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Lest you think that most Iraqi's oppose us...


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If all you had to go on was the tired rhetoric of the Howard Deans, Ralph Naders, John Kerrys, and their sycophants in the Democratic Party, or the bulk of stories shown by the mainstream media, you'd think Iraq was a complete disaster. But the truth is, the insurgents make up an extremely small percentage of the population. Here is a letter from the front lines to bring a little perspective:

April  5, 2004,  9:55PM

A soldier assures us: Our progress is amazing



I'm a soldier with the U.S. Army serving in the 16th Combat Engineer Battalion in Baghdad.

The news you are hearing stateside is awfully depressing and negative. The reality is we are accomplishing a tremendous amount here, and the Iraqi people are not only benefiting greatly, but are enthusiastically supportive.

My job is mostly to be the driver of my platoon's lead Humvee. I see the missions our Army is performing, and I interact closely with the Iraqi people. Because of this, I know how successful and important our work is.

My battalion carries out dozens of missions all over the city — missions that are improving people's lives. We have restored schools and universities, hospitals, power plants and water systems. We have engineered new infrastructure projects and much more. We have also brought security and order to many of Baghdad's worst areas — areas once afflicted with chaos and brutality.

Our efforts to train vast numbers of Iraqis to police and secure the city's basic law and order are bearing fruit.

Our mission is vital. We are transforming a once very sick society into a hopeful place. Dozens of newspapers and the concepts of freedom of religious worship and expression are flowering. So, too, are educational improvements.

This is the work of the U.S. military. Our progress is amazing. Many people who knew only repression and terror now have hope in their heart and prosperity in their grasp. Every day the Iraqi people stream into the streets to cheer and wave at us as we drive by. When I'm on a foot patrol, walking among a crowd, countless people thank us — repeatedly.

I realize the shocking image of a dead soldier or a burning car is more salable than boring, detailed accounts of our rebuilding efforts. This is why you hear bad news and may be receiving an incorrect picture.

Baghdad has more than 5 million inhabitants. If these people were in an uprising against the United States, which you might think is happening, we would be overwhelmed in hours. There are weapons everywhere, and though we are working hard to gather them all, we simply can't.

Our Army is carrying out 1,700 convoys and patrols each day. Only a tiny percentage actually encounter hostile action. My unit covers some of the worst and most intense areas, and I have seen some of the most tragic attacks and hostility, such as the bombing of the United Nations headquarters.

I'm not out of touch with the negative side of things. In fact, I think my unit has it harder than many other Army units in this whole operation. That said, despite some attacks, the overall picture is one of extreme success and much thanks.

The various terrorist enemies we are facing in Iraq are really aiming at you back in the United States. This is a test of will for our country. We soldiers of yours are doing great and scoring victories in confronting the evil terrorists.

The reality is one of an ever-increasing defeat of the enemies we face. Our enemies are therefore more desperate. They are striking out more viciously and indiscriminately. I realize this is causing Americans stress, and I assure you it causes us stress, too.

When I was a civilian, I spent time as a volunteer with the Israeli army. I assure you we are not facing the hostility Israelis face. Here in Iraq, we Americans are welcomed by most Iraqis.

I'm not trying to sound like a big tough guy. I'm scared every day, and pray before every mission for our safety and success. This is a combat zone. We are in the heart of the world's leading terrorist-birthing society. I remember well how families of suicide bombers who attacked in Israel received tens of thousands of dollars from Saddam Hussein for their kin's horrendous crimes. A generation of Iraqis was growing up in a Stalinist worship of such terrorism.

They are no longer.

Instead, Iraqis today are embracing freedom and the birth of democracy. With this comes hope for the future.

Yes, there are terrorists who wish to strike these things down, but this is a test of will we must win. We can do this, as long as Americans at home keep faith with the soldiers in this war. We are Americans, after all. We can and must win this test. That is all it is.

Roche serves with the U.S. Army's 16th Combat Engineer Battalion in Iraq and is an adjunct fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think-tank.


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I want to believe this but I would sure like to see some visible evidence in TV coverage besides the daily menu of how many soldiers we lost and the angry mobs.

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I want to believe this but I would sure like to see some visible evidence in TV coverage besides the daily menu of how many soldiers we lost and the angry mobs.

Well, I think that was my whole point. This isn't the first letter like this that I've seen, but the daily drumbeat of the news media and the Dems seems to make you think that the entire population is in an uproar, they all hate us, and that we're making no progress on improving the everyday lives of Iraqis.

Go back to the soldier's letter for a second and consider the logic: Baghdad has over 5 million people in it. Even if you subtracted 65% out on the assumption that women and young children wouldn't do anything to hurt our troops (and that's a BIG assumption), that leaves over 1.75 million mostly armed men in Baghdad. They would easily overwhelm our troops in the area if they were behind the insurgents who are causing trouble. That isn't happening.

All I'm saying (and this soldier is saying) is that you're not getting the full picture on the news. You can't trust the news alone to give you a full understanding of what's happening.

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Also, good news does not sell papers or make you watch. Bad news sells. It is a grim fact. I wish if they report the good with the bad. I talkedwith a wounded vet from Iraq the other day and he said about the same thing. Said they were doing many good things and that the people of iraq for a majority were good people and thanked him everyday. He blamed the negative press on media outlet with political gains.

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look at it like this...is everyone in Alabama racist? no of course not but its the bad few that cause alabama to look like everyone from there is racist and redneck...

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A little off the subject, but related to the numbers game. We have been lambasted for not finding any WMDs. Let's put this into prospective, have we put our eyes on every possible pistol, rifle, bomb, weapon, factory location or building in Iraq? No, look at the amount of convential weapons that are available to the insurgents, thousands and thousands of rifles, bombs, mortars, rockets, etc. If we cannot even dream of finding and confiscating the stockpile of conventional weapons in Iraq, how can anyone say with confidence that 'there are no WMDs in Iraq?" It just makes no sense to say we have combed the country side and found no WMDs. If we had really combed the countryside, there would be no conventional weapons left for them to use against us every day. And if you say they are coming in from the porus borders, than I can argue that the WMDs could have gone out of the porus borders. Just some food for thought...

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