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Everything posted by passthebiscuits

  1. One play away from losing GaSt. The outlier here is the Ole Miss game. I still don’t understand that one. i just don’t think there’s that much difference in the talent level (last year) between most of the sec schools. This year is a different beast. But most definitely the indictment against this head coach is: 1) no adjustments 2) Poor gameplanning 3) losing close games 4) odd play calling in critical situations 5) poor in game decisions 6) can’t or is unwilling to recruit 7) believes he is better/smarter/hotter than you, me, or anyone else. We are lucky to be in his presence mentality. Not a fit for our University. (Dare I say most schools) but other than that…there’s hope!
  2. Not scoring for 2.75 quarters and once again completely incompetent after halftime should get it done, right?
  3. I can tell you that the heavy hitters that make decisions will be in attendance Saturday and are ready to see how it shakes out. In short, Saturday is decision day.
  4. I almost give him a pass in football. If you’ve ever been up there where they are calling the games…it’s a terrible viewpoint. It’s almost impossible.
  5. Robby will be sore but ok. TJ still week to week…suspect that it’s an AC sprain/Rib sprain. so say the whispers.
  6. What is so wild to me is to think of the near misses in Gus’ tenure. For instance, if we don’t get the OT win against Jacksonville State, if we get a horse collar call in the A and M game, if Louis doesn’t catch the deflection, if Bama makes a field goal…would we be having the same conversations? Heck, going to a last second victory over Ga state last season should have given us some sort of clue about Harsin. Anybody else think it’s so odd to see Harsin treat this win like a natty? I mean, I get wins are hard to come by, but this…?
  7. We have overwhelming data that suggest that by a coach’s second recruiting cycle, he should be making some headway. Harsin is not. With the transfer portal, we have evidence of similar coaches in year two upgrading their roster in key places. Harsin has not. When Bruce Pearl took over an awful roster, he said that they were “my guys.” He didn’t pen blame on the previous regime. I honestly don’t understand how any Auburn fan could watch that today and think we are headed in the right direction. But you do you.
  8. I need to add that a couple of the names I’m hearing from within are good candidates that are not well known. In other words, I don’t think that a hire from within necessairy has to be synonymous with Jackson or McGlynn.
  9. Totally my opinion here but I would agree. The compliance office is our biggest hindrance to NIL. They just don’t seem to jive. I personally think that if compliance yields, then they may think that why would we need such a robust compliance dept. hope that makes sense. that’s totally my opinion from a birdseye view tho…I cannot speak with any authority about that in all honesty.
  10. Ugh…I think it makes some sense. It’s not exciting tho. It would give us some stability and open some checkbooks for NIL. Selfishly, I’d like a guy like Riggins. If I was betting, I’d guess that the new prez goes chalk and hires from within.
  11. I think there’s a lot of possibilities right now. We can go Grimes…reach for a Kiffin or Sanders…or look at guys like Bill O Brien (don’t laugh). I do not agree with this “nobody will come to Auburn right now” mentality. Throw $5M at somebody and see if they’re still interested. I will tell you that there’s no name that’s set aside in the circle that I talk to (like Cristobal or Venebles during the last search or Kirby before that.) I realistically expect that the new prez will need to guide the show and that may include getting an AD in place and letting the season play out before we can make a legitimate move. Next two games will tell the story of how much time we have imo.
  12. Appreciate it. No spiking the ball here. I was consistent going back to last year that I wanted to be wrong. Honestly, this was a trifecta of bad hires and we just have to move on. my wishes for the fan base are: A) understand that the bot, the boosters, etc are not out to ruin football. They want to win. They didn’t set out to ruin the guy’s reputation this summer…it was from a genuine disturbance and documented grievance within the program. B)understand that the media is gonna say whatever they want. Last week it was how bad we were to let go of the AD. This summer it was how dare we don’t give this guy a chance. We can sit and debate who we can get and who’s available, (that’s gaslighting at its finest btw) but no Auburn person could see that on Saturday and think we are more hopeful going forward. Bruce Pearl is the epitome of what we want and deserve in our football program, and we should go after that—even if we fail— wholeheartedly. war Eagle always!
  13. Omg lashlee. That would be so on brand. Crap.
  14. To be fair…I couldn’t predict AD Greene would go rogue. He dumped Cristobal too. That’s deal was done fwiw
  15. Hot take: the orange jersey fake out is the analogy of the Harsin era. Big build up to fall flat. What a cluster.Cue the…”but who would we get?” and the …”but we have to give Harsin more time for stability” crowd.
  16. We wait for Mizzou and LSU. A loss to both, he’s done. An embarrassing loss to LSU he’s done. He loses to Mizzou, he’s done. Win both, he gets to season end. My play: We hire a competent AD that’s willing to understand Auburn people (Riggins?) and open the check book to Deion Sanders. 🤷‍♂️
  17. Fired the terrible president. Fired the terrible AD. Let’s cut bait and start over. No need to wait. I don’t care what the media says about us…they’re gonna say it either way.
  18. He’s a bad fit. He’s not a good recruiter. Now he’s a losing coach. not sure why some people are so defensive. We aren’t “showing legit pleasure.” We all want the same thing. We want to be wrong.
  19. I could tell some stories about our compliance department. Craziness.
  20. Our deficiencies on the Oline and secondary are obvious. Overall, there is some lack of size and talent in some key positions. I thought the WRs have played pretty well. We will always take a W, no matter how we get it. It wasn’t that long ago that we went to OT vs Jacksonville State. (Take that, Gus supporters!) Heck, even in our championship years we had some close games in the early season. (MSU in 2013, Clemson in 2010.) After all, point spreads are for those in Vegas. If it all went by the script, there’d be no fun. Bottom line, this PSU game is HUGE. In my recent memory, I can’t think of a bigger game this early that basically defines not only a season, but the program’s trajectory. Win it, and we all see hope. Lose it, and well…get the tarmac ready.
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