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Everything posted by passthebiscuits

  1. with all respect, that’s absurd. I’m very hopeful that our football team can turn the corner. Of course Harsin gets a chance to get it done. I’m rooting for him.
  2. So what is your evidence? Was it the 4th down away from losing to GaState? Was it blowing the largest lead in AU football history? Was it firing an OC after your first season? Was it absolutely blowing a winnable game against your rival? Was it your years of success at a midmajor? Was it only 2 of your top 10 recruits being offensive players and none of those are Olinemen? Should we just compare ourselves to Kentucky to feel better? How did the other 2 first year coaches in the SEC do this year? being realistic…what am I missing? Not being pessimistic, but geez I’m a realist.
  3. The outliers here are the Ole Miss and Arky games. Drop those two and we are 4-8. I wonder if we have these conversations. Win the Miss St and South Carolina games and we are 8-4, and we don’t have these conversations. Close out Bama, and we definitely don’t have these conversations. Harsin doesn’t have anyone to blame but himself about how we finished the year. He absolutely has to move the program along. I simply think we (all AU fans) fall into a trap where taking one viewpoint chokes off all others. But several things can be true at one time. It’s just like medicine, just because you are in a car wreck doesn’t mean you can’t have Covid. What I’m getting at is this: Gus left the program in shambles. We haven’t recruited like we need to in order to be winners in the best division and conference in our sport. He had to go. Our team and support was stale. Harsin believes that he can build a tougher and winning team. He hasn’t done it yet. His current resume does not build confidence. However, we are just going to have to wait and see if he can get it done. Until then, let’s not throw stones at the fans that either a) think he can get it done and just needs time or b) think he’s probably not the one that gets it done based on what we’ve seen so far. Both arguments are true. I don’t know why we keep debating it and calling each other out for whatever viewpoint we have. is this too practical?
  4. So let’s play a game: assign percentage of blame to the following factors (must add up to 100%) Harsin: Bobo: OL: QB play: Defense: Lack of overall talent: Gus: Illuminati/other:
  5. I would give you every “like” in my Arsenal. Completely agree.
  6. Buh-bye. you don’t have a right to leave your lover and still be loved. That’s not how life works. I just wrote and deleted what I think about Bo and his family. It’s the Christmas season, after all.
  7. PS Jake Holland wishes you a very Merry Christmas!
  8. Ditto. It’s not even close. He just didn’t want to play football. (For real.)
  9. Ok ok this makes a guy feel better! I’m not eating crow yet, but I’m in the grocery store.
  10. Nobody is advocating for a change. This isn’t about patience, as that’s our only option. We just have our eyes opened to the likelihood that things aren’t really going in a good direction. When Saban lost to ULM, he had a National championship at LSU to trust and a record of great recruiting and team-building. Nobody—but nobody—questioned the direction of his program. What exactly do we see from CBH that gives us that security? I promise, I’m not trying to be negative, but I guess I’m trying to defend/explain the position of folks like me who are watching the gates burn and who are disappointed. We aren’t some insatiable, lunatic fringe of Auburn fans. I dunno. Whatever. War Eagle. Hope for the best. Hope I’m wrong.
  11. I think both things can be true: Bo is an Auburn guy and gave his all to the school. Bo is wanting an opportunity to be an NFL QB and sees the writing on the wall that it can’t happen here. I think what you are seeing is the passion of true Auburn fans. We are disappointed that he’s chosen this path, being “All-Auburn,” and while we understand—it is incredibly frustrating to see players (like worm) continue to bail on our beloved program for other endeavors. Again, we understand and don’t blame these players for trying to better themselves, but it’s disingenuous of Bo, in my opinion, to claim that he “made all his decisions for auburn,” but now had to make decisions for himself. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. No, he doesn’t “owe” us anything. But he doesn’t get our adoration and praise for this decision. He left us. He bailed. That sucks. We are sore. It hurts our feelings. Hope that makes sense.
  12. Train. Wreck. are we still all in on Harsin?
  13. Yeah that’s the question isn’t it? For one, if he knows he’s going to ucf, does he still have to enter the portal? I have heard he joins ucf and Pat takes an OC job there. But those are just whispers. UCF would be comfortable, but I agree—it isn’t going to make him NFL ready.
  14. 4. Feels like he could be an NFL Qb but can’t do it in this system/this coaching staff/this OL.
  15. Momma always said when you can’t say something nice… good luck.
  16. I have heard that the original plan was to hire the ASU OC, but it did not clear compliance. The name I’m hearing most is Mike Denbrock. (OC Bearcats) That said (written), I’m expecting a promotion from within the program. TIFWIW.
  17. Mrs Harsin? Is that you? I kid. I kid. taking a break now from the board for bball season. Everyone knows how i feel. Wde everyone!
  18. Agree 1000% DTR, and may I add that Harsin is no Bruce Pearl. And hiding a talent gap is easier in bball IMO.
  19. 😂 I just realllly hate how this year ended, and I guess I’m overly cynical that Harsin is the guy to get it done. No, on a personal level he’s just fine. He’s not really like a traditional Auburn guy, but that’s fine by me if he wins. I am confident that he thinks he can take the three star and make them tough and play physical and mentally tough football. I think if we give him 3-4 years, he will do just that. I just think that we will still be 8-4, 7-5 with that kind of team, because he does not seem to understand the talent gap. Just my opinion. There’s nothing to do but to sit back and watch him succeed or fail. I’m not advocating for replacing him without giving him a shot, but I’ve seen enough this season to know that it’s just not a fit. Hope that makes sense.
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