wrong, but I don't picture the two having BBQ's and watching ball games together.

I don't picture George Bush stomping around in Georgia boots and kissing babies when the camera isn't in his face, either.

Yet, I don't know him...

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