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Everything posted by passthebiscuits

  1. Under Armor is the absolute worst! Every doc/trainer involved with the program wants a change!
  2. 1000% this! Love me some AU, but don’t care how it looks on TV, Orange is terrible to wear as a stand alone color.
  3. He wasn’t picking, but he was clearly expelling from the nostril.
  4. I had 22 tickets to the Alabama State game in the lower bowl and couldn’t give away 8 of them as I circled the stadium before going in. I think we need better opponents to sell the place out.
  5. Bo’s arm strength is suspect. Am I alone in that assessment? OLine not too shabby. D secondary not good. sticking to my preseason assessment of this team…hard-nosed and physical, will keep us in every game, lots of “moral victory” games, but not enough high end talent and/or at crucial positions (WR) to get the Ws. playcalling was bad at times, but I have faith that we are moving in the right direction. give penn state and that environment some credit.
  6. Akron isn’t the worst team, but if the worst team quits, they are in trouble. That said (written), we looked polished and coordinated. We are coming off of seasons where we take Jax State to OT or piddle with Mercer. So, I’m cautiously optimistic that we can at least hold our own with the big dogs. We don’t have the talent right now (sans Tank and the front 7 on D) to make a run, IM0, but still, so nice to see route trees, check downs, red zone schemes and solid tackling.
  7. Many of the same team physicians are still in place thanks to early immobilization and treatment on that day. Pretty amazing stuff all around.
  8. I respect a person’s right to make decisions for oneself (with a doctors’ input as well). I understand the pushback to the idea that the government mandates or coerces us into anything. I also understand the hesitancy regarding the vaccine’s safety. I am keenly aware of the talking points and the uncertainties inevitable to these kinds of issues. However, there are some things that are clear at this point: 1) Covid is real, and despite it being 99% survivable, it causes long term complications in many. And that 1% that have succumbed to the illness are real people. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, pregnant patients, kids! I am surrounded by it every day as I work as a physician. We have no beds.Unvaccinated hospitalized covid patients cost our health care system over 2 billion dollars in June and July alone. I have watched people die with Covid. 2) The shot is safe and effective. It is a true miracle. To the very best that we can study a vaccine that was needed in record time, it is safe. Early August’s numbers alone show that 11,600 unvaccinated people in Alabama have died of Covid. 26 died of Covid that have been vaccinated. Even a Bama fan can tell you that the score 11,600-26 is real. 3) I am on the front lines. I don’t wear a lab coat. I probably stand with you in your grocery store. I am probably the least politically motivated person in the world. I am also a cancer survivor. I am a physician. I am absolutely dismayed at the lack of empathy and compassion toward human life. The shot saves people. This is absolutely a public health issue and not a political one. In summary: There is no debate. If you care about yourself, get the shot. If you care about those around you, get the shot. If you make a decision NOT to get the shot based on your own personal health reasons, personal religious convictions, or because you’ve had the virus and feel that you have antibodies—fine. But please, I’m begging you here, don’t make the decision based on political ideology. It’s not worth it. What I think we are seeing in real time is distrust. We don’t trust our government, leaders, politicians, church-leaders, doctors, etc.. To whom do we turn to then? I am a Christian. My Bible says that I am to treat others better than myself. (Phil 2) I wonder sometimes if we fight each other to win the argument so much that we miss the big idea that what we should trust is God’s unfailing love for us. I have only your best interests at heart. I want to see all of you in Jordan-Hare healthy. I don’t think it’s Harsin’s job to tell anyone to get the shot or not. At this point, it’s out there and trustworthy people have spoken. War Eagle.
  9. If she doesn’t become the Sunny D spokesperson, I quit.
  10. So...this is still officially “undisclosed” by the student-athlete. The latest whispers are that he could be back in 2 weeks...but at what capacity (if at all) remains to be seen.
  11. Let’s gooooooooo! (Camera fades as the viewer sees PTB’s outline in the Sheetrock of the Wall through which he has run.)
  12. Well then, let’s keep it Hamilton style. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, B dot Hamm. Give me some Brod. Hamm!!! Let’s go!!!!! (Runs through wall)
  13. Yikes. Well give me the best name in football... give me some Smoke Monday.
  14. I’m truly honored...freaked out...but honored.
  15. Joe Frazier (#5) was an absolute handful on the edge blocking. All those T Bowden pitch outs were devastating to the edge of defenses, and Frazier was awesome at it! Wde
  16. Nick freakin Marshall. Watch how many times he makes a man miss. Underrated passer also. Arm strength for days. CAP had more speed back then. I think he got a little too top heavy. He’s still got a job in the NFL tho....just won’t be with Brady this year. Coates had all the talent in the world... but those hands. We needed some superglue. No wonder our D struggled for the rest of the year. Most of the time we got nothing up front. This was a case of extremely poor qb play from LSU imo. This shows what a CGM offense can do when the qb is mobile. It sets everything up when the qb runs. Doesn’t have to do it lots, but the D has to respect the possibility. Fave thing about this game: the LSU fans at halftime were the nicest I’ve ever seen them. They knew their biscuits were burnt.
  17. They are absolute garbagio. No serious runner uses UA. as for cleats, there’s function (Adidas makes a great cleat with lots of support), and there’s style. Nike has the ear of most of today’s youth...like it or not.
  18. Adidas is making a nice push too. Anything but UA.
  19. Some of our players apply tape over the Nike logo to step foot in the athletic complex per UA rules. The UA shoes are that poorly fitted. just FYI.
  20. One of the best calls ever: ”Rudi Johnson, Rudi Johnson. Rudi Johnson! RUDY JOHNSON!”
  21. This is always one of my fave posts each week win or lose. Always a fair take on the events of the week with an evenhanded non-fanatical approach. Well done.
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