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Everything posted by passthebiscuits

  1. Early 4th quarter, the punter for Mercer muffs the punt. After running back for the ball about 15 yards, the punter picks up the ball and quickly turns around to kick. The Auburn player runs into the punter at that moment (not roughing) and is called for running into the kicker. Presumably the AU player doesn’t get a finger on the ball. A 5 yard penalty is given—enough for a first down for the Bears. Probably the correct call…but really? Hardly can fault the AU player for running into the kicker as he pursued what was legitimately a fumble. Am I way off base here? Would the call change if the AU player gets a piece of the ball? Is the punter protected at all times behind the line of scrimmage? Anybody else have a problem with it? Where are our referees on here to break this down for me?
  2. If you interview for other AD positions, you’d better get the job. Just sayin. Let’s see how we do this year in football and see where we all land? Shall we?
  3. This all started because of a terrible hire in Leath. Fair and square. to avoid the Tennessee trajectory, we have to make these moves to repair. Simple as that. Harsin is next unless he wins. He won’t.
  4. The girl in the picture is now 67 years old and lives at Arbor Springs. We’d have to wait 6 more weeks to get to the Nip now. No but for real I’m with @WarTim, something about hearing those HS drums echo through town gets the blood running! Couple that with the smell of barbecue and that beautiful shade of Orange at sundown, and we are getting close!
  5. Can’t tell if serious…is this the answer?
  6. Does anyone know why Harsin points (or haS a #1 sign) in every picture? Has he ever commented on it?
  7. I’ll try: We have the best uniforms in college football? 🤷‍♂️
  8. Yes. We are currently #14 in the sec in recruiting for 2023 and #76 overall…behind the likes of eastern Michigan and Rutgers. (247) We need to prepare ourselves for what’s to come.
  9. A mobile QB and a More than capable FB.
  10. 100% tell me the 6 wins. What’s our plan? Throw it deep to Shenker?
  11. True. I was being poetic. However, in the donor world, it is close to being true. Hot take. 😂
  12. Dude is just NOT going to make it. He’s not the culture fit for AU, and it makes you seriously question what the heck the AD was thinking. This isn’t some conspiracy. Folks will see it soon enough. Can’t recruit. Seriously devoid of talent. Falling further behind. He’s on the clock. There’s ZERO support because there’s ZERO excitement about this program. We are having trouble filling the coffers now in football! In FOOTBALL! I don’t know what people are seeing…maybe it’s blind optimism but geez. anyway, rant over.
  13. This team is not very talented. Hopefully they can play above that and pull out a few games they shouldn’t. it’s only spring, but we may be in some trouble this year, folks.
  14. Bad guard play. Bad shooting team. we aren’t going far I’m afraid.
  15. Keep the guy long enough so we can be absolutely sure he stinks…got it.
  16. This was started by rumor and conjecture by social media warriors hiding behind their keyboards, fueled by wannabe “journalists” who absolutely should be held accountable for their actions, stoked by actual complaints from former players and coaches, and unquelled by University leadership that could have nipped things in the bud when it started. To blame the PTBs for saying “i told ya so,” while simultaneously hoping that they’ll pony up their riches for NIL is at the very least intellectually dishonest. Tell our coach to win some games and recruit worth a darn and we’ll talk about who’s to blame. Enough to pass around IMO.
  17. And a play away from losing to Ga State AT HOME. Works both ways.
  18. Honestly, I used to have good connections within the program. No longer. I have NO idea what the plan is anymore.
  19. Bad timing or good timing? Guess it depends on your perspective. 😂
  20. lol! I have eaten enough crow this year with Harsin (remember we had Mario too) to fill me up for a decade. I’ll take the well-deserved ribbing tho. I mean…it was practically done. Then it wasn’t. But anyway… we will get what we get i suppose.
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