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Israel confirms talks with Syria


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Wait, no bombs?

That just ain't American enough for me. Call me when the blood letting begins.

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The question was clear: I would like to hear your reasoning as to how the president meeting with a leader differs in effect from the secretary of state meeting with one on behalf of the president.

Look, you are side-stepping the intent of my original post, that this is not any different from the Bush foreign policy. Sorry if I lead us in the wrong direction with my additional personal beliefs.

But to answer your question with an example, there is a reason why your boss meets with certain clients, and sends others under him to meet with the rest. Plain and simple, it's perception. Not to mention a set foreign policy.

I don't think it would stretch to say that the perception of America's foreign policy abroad is exactly stellar at the moment. Actually, it's not too hot on the homefront either. I understand your example of a boss in a business situation. I suppose what it comes down to is, I believe that we need to give Iran attention. It doesn't mean we are helping the radicals in their government, it doesn't mean we're recognizing anyone in their government as a good leader, or in the case of Ahmadinejad, a leader at all. It just means (or it should, at least) that we are interested in resolving conflict. Because military threat, force, or a "talk to the hand" policy is not going to work - it isn't, and it won't.

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