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Everything posted by fishepa

  1. Do we know if it's a COVID protocol thing?
  2. Well this thread was good for awhile, then...not so much.
  3. My gosh will you guys please stop bickering. Goodness.
  4. My wife has an obsession about how they are embarrassing Auburn University.
  5. So this is what it’s like to be a bammer fan. I like it.
  6. Will be interesting to watch the UCF offense to see what it resembles.
  7. Play action pass to the TE for a 14 yard gain.
  8. My .02 cents for what it's worth, everyone should have medical autonomy to do what they want to their own bodies. Every person is unique and their bodies react to things differently. Medicine/vaccines, etc that work for one person won't work on another person. It's a decision that people should make after talking to their physician and doing research themselves. No one should be forced to do anything - we're all guinea pigs in this COVID vaccination process. Having said all that, I'm fully vaccinated and it's my opinion others should get vaccinated as well.
  9. Guy is a beast just can't stay healthy.
  10. I would love to see what TJ and DD can do once we're up 31-7 at half time of the first two games.
  11. I think it really is this simple to be honest. Gus is arrogant and wouldn't change. On the other hand, Saban did a complete 180 with his offensive philosophy and well...has multiple Heisman winners and 5* begging to come to UA. Gus set our program back a decade.
  12. Well, I for one think it's fantastic that Coach Friend is teaching our OL the game of football now.
  13. So sorry to hear that. Prayers up.
  14. I think there is a pie chart somewhere. I heard a tight end dropped a ball today - Harsin immediately cut him from the team and told him to quit school and go home. Yeesh!
  15. Yup. Once a media story is ran about a $$ scandal in CFB, it's guilty until proven innocent. And even once proven innocent...still guilty. There's nothing you can do. People have their perceptions and it's their reality.
  16. What have we come to, you drop a pass or two and immediately moved down the roster? Is that how this works?
  17. Yup, the retweets got so annoying I had to unfollow.
  18. Rudi Johnson.......Rudi Johnson.........RUDI JOHNSON!!!!!
  19. Great to see Suni take it home!!! She is now the GOAT - doesn't fold under pressure.
  20. "We were told that the fastest guy in college football is only allowed to catch passes behind the line of scrimmage."
  21. Interesting to talk about, but I don't think it will ever happen.
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