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Ronald McDonald

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the ASB is the best thing the phillies could ask for.  a break to get a few injuries taken care of and clean the slate on their rough first half.  if we can carry on our momentum and keep winning series we'll be in dang good shape come fall.

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heck yes i'd love to see us make a run late. 

who do ya'll think will replace bobby?  is it too much of a coincidence that since bobby is retiring chipper has started tossing around the idea and talking with management about his future?  i dont know if you can go straight from player to coach.  kind of a player respect thing.  but if anybody could do it, it'd be chip.  i hope terry stays the hitting coach.  not saying he's the best hitting coach in the league, but he and jeff blauser were my favorite players for years.  that and he looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle ;)

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I think it is an incredible long shot to think Chipper would be the head coach next year but as far as a player going straight to manager, didn't Pete Rose do it?  I know at one point he was playing while he was managing.

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The Phills will be back.  They havent dominated our division for nothing over the last 5 years.  We just gotta hope the dig a pretty good hole and time runs out for them.

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In my little fantasy world, Chipper will stay around one more year and continue to play like he has been the last month. After seeing his dedication, Bobby decides to stick around for one more roll of the dice. Finally, not wanting to be the odd man out, Billy Wagner gives it one more go  :thumbsup:

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In my little fantasy world, Chipper will stay around one more year and continue to play like he has been the last month. After seeing his dedication, Bobby decides to stick around for one more roll of the dice. Finally, not wanting to be the odd man out, Billy Wagner gives it one more go  :thumbsup:

I think you are 0 for 3. 

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He hasn't been able to do anything with his sinker today. He's leaving everything up which is why they're tearing him up. Let Venters come in and get some innings under his belt

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And that's why I've been sticking up for Yunel. He might make a few bonehead mistakes, but he's one hell of a shortstop. First the dp then snagging that liner. Now if only he can get his bat going...

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