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Saban...little man complex?!?!


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With all his power trips and control issues etc., it seems that $aban has a giant case of little man complex.

FYI: Yes, it really happened

From the strange but true department of college football, I came across this yesterday.

It seems that Coke chose SEC coaches Tommy Tuberville, Nick Saban and Houston Nutt for an ad campaign that was supposed to feature life-sized cut-outs of the three men enjoying Coke products.

Nutt saw his cut-out and was surprised to see it much shorter than he is.

Turns out all three cut-outs were made the same size, because Saban apparently didn’t want to be seen as so much shorter than Tuberville in Alabama supermarkets.

Coke decided to make all coaches the same size in the cut-outs. No word as to why it was decided that Tuberville and Nutt would be shorter. Why not just make Saban taller?


If already posted sorry for the repeat.

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How tall (or short) is Nick Saban?

This could be fun. A Saban height pool. I'm in for 5'2"!

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I googled and got some dude who said he worked out at the same gym as Saban (???) and he said that he himself was 5'9'' and figured Saban to be 5'6''.

I say that to say this...

Son of a *%#@^, I'm 5'7'', I'm taking my ball and going home!

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shorter than tater tot...that is all I need to know.

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He's about 5' 2". About two or three inches shorter than Tater Tot.

I WIN!!!

What did I win?

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He's about 5' 2". About two or three inches shorter than Tater Tot.

I WIN!!!

What did I win?

A lifesize cutout of Dinky drinking a coke.

And you guys say that you are not in love with Nick Saban. You want to know everything about him, and you can't stop talking about him. I would think that at his age he has gotten over the height thing, just as I am sure that Tommy Tuberville has learned to live with those ears. I have a picture of coach Saban with my nephew that attended his football camp and they are standing side by side. They are both in sneakers and are the same height. My nephew is 5'8" tall. We need to grow up and to get past this personal attacks on the coaches. I doubt very seriously that everyone of you out there is a perfect male specimen.

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He's about 5' 2". About two or three inches shorter than Tater Tot.

I WIN!!!

What did I win?

A lifesize cutout of Dinky drinking a coke.

And you guys say that you are not in love with Nick Saban. You want to know everything about him, and you can't stop talking about him. I would think that at his age he has gotten over the height thing, just as I am sure that Tommy Tuberville has learned to live with those ears. I have a picture of coach Saban with my nephew that attended his football camp and they are standing side by side. They are both in sneakers and are the same height. My nephew is 5'8" tall. We need to grow up and to get past this personal attacks on the coaches. I doubt very seriously that everyone of you out there is a perfect male specimen.

Sorry BMH, but after living through the 90's with all of the Tater Tot jokes coming from the west side, I cannot resist giving it back.

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My understanding is that Saban's elevator shoes give him a real boost.

I really don't care how tall he is, because I am not going to dance with him. What does that have to do with coaching abilities?

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My understanding is that Saban's elevator shoes give him a real boost.

I really don't care how tall he is, because I am not going to dance with him. What does that have to do with coaching abilities?

Of course you won't be dancing with him. RWS will be, although he may have to fend off PChamp from cutting in....

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So, that's why Dinky has to wave his hands around, while he's talking, to make himself look bigger.

Did uat have to purchase another podium for Coach Dinky to talk from, or did they just saw some off the bottom?

I'll bet if Coach Dinky died his hair Green, instead of Black like he does, that he'd have a job at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory after he quits/gets fired from uat in the next couple of years.

Coach Dinky is so short, that whenever he stays at a Hotel the highest floor that he'll stay on is the 6th floor, because he can't reach the 7th or higher buttons on a elevator.

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He's about 5' 2". About two or three inches shorter than Tater Tot.

I WIN!!!

What did I win?

A lifesize cutout of Dinky drinking a coke.

Tommy Tuberville has learned to live with those ears. ....

Sorry BMH, but after living through the 90's with all of the Tater Tot jokes coming from the west side, I cannot resist giving it back.

I really don't care how tall he is, because I am not going to dance with him. What does that have to do with coaching abilities?

Actually, I agree that a coach's physcial appearance has nothing to do with his/her coaching ability and normally wouldn't comment on it. But since "Tator Tot", "ears", and "Dinky" have all been brought up now, I guess the floor is pretty open. So.o.o...how many of you remember this joke:

Why didn't Saban know JJ was selling drugs in the parking lot? ...He was too short to see over the cars. :big:

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My understanding is that Saban's elevator shoes give him a real boost.

But not as much as ENZYTE â„¢. :big:

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He's about 5' 2". About two or three inches shorter than Tater Tot.

I WIN!!!

What did I win?

A lifesize cutout of Dinky drinking a coke.

And you guys say that you are not in love with Nick Saban. You want to know everything about him, and you can't stop talking about him. I would think that at his age he has gotten over the height thing, just as I am sure that Tommy Tuberville has learned to live with those ears. I have a picture of coach Saban with my nephew that attended his football camp and they are standing side by side. They are both in sneakers and are the same height. My nephew is 5'8" tall. We need to grow up and to get past this personal attacks on the coaches. I doubt very seriously that everyone of you out there is a perfect male specimen.

You are right. I love Nickpoleon. I want to know more about him. I've always liked Penn State, and I think he'll be a good fit when he arrives to coach their bowl game next year. And just for your information, I am a perfect male specimen.

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This got weird.

I'm the perfect male specimen. 6'3 225, veteran (I have been told I could be on a recruiting poster) and have produced offspring including future perfect male and female specimen.

My question is this.... why is BMH looking for a perfect male specimen?

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