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Everything posted by GoAU

  1. You are incorrect, I think equally of all people, have been married to a wonderful woman for almost 30 years and have raised 4 wonderful daughters who have grown into fantastic young women. So I wouldn’t try to ascertain what I or anyone else thinks. If abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters are so uncommon, and we carve out exceptions for life threatening conditions to the mother, what exactly ARE you fighting for? To me it sounds as if all you have left to fight for are the causal abortions?
  2. I have never said there was not been a period with white privilege - slavery and segregation were clearly horrible examples. All I'm saying is that the best way to move forward, is to move forward. Treat everyone as equal, quit using racism to fight racism, and move forward. Instead, we continue to divide people by race, give preferences to some over others for things almost nobody today had anything to do with and wonder why there is racism. It's a recipe for disaster and makes zero sense. If you have a better way to remedy the situation, I'd really like to hear your opinion.
  3. No, it’s not a government decision, it was a personal decision, made months earlier . And no (before you say it) I don’t have an issue with an early abortion for rape and incest.
  4. Because there is a human life involved that doesn’t get a voice in the decision. People can argue all they want about the beginning of life, but by the second and definitely by the third trimester it is undeniably a human life.
  5. So how about we carve out exceptions for those two rare cases - how do you feel about that? Your petty jabs and insults are kind of funny. You’re like a child….
  6. Just because we have more people incarcerated has nothing to do with whether people are being held accountable. If we have record numbers of people committing crimes, the incarceration rate follows. You are looking at the effect, not the cause. As to “white privilege” I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy it. There are plenty of white people born into poverty, single parent houses, etc. Racism cannot be used to fight racism. As long as you keep dividing people and using racism against whole groups of people, we all lose. People are people, some are born into better circumstances than others, but all are ultimately responsible for their own actions and making their own decisions.
  7. According to the article above from Forbes, 93% of abortions happen in the first trimester (13 weeks) and 80% happen before 9 weeks. There are estimates of 630k to 886k abortions a year - so let’s assume the average of 758k. This would tell us 53k abortions a year are late term (2nd or 3rd trimester). You would think there could be a consensus that this could be a reasonable start of some sort of compromise, but 48% support it and 43% are opposed to restricting abortion to the first trimester. So apparently there are a large number of people that aren’t opposed to later term abortion.
  8. I’m not a Trump first guy. I actually wanted Cruz in the first election, and prefer DeSantis or Nikki in this one. I don’t support everything Trump has done, but he did better than I first thought, and tons better than Biden. I still laugh when people claim Trump is authoritarian though, especially when compared to Biden. For example, Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” attempt, weaponizing the DOJ against a sitting President, using “intelligence agencies and agents” to do his bidding, feeding the media what they will and won’t cover and the party line they will repeat, banning all sorts of appliances, and I can go on and on…..
  9. I swear, sometimes I can't tell if you are delusional or just slow, but I'll break down my post a little more clearly for you. If I would have intended to use only Executive Orders as the sole standard I would have stated such, but I did not. I suggest you reconsider your pathetic attempt at a personal dig and try again. If you'd like to rehash January 6th all over again have at it. I'm still waiting to see where you can show evidence of Trump using force or commanding others to use force. Until then, keep spitting out your pre-packaged talking points.....
  10. I find it absolutely hilarious that you call DJT authoritarian, when Biden has launched more unilateral decrees, banned more items, and assaulted constitutional rights than Trump did. Out of curiosity, what would you say are a couple of examples of things Trump did that are "authoritarian"? It's ironic that you bold "like it or not" in the same sentence advocating changing the Constitution to meet your whims. I suggest you are the one that should "like it or not". There is a measure to change the Constitution - and it isn't based on your opinion, like it or not. As to point 2 - sure there is - it's called our Constitution. In reading our founding documents, it is clear that our nation was never intended to be run with as much federal muscle as we currently do, and bulldozing the rights of smaller states was never supposed to happen - that is why all states, regardless of population, get 2 Senators. I would counter your argument that the Electoral college give too much power to states with large cities. California, for example, has more electoral weight than the lowest 15 states combined.
  11. The lack of holding individuals accountable for their actions is not only common in this day and age, it's pervasive. Look how many heinous crimes are committed by people with rap sheets as long as my arm. As a society we refuse to punish people that habitually break the law, and then feel as if passing more laws is the answer. The part about holding people responsible for things that happened before they were born would appear to be directed at CRT, but honestly I'm a lot less concerned with that than I am the way we refuse to prosecute violent criminals
  12. If you are stating when life doesn't start, I assume you feel you know when it does start? The second half of your post is interesting in that because you feel someone likely won't have "any kind of life" it's better to kill them than to let them live? Do you extrapolate that to disabilities too? I'll admit, I am personally against abortion, HOWEVER I also don't feel that my personal beliefs in this area should necessarily align with law. What I DO think needs to happen is a clearly defined point needs to be established, because mid and late term abortions should clearly be criminal. If anyone ever sees / reads about partial birth abortions and aren't completely repulsed, they need to seek help immediately. I think the vast majority of the country agrees there is a middle ground - the issue is drawing the line in the broad, grey area. Not all Pro-Life people are absolute, just like not all Pro-Choice people support late term abortion. Someone just has to have the guts to throw something out there. Wouldn't somethin like 16 weeks be adequate?
  13. It's also not a good design when a dozen or so large metropolitan areas can dictate bad policy on everyone else. This was the reasoning for the states to have more autonomy.
  14. I feel bad for having clicked on that steaming pile of manure.....
  15. You’re not really asking for examples though, are you?
  16. I don’t see it as self righteous at all, just an observation.
  17. May or may not be the case (I know next to nothing about him), but the statement above is accurate.
  18. This is a diatribe of ignorance. It’s a run on stream of false assumptions, blatant ignorance and pure lies. You have no idea what you’re talking about, but that’s never stopped you before, and it certainly isn’t likely to in the future. Maybe I can interest you in some fundamental reading lessons and you can try again?
  19. Allow me to clarify, being we were talking about income taxes, my statement was relating to income taxes. Follow the point now?
  20. I feel exactly the same about you. This issue isn’t whether or not either of us is inhumane, it’s how to best address the problem. I feel that enslaving people through government handouts, squashing drive and innovation by holding those people back, and giving more and more power to the government is inhumane. Look, your ideas of financial “equality” for all sound great on the surface, but aren’t even remotely practical. The bottom line is there are people out there that work harder, take chances, and frankly are smarter and more intuitive than others. Holding them back so that others without the same drive or work ethic is inhumane. The best we can hope to do is get as close as we can to providing equal opportunity for people to do well for themselves, but they need to put in the work to do it for themselves.
  21. If you think expecting everyone to pay some amount of taxes is completely unreasonable, you're the stupid one. I'm not advocating the same percentage for everyone, but having a huge portion of the population taking more than they are contributing makes ZERO sense. But, it fits your communist / socialist manifesto just fine, right? Scream about "equality (which you have still failed to define), but expect the "rick" to pay all the bills.
  22. Are you saying you don’t think debt is a problem? I don’t think raising taxes is necessarily the answer, but modification of taxes is always an option. For example, over half of our nation (18+) pay ZERO taxes. Where are the people who cry “Fair Share” on that? I am not advocating for crushing taxes at all, but some semblance of chipping in helps. You mention “Stealing from Americans” on SS, but taxes in general are just government stealing. There are a ton of garbage expenditures our government makes in non critical areas (research R. Paul’s list for starters) - start there. Cut all of that. Then investigate all of the money we send other nations. Eliminate any that are to countries that aren’t our strongest ally’s or don’t benefit us directly. There is no need for us to pay for everything all the time. A great example is the current situation in Israel - why are we sending money to both sides of the same war? The US needs to remain a production based economy. I am a huge supporter of manufacturing in the US, but I’d be concerned you would find factory jobs as “exploiting” people unless they make completely unrealistic wages? As for “equality” there are a ton of different ways that can be interpreted. You tout that all the time, and I’m truly curious as to what you mean. Equality of opportunity or equality of outcomes? True communism? Do you want to hamper those that work hard and take chances to make them equal to those that are lazy? Or should I just guess what you mean?
  23. You are correct that it is my opinion, that allowing our national debt to spiral out of control can threaten the existence of our nation. I will also stand by that opinion. The biggest concern I have about our "credit limit" is the fact that the unprecedented growth of our national debt, combined with high interest rates will raise the interest payments on our national debt from $475 Billion in 2022 to $1.4 Trillion by 2032. We cannot continue to just growth our debt and assume that it will just go away. The size of this hole is immense and needs to be addressed immediately. A truly balanced budget should be a requirement instead of these continuing spending resolutions. I can't even begin to unpack your hypothetical comments about inequity until you define it. What exactly do you define inequity as, and how do you propose to eliminate it?
  24. How do you define “inequality”? I’m not sure how you can say they’re “much bigger issues”, as the debt issue threaten the very existence of our nation. Inequality and privatization can’t exist if there isn’t a functioning nation (or at least a functioning currency / economy) to begin with.
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