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Jenna Bush Wedding Pastor Rips McCain


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Jenna Bush Wedding Pastor Rips McCain

August 15, 2008 11:56 AM

ABC News' Teddy Davis and Hope Ditto report: The pastor who officiated Jenna Bush's wedding ripped into Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., on Friday for jokingly volunteering his wife last week for a beauty pageant that often features contestants topless.

"Well, I don't know a lot about John McCain's family history, I do know, however, that as recently as last week I think it was, the Senator made a comment in South Dakota regarding his wife entering some Buffalo Chips contest which is this topless deal and if she were to enter she would probably win it and my personal opinion and based on my understanding of the Christian faith, that's not not, N-O-T, not the type of expression that a presidential candidate, or anyone for that matter who is a follower of the Christian faith, ought to make," said the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell. "I don't know if that is a perfect case in point, but it surely does help to juxtapose the DNA of Senator Obama, if you would, versus the DNA of Senator McCain."

Asked if McCain was unaware that the Buffalo Chips contest often features contestants topless, a McCain aide told ABC News that he believes the senator was aware but emphasized that the presumptive GOP nominee was joking and would not want his wife to participate in such a contest.

Caldwell, a close personal friend of President Bush who supports Obama for president, is the senior pastor at Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas. Caldwell made his comments on a conference call with reporters sponsored by the Matthew 25 Network, a Christian Group. Matthew 25 is planning to air a pro-Obama ad on Saturday during the Rick Warren forum with Obama and McCain. The ad will air on CNN and possibly MSNBC, according to the group's spokesperson.

Caldwell said that McCain's Buffalo Chips comment stood in stark contrast with Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., whom Caldwell sees as a good family man supporting pro-family policies.

Caldwell then invoked comments that Rick Warren made about adultery in a Thursday interview with ABC News' Jake Tapper to raise additional questions about McCain.

"His marital history has been duly recorded," said Caldwell, referring to McCain, "and as recently as yesterday I think it is, our pastor from Saddleback, Rick Warren indicated that he would not feel comfortable voting for an adulterer and I don't know exactly to whom he was referring but I think the data speaks for itself, and again, at the end of the day, and I really appreciate you raising this because, at the end of the day again I think the American public deserves full revelation of the candidate's character and competency. Character and competency. So, whatever questions that should be asked that would give the voting public an indication as to who they are and what they've done should be fair game."

Asked by ABC's Tapper in the context of John Edwards if he would have compunctions about voting for someone who had cheated on his wife, Warren said, "Absolutely I would. Absolutely I would. Because if you can’t keep your faith to your most sacred vow – '’til death do us part' -- how in the world can I trust you to lead my family? My government? My nation? . . . Absolutely I would. I think people first need to ask forgiveness and then earn trust back over time Can trust be re-earned? Absolutely but it takes time."

In "Worth the Fighting For," McCain wrote that the collapse of his first marriage was attributable to his own "selfishness and immaturity."

"The blame was entirely mine," wrote McCain.

A McCain spokesman had no immediate reaction when asked about Caldwell's criticism.


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Perhaps the reverend would feel better about things if he would remove the stick from his ass?

The comment was a little much, I'll give him that, but his reaction was a little much as well.

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Give us the background on Caldwell. Big Obama supporter isn't he.

"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."


"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."


"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."


"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."

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I would personally welcome a moral debate where we compared Obama's associations with McCain's actions.

Exactly. Obama enhances others status, it doesn't bring his down.

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I would personally welcome a moral debate where we compared Obama's associations with McCain's actions.

So would plenty of baby angels who made it through an abortion still alive.

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More much ado about nothing. McCain attempted to engraciate himself to the crowd by making mention of an annual beauty contest. Unknown to McCain, this 'contest' tends to get a bit racy, and some contestents take it upon themselves to show more than the usual bathingsuit does. It's not a " topless beauty contest " , but it's more what one would expect from a bunch of bikers. A bit of adult fun, and no one gets hurt. It was actually kinda funny, taken in context.

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Give us the background on Caldwell. Big Obama supporter isn't he.

"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."


"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."


"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."


"My advice to the Obama people: 'proceed with extreme caution.' They don't want to get into a discussion of character and background. They are opening a door that they will not be able to close. They are putting on the table issues and personalities that they do not want to discuss."

You forgot ludacris. I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread here about their relationship and the song ludacris put out.

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I thought we all agreed that a pastor should not have a political opinion, only a biblical one.

Oh. That's right. Only us conservatives agreed on that.

This guy sounds like a great dimocratic preacher.


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Since when did America become a nation of people being the least bit offended and they fly off the deep end. It was a joke, take it easy there preacher man.

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I would personally welcome a moral debate where we compared Obama's associations with McCain's actions.

Exactly. Obama enhances others status, it doesn't bring his down.

Only in the eyes of his adoring followers.

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Hey...lay off Luda. He's a talented dude. Didn't agree with his song, but dang...he's got skills.

Never been a fan of his and to me his skills are lacking. It is not an attack on him but on the song and his affiliation with obama. The guy did a fundraiser for him and other things witrh him as well. After that he wrote the song which displays his reasons for wanting obama in office. It's all part of the big picture with obama. Pe3ople should know what they are voting or not voting for.

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Hey...lay off Luda. He's a talented dude. Didn't agree with his song, but dang...he's got skills.

Never been a fan of his and to me his skills are lacking. It is not an attack on him but on the song and his affiliation with obama. The guy did a fundraiser for him and other things witrh him as well. After that he wrote the song which displays his reasons for wanting obama in office. It's all part of the big picture with obama. Pe3ople should know what they are voting or not voting for.

I thought he was good in "Hustle& FLo"

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You are kidding by posting this, right? Wait no, it is RIR, the king of irrelevant posts.

Some guy gave his opinion? Whoopity-doo! You think that is newsworthy and should post it? You think because there is some importance to this guy's opinion because of some irrelevant connection? The guy married one of President Bush's daughters. That it is all. I see no connection to McCain, so please explain to me why this is newsworthy and I should care.

Now, if McCain's own pastor was slamming him, then I would find that newsworthy. Kind of like when a certain candidate's life long pastor likes to bash America from the pulpit. If there is a connection, then report it, but reaching for a connection just so you can bash a candidate...totally ridiculous.

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Hey...lay off Luda. He's a talented dude. Didn't agree with his song, but dang...he's got skills.

Never been a fan of his and to me his skills are lacking. It is not an attack on him but on the song and his affiliation with obama. The guy did a fundraiser for him and other things witrh him as well. After that he wrote the song which displays his reasons for wanting obama in office. It's all part of the big picture with obama. Pe3ople should know what they are voting or not voting for.

I thought he was good in "Hustle& FLo"

My life is complete now that I know that. :poke:

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