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Libya acting prime minister is former UAT professor


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One of our guys heads up Apple, one of theirs heads up Libya...

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Libya's transitional government picked an engineering professor and longtime exile as its acting prime minister Monday, with the new leader pledging to respect human rights and international law.

The National Transitional Council elected Abdurrahim El-Keib, an electrical engineer who has held teaching posts at the University of Alabama and Abu Dhabi's Petroleum Institute, to the post with the support of 26 of the 51 members who voted. El-Keib emerged victorious from a field that initially included 10 candidates.


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It's the sum of all fears!

That da*n Obama! He helps overthrow a government, not having a plan on who will take over after the current regime is gone!

Now, thanks to him, the Turderritists have a foothold in Northern Africa! Where will they spread to next?

I don't know about you, but at my house we are now taking turns sleeping at night!

Acute lead poisoning awaits any Turderritist who lays claim to our soil! :big:

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