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Why you should always hate bammer if your an Auburn fan.

The SandMntTiger

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Very good links. I am familiar with them all, having lived through some, reading the old article by the bama guy in the 40's, and having been told by my granddad how bammer got us on probation in the 50's (he graduated from AU - API - in the 40's).

For a brief summary of those that didn't click the links, they are from non-AU sources (mostly bama sources actually and the AJC), that give DETAILED narratives of the following:

1. How bama coaches got us on probation in 1957 and how the SEC stood by and did nothing. That one makes me the the maddest. It really infuriates me. We got TOTALLY railroaded and bama was behind all of it and we became a scape goat that did not get due proccess afforded us because the NCAA had just started "probation" and were looking to make an example out of someone, guilty or not.

2. How bama ruined a mans life who eventually committed suicide, all because he turned bama in for cheating. The Gene Jelks story that got bama their first probation.

3. 1941 article by a bama guy with intimate first hand knowledge of cheating on a massive scale that reached down into the high schools of alabama in an intricate system. Knowledge that eventually made him quit his position in the program at bama out of disgust.

4. The Albert Means story and probation.

This should be required reading for every bama fan, because it is important and all 100% true. Taken from bama writers, a person that was an important part of their system and employed by the university decades ago, the AJC, and finally records and first hand accounts of the players in the 1957 AU probation caused by bama in an attempt to end AU's domination.

The only problem is most of them would never read it, and wouldn't believe it if they did. I know I thought until 1995, that Auburn was not guilty in the Eric Ramsey case. then I read an article(Sports Illustrated, I think) , that changed my mind to this day about Pat Dye and Larry Blakeney. For those who don't know,or don't remember, we were  found guilty of 12 major violations, and 19 total violations. Too many AU fans,imo, hold Dye in way too high a regard for what he did. Remember, he was the original head of the REC in Mobile, and it is amazing how many of Bryant's assistant, former players who went on to coach, got their teams put on probation. They learned it from him, just didn't have the backing from the NCAA to not get caught. Know I will get crucified for these remarks, but research for yourself and refute even 1 fact. By the way, I know $30,000 of the money came from Alabama boosters in the  1993 case, and they never got anything for that. Still don't understand that, but that happened in 1955,58,73,and 93, and in each case we got probation while they got nothing. Also know, but could never prove what happened with BC and CK not too long ago, was orchestrated by the coaching staff at Alabama.
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Why in the world isn't Rockford and WhiteTiger shooting this evidence down? I am shocked!!!!!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Why in the world isn't Rockford and WhiteTiger shooting this evidence down? I am shocked!!!!!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Maybe they're busy......did you loan them your Manilow collection?  :laugh::tease:

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Wow... as someone who didn't know what an Auburn was, until they recruited me (academically, not for sports), I had no idea.  This really brings a whole new perspective to the Cam saga. 

            They recruited me both academically and socially in the early fiftys(yes I am an old guy). Thier

    sports programs sucked then but most were arrogant and full of entitlement!

They do this?  Seriously, I'm curious to know how kids are recruited academically.  Do they do it to make #'s look better or was it for a debate team or what?  I had no idea there was a such thing as academic recruiting.

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I can't speak for anyone else...just for my son who was highly recruited both for his academics and his talent in the Performing Arts.  There are scouts for good actors with stage presence just like there are scouts for athletes. They have competitions, and get call backs from interested schools whose scouts have watched the kids perform live. The scouts view video of their stage work too. My son and I were taken to dinner by a recruiter, given tours, trips, t-shirts, etc. My son has a commercial, so I think they all looked at that video also. When choosing a school, we had to sit down and actually spread out all the material and take a hard look at who offered the best scholarship dollar for dollar. He got offers from as far away as Columbia Univ., and The Univ. of Chicago. Locally he got offers from Auburn, Troy, UAB, UNA,Ole Miss, MS State, Vandy and South Alabama. The school he finally chose upped the ante when they saw all the competition. He has full housing, meals, books, tuition, and a laptop computer worth $1200...all paid for by the University....plus they guaranteed him the lead role in all 4 campus theater productions, and offered a place in their honors college. That's the same as being offered a starting position in two sports. He plans to get a double major in International Business and Theater Arts, and go into international business law. The performance onstage gives him confidence, and helps him to think quickly in stressful, high profile situations and learning lines helps sharpen his memory....much like athletics. It's very competitive, and he was bombarded with all kinds of mail, phone calls, and emails starting in his junior year when his test scores came out. It was unreal...surreal....and kind of scary.

I have much sympathy for highly recruited athletes. It's an overwhelming range of choices, options and offers....and lots of pressure on these kids.

Annother factor in all of this for my son, besides the extremely generous scholarship package, and solid academics, was that the Professor he will be studying under has an Oscar and lots of contacts in the entertainment industry....just like athletes who all want to play for a BCS winning coach....with lot of players in the NFL. ;)

My son's girlfriend had an almost identical experience as an academic recruit. She was guaranteed a spot in medical school after college.... all paid for by the University she chose. So she has both college and medical school paid for due to the competition for scholars between universities. She had all kinds of offers from all over. Unreal.

43% of my son's high school class of 2012 has a scholarship to college...over 30 million dollars worth...in a class of almost 800 students.

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To get even farther off subject, this, to me, says everything there is to say about Auburn...

Back in the 90s, when I was being recruited (not quite as hard a Belle's son, but recruited none the less), the only school that didn't offer me a scholarship was Auburn.  They sent me literature and gave me the grand treatment when I visited campus (they had no idea that having a football player give me a tour meant nothing to me, at the time, other than to think "wow he's big!"), but offered no money or extra benefits (well, the did let me do a few things my own way).  Still, I chose them over several other top name schools, ranging from large universities to Ivy League colleges, offering tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships and other benefits.  Not only that, but I made that decision, with my father in full agreement, within 20 minutes of arriving on campus, at night, without having talked to a single person.  Auburn just felt immediately right to both of us.  We drove around campus once, stopped at a pay phone, and called my mom to tell her that I was going to Auburn.  The rest of the trip was a formality.

So, forget Alabama, forget rivalries... Auburn is just a magical place and anyone who's on the outside, looking in, is going to tear it down to make themselves feel better about it.

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Just to throw in my 2 cents....for what that's worth  :-\......

I'm not aware of anyone who hates uat because they've had wins, championships, etc.  I, and everyone I know that feels similarly, hate them because the great majority of their alumni and fans and bullies and trash.  And they have no qualms about putting that trash on full display.

Since updyke and the teabagger, I've gone out of my way to disassociate myself from most people I know who support uat.  There are very, VERY few exceptions.  Maybe that's wrong of me to feel that way but I do everything possible to conduct myself in such a way that others would want to be around me.  Maybe it's too much for me to expect others to act the same way but that's what I expect.  The problem with hanging around with s**t is, at some point it rubs off on to you.

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