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Malzahn and Florida


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Chizik to Florida???? I don't think so. He's right where he wants to be.

Chizik was a one and done at both Auburn and Texas for a National as a DC, who's to say he will stay? I do think that Malzahn seems like a more stable coach, more of in his personality. In all honesty, I don't think we treated Chizik very nice when he first started. Although that's changed now, I know I would hold that against us.

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I know I would hold that against us.

Hold that against us? Chizik was a 5-19 coach walking into a HC job in the lions den conference in terms of fan-absurdity. I'm sure he knew what he was walking into.

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meta is 100% correct. The only think Chizik could reasonably hold against us is giving him his break into big time football. Twice. Tommy took him from UCF and taught him how to win at the highest level (he was at Auburn for three years... not one and done like aubiematt said). Then he nearly wrecked his career at ISU until Auburn pulled him from the rubble to give him a shot at one of the Top Fifteen jobs in the college game. What's he got to be upset about? One guy at an airport? Please.

He'll stay, and he won't even be interviewed for the Gator job.

As for Malzahn, he reminds me of Petrino only without being a bad person. He's going to need some seasoning before he's ready to run a big program. Petrino needed Louisville and the Falcons before he was ready for Arkansas. Tommy needed Ole Miss before he was ready for Auburn. I think Malzahn will need an intermediate step before he's ready for a job like Florida.

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CGC was asked what he thought about the youtube video of the guy at the airport and said he hadn't seen it and didn't know anything about it. Maybe he was just being diplomatic about it, or maybe he really doesn't pay attention to that stuff.

Chizik has also said he wants his assistants to get head coaching jobs, but that he wants them to hate leaving Auburn so much they would only take a job offer that's too good to pass up. Can't say if he's successfully fostered that attitude in his assistants, but I wouldn't bet against it.

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I'd be more concerned about Petrino to UF and Malzahn to Arkansas. UF won't take Malzahn, and I would be highly highly shocked if Chizik took the UF job.

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Guys, think a minute. Coach Chizik is a great fit for the culture at Auburn. He's a total mis-fit for what goes on day to day in Gainesville. If Chizik ever does leave Auburn it won't be for Florida, you can bank that. The methods he uses to win here won't be accepted at UF, by the players, students or fans.

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Mullen to UF and I'm not even sure there is a true debate about it. Why in the hell would Florida want Petrino? Why would Petrino leave Arkansas? Did you pay attention to the kid he's got coming in behind Mallett?

My guess is Mullen to Florida and MSU promotes their current DC to head coach. No way in hell Chizik gets a job like Auburn after being at Iowa State and then bails to walk into a TERRIBLE situation at Florida. I realize he has ties to the school but I doubt they are that strong. Mullen has experience there, relationship with the AD, recruiting ties, etc. It is a no-brainer for him.

Malzahn will be a head coach in the near-future, we all know that. We cannot, and should not, fret over every head coaching job that opens up. I will be happy for him when he gets a head coaching gig, he will deserve it. As was said earlier in the thread, Malzahn is five years removed from being a high school head coach. A top-flight program like Florida will not risk everything on a potential superstar with ZERO head coaching experience at the FBS level and only, what, three years of OC experience at this level? Tulsa does not count. Malzahn needs some seasoning before he is ready. To be frank, I believe he needs more experience before he is truly ready to take on one of the intermediate "step programs" that meta reference earlier in this thread. There is an assumption, outside of the Auburn circle, that Malzahn is a great coordinator but is not ready for the day-to-day running of a program which would be required to be a major program head coach.

We probably have another year or two of Malzahn--enjoy it, show your support for him when you have the opportunity. He is a good guy and will take the time to respond to emails.

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The methods he uses to win here won't be accepted at UF, by the players, students or fans.

I wish you would have worded that a bit differently. :big:

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I can't speculate on rather or not Gus leaves, but to leave before the National title game would look really bad considering the way the team talks about teamwork, support, and being a family.

Guaranteed if Malzahn goes anywhere, it will be way after the game. I didn't read all of the posts here, so if someone else has already said this.. my bad.

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I can't speculate on rather or not Gus leaves, but to leave before the National title game would look really bad considering the way the team talks about teamwork, support, and being a family.

Guaranteed if Malzahn goes anywhere, it will be way after the game. I didn't read all of the posts here, so if someone else has already said this.. my bad.

I'm not speculating as to where he leaves or not, but if he were to leave, I wouldn't bank on him necessarily staying for the game.

Almost any school with a half decent program is going to insist on him starting ASAP in order to help with recruiting. Once the championship game is over, signing day is only a month away.

Our title game appearance could be the biggest factor in him staying for next year. He's come so far so fast, I imagine he'd want to stay for a shot at the championship game. Having that on his resume would definitely increase his appeal, and I would imagine he'd still be in demand after next season.

Of course, my opinion and 50 cents might get you a newspaper.

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aubiematt lives to fret over the miniscule.

Tru dat, but you have to admin that Chizik leaving for Florida is more logical than Malzahn.

Yes. If Malzahn has a 0.8% chance of leaving for FU, Chizik's chances are about 1.6%.

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aubiematt lives to fret over the miniscule.

Tru dat, but you have to admin that Chizik leaving for Florida is more logical than Malzahn.

Yes. If Malzahn has a 0.8% chance of leaving for FU, Chizik's chances are about 1.6%.

I would like to hope Chizik chances of being the coach of Florida were better than that, meaning Florida would hire him if he wanted it, but I like your thinking.

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Chizik to Florida???? I don't think so. He's right where he wants to be.

Chizik was a one and done at both Auburn and Texas for a National as a DC, who's to say he will stay? I do think that Malzahn seems like a more stable coach, more of in his personality. In all honesty, I don't think we treated Chizik very nice when he first started. Although that's changed now, I know I would hold that against us.

This is NOT true. He was at Auburn from 2002-2004. he was NOT one and done at Auburn.

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Chizik to Florida???? I don't think so. He's right where he wants to be.

Chizik was a one and done at both Auburn and Texas for a National as a DC, who's to say he will stay? I do think that Malzahn seems like a more stable coach, more of in his personality. In all honesty, I don't think we treated Chizik very nice when he first started. Although that's changed now, I know I would hold that against us.

This is NOT true. He was at Auburn from 2002-2004. he was NOT one and done at Auburn.

He was also the DC at Texas in 2005 and 2006. So he wasn't "one and done" at either place.

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Chizik to Florida???? I don't think so. He's right where he wants to be.

Chizik was a one and done at both Auburn and Texas for a National as a DC, who's to say he will stay? I do think that Malzahn seems like a more stable coach, more of in his personality. In all honesty, I don't think we treated Chizik very nice when he first started. Although that's changed now, I know I would hold that against us.

This is NOT true. He was at Auburn from 2002-2004. he was NOT one and done at Auburn.

He was also at Texas 2 years.

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