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AU's trip to the White House


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Here are some other White House observations as provided by Auburn...

Coach Gene Chizik

"It has been great to be at the White House with the national championship football team. What a great honor and privilege this has been for the Auburn Family. It's so neat that so many of our seniors could come back. This is one of the last times this group will be together and what an honor it is to be together here at the White House and celebrate an unbelievable season."

Quarterback Cam Newton

On being reunited with his teammates:

"Seeing those guys was big in my book. Just to be reunited with these guys and see their faces once again, I'm cherishing every single moment. I can remember a time when I would see them every day and not think much of it, but now seeing them really means something. When we have our kids and look back, we can say we had a chance to visit the White House."

On what it was like to meet the president:

"It was special. It is something that you look at on TV and you just wish and wonder what that feels like. Now we've been blessed enough to have this opportunity to meet President Obama. The whole experience was incredible."

Linebacker Josh Bynes

What did it feel like when the president mentioned your name in his speech:

"I was shocked and my heart was beating kind of fast. I was hoping that he would pronounce my last name right. I was worried he was going to call me 'Burns' or something like that. When he got my last name right, I smiled real hard. It was on national TV, so I hope everybody in my family saw it."

Receiver Emory Blake

On visiting the Lincoln Memorial:

"It was awesome. I walked up the stairs and saw the plaque where Dr. King was standing when he gave the 'I have a dream' speech. I took a picture of it with my phone and I will definitely save that because it's a once in a lifetime experience to see where history was made."

Defensive back T'Sharvan Bell

On the experience of visiting the White House:

"It's been unreal. It was like a dream. When we came in, everyone was looking around and their mouths dropped and their eyes were as big as quarters."

On what it was like to meet President Obama:

"I don't have any words to describe it. The president was a real cool guy."


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Not necessarily surprised, but so happy for Kodi Burns that he got to present the gear to the POTUS.

EDIT: Meant to add, awesome pics, thanks for posting!

Kodi Burns for Governor in 2020. He'll be ready !

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Do you guys know if the players who were kicked off the team following the robbery were allowed to go?

They were part of the team, so honestly, I would think it would still be good for them to visit.. but kinda doubt they were allowed.

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On a sort of related note. A few of the players were back in Auburn helping show the incoming freshmen (this guy) around the next day. Woody Paramore was helping me map out my courses for this fall after the nice applause we gave him :) Great guy.

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On a sort of related note. A few of the players were back in Auburn helping show the incoming freshmen (this guy) around the next day. Woody Paramore was helping me map out my courses for this fall after the nice applause we gave him :) Great guy.

That's really awesome to hear. Good luck at AU!

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Do you guys know if the players who were kicked off the team following the robbery were allowed to go?

They were part of the team, so honestly, I would think it would still be good for them to visit.. but kinda doubt they were allowed.

Was that a joke?

'Hi Mr President, I was bailed out of jail to visit the White House. Oh, just Armed Robbery... We haven't been convicted yet, due process in all... War Eagle'

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