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"You're on your own".


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He, and our wonderful government will provide for you. Who's gonna pay for all this "assistance?"


Barack Obama gave a speech yesterday(NK) where he laid out his housing plan. In his speech he actually said that he does not accept an American where Washington's only message to working people is that "you're on your own."

Now what does this really mean? It means that when it comes to the nanny government, you never get pushed out of the nest. You never have to fly on your own. You never have to fend for yourself or look to your family and friends for help. Nope ... not in an ObamaNation. An ObamaNation means that you have the privilege of being born into a wonderful womb to tomb, cradle to grave nanny state where you always have the government to depend on.

Translation: When the going gets rough, you always have a friendly caretaker government that will take money away from someone who has made better choices and worked harder than you, and give you that money to pave the way. How nice.

Obama wants to "reaffirm that fundamental American belief" that we are all in this together. Gee, I don't remember that fundamental belief being touted by our Founding Fathers. I thought their messages rang more to the tune of individual freedom and liberty. I thought the American Dream was allowing everyone, no matter where they came from, the chance to achieve personal success and be whatever you could work to achieve. But somehow along the way, we have ended up with Barack Obama's version of the American Dream: a collective society that is controlled by the government.

Don't these phrases sound familiar? Think about it. Barack Obama does not want you to be self-sufficient. He wants you to rely on the government for everything, including housing, which was the point of the speech he made yesterday. Liberals like Obama detest the idea of being able to do something on your own. Why? Independent people don't need government. Independent people don't need an ObamaNation.

Oh and by the way, Obama has proposed yet another entitlement program. This one is called the Foreclosure Prevention Fund and it will cost an immediate $10 billion. This taxpayer money will be used to "extend a hand to folks who are struggling" in order to bail people out of their mortgages. Another translation: We will extend a hand to people who made stupid decisions, bought more house than they could afford, borrowed more than they could pay back, and then ran their credit card bills up with lifestyle spending while ignoring their mortgage payments.

And when it comes to the tax code, Barack Obama says that we need a tax code that's "fair." Gee, I could come up with one. In fact, I know one that has $20 million worth of research. It is the most well researched piece of tax reform in history. It also happens to be "fair." But Obama won't accept something like the FairTax. Instead he wants more government entitlement programs. He wants to give homeowners a tax credit that covers 10% of the families' mortgage interest payment. He also wants to eliminate income taxes on seniors making under $50,000 a year. And he wants to create a "Making Work Pay" tax credit that gives up to $500 for American workers and $1,000 for working families. You can believe that these payments will be made to people who have absolutely no federal tax burden at all. Income transfer. Wealth transfer. Vote buying. Simple as that.


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I would tend to agree with you that the founding fathers were more in favor of freedom and liberty from government.

Where we would differ would come in what truly made our country great. We didn't become the world leader truly until both World War's happened. We were given the fortunate situation of being kept separate from the rest on the world in the amount of destruction to our infrastructure. Combine that with the programs of the new deal to escape us from recession - and that is why we went on to dominate the planet.

I just find that people put a lot of the nations success on the founding fathers. Granted, they were amazing people and gave us a constitution that is unrivaled - but remember that our country was made nearly as much by great location than by our policy decisions.

We truly live in the promised land. And I'm not even a religious person.

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Oh, and I KNOW I will be ripped for that last post but that is how I feel.

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No ripping here! I'm all about the balance between the two. The problem with Obama and the shifting left is this notion that the U.S. would be better served as a socialist nation. You can say what you want, but when the government is pulling people from their mistakes, the people become over-dependent. It happens with Welfare and other notable social programs already in place. I would love to see a streamlining of these agencies before their expansion (re: illegals).

I will say that the programs during WWII helped, but the war was the largest reason for escaping the depression. Industry thrived for a lot of reasons, therefore creating jobs and supporting infrastructure improvements.

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