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Tommy Franks on Kerry as Commander-in-chief


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Franks may yet endorse Bush, but he is a voice for balance, reason and fairness.

Franks Says Kerry Qualified for President

WASHINGTON (AP) - Retired Gen. Tommy Franks, producer of the early military successes in Afghanistan and Iraq, said Sunday that criticism of John Kerry's war record is political hyperbole and Kerry is "absolutely" qualified to be commander in chief.

A year into retirement, Franks also said he has not decided whether to endorse President Bush for re-election. "I don't know yet. I'm leaning in that direction," he said on ABC's "This Week."

Franks, whose hometown is Midland, Texas - where the president and first lady Laura Bush grew up - has been making television appearances in recent days to publicize his just-published memoirs, "American Soldier."

"Do you think Senator Kerry is qualified to be commander in chief?" Franks was asked.

"Absolutely!" he said.

But like the criticism of Kerry, the retired general said the Democratic nominee's recent harsh words about the war plan Franks created in Afghanistan was motivated by politics and his failure to capture al-Qaida network leader Osama bin Laden.

"I think a presidential election year is a marvelous thing. I think Senator Kerry is a patriot. And I think what ... what we're doing is, we're seeing an attempt to sort of draw the lines between the two parties in this country. And I wouldn't have it any other way," Franks said.

The characterization of Kerry as a coward and liar who did not earn the medals awarded him for his Vietnam service came in a television ad sponsored by a group that fashions calls itself Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Kerry was skipper of one of the small Mekong River boats and received the Silver Star and Bronze Star for valor and three Purple Hearts for wounds.

"I really work hard to stay away from hyperbole," Franks said. "People ask me all the time about 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and then others will ask me about some equally vitriolic view at the end of the continuum on the conservative side."

"I believe that life really is someplace between the two," Franks said, "and so I am not a fan of hyperbole, whether it is for or against Senator Kerry or George W. Bush."


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So, Tommy Franks thinks John Kerry is "qualified" to run for president. So, it is alot of other people if you want to go with that. Saying one is qualified and then to say they could do the job is two different things. Heck, I am qualified to do alot of things, but that does not mean that I could actually do a good job for all of them either. If you posted this as trying to make it seem like Gen. Franks thinks Kerry could do the job, then I think you read too much into the article. Gen. Franks actually never gave any type of endorsement, but did say he was leaning towards Bush. Notice Gen. Franks never said he thought Kerry would be a good president or could do the job, only that Kerry was "absolutely qualified". Gen. Franks is a well-liked guy who is not going to put himself on the political radar, so he is not going to say anything negative about either candidate. As much as I admire Gen. Franks, this is really nothing newsworthy since it seems he is going to keep his politics personal. Don't blame him after seeing what a few recently retired generals have gone through when it comes to politics. :lol:

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When driving home from New Orleans last Tuesday, Franks was on Hannitty's radio show and all but threw his support to Bush. If he actually came out and changed his mind to support Kerry I would eat my shorts. If the Dems are holding out any hope that they will get Franks' support I have some swamp land in Arizona to sell them.

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When driving home from New Orleans last Tuesday, Franks was on Hannitty's radio show and all but threw his support to Bush. If he actually came out and changed his mind to support Kerry I would eat my shorts. If the Dems are holding out any hope that they will get Franks' support I have some swamp land in Arizona to sell them.

I'd be very surprised if Franks endorsed Kerry. I suspect it is either Bush or no endorsement. My point was that he recognized hyperbole when he saw it and recognizes vitriol.

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