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Everything posted by passthebiscuits

  1. Y’all…if you’ve been here any time at all…you know that I’m realistic when it comes to our football team. I’m usually right…but that’s for another time. And let me say, before I state this…that I understand we haven’t played a game yet. But… this team is going to be good. Maybe not top 10 good, but very very good. We are gonna win some ballgames. This OL is SOOOO much better. Our WRs have size and talent. Defense has depth. Dbacks are going to be top1-2 in the SEC. DLine with some speed. Man. my opinion, we still need a QB. That’s the ceiling for us. but we messed around and somehow got us a coach/coaches and we got a major upgrade in talent.
  2. One could guess that the player had a small subdural bleed from impact. Young healthy folks usually do ok. I can guarantee that if he’s cleared to play, he will have completed a battery of tests. Like someone else said, If he’s my son, I don’t want him playing again. But it’s hard to tell some kids with that kind of talent not to go 100%.
  3. Man I’m so over those stupid letter lights. Focus should be on the students. Just sayin. Same with the new facilities we are making lately. Not warm and inviting. Instead it’s cold and impersonal…too techie. but in a more positive light, love the energy! War Eagle
  4. You mean the talent on our current roster than what we had a year ago? can’t tell if you’re serious…
  5. We heard about tough workouts with Harsin. Difference is that the talent that is doing the workouts is much, much improved. May I also add that Harsin was much more interested in completing the workouts himself than just about anything else. we may have messed around and gotten us a great coach.
  6. My two cents is that there has to be some sort of return on investment. That is, if a player signs the deal, he’s set in for the length of the contract. Additionally, anything off the field that hurts the contract voids the contract. Don’t perform? Don’t get paid. Also, everybody needs to know what everybody makes. I agree…transparency is everything…and let’s not make it about education…this has nothing to do with their degree.
  7. It’s contracted out. The player has certain stipulations for the contract. read about the qb that recently left Florida because his $13M deal fell through. It gives some insight on how things are working these days.
  8. If we depend on Finley next year, we are in deep doodoo.
  9. ^the fact that Hamlin was not breathing on his own after ROSC is a terrible terrible sign. Typically, if we “restart” the heart with defibrillation, a young healthy non-injured brain should take over with limited problems. Btw, There was a kid here in Auburn a few years back who suffered this event playing baseball with his brother. Just a terrible tragedy for all involved. Prayers.
  10. ^agree with above. He will still need a miracle.
  11. Yeah watched this happen in real time. Looked immediately like commotio cordis. On the positive note, it looks like the staff was there right away with AED and other measures. On the negative note, he received several minutes of cpr. We can only pray that he survives this with as little anoxic injury as possible. He will need a miracle. I’m not optimistic, but we can always hope. I have a physician contact for the Bengals and he was on the field within the first 30 seconds or so. They are all just shaken to the core. just a terrible tragedy.
  12. You mess with us, you’ll be Sorey! Let’s gooooo!
  13. Good time to say how much we appreciate you E and others for following this stuff for us!
  14. So have we swung and missed on every top target today? Asking the question in all honesty. The fact that CHF has salvaged a top 25 class is already amazing. btw… I find the whole recruiting game underhanded and unscrupulous. Many of these kids are pulled in directions that they have no business being pulled. Our beloved college football is no less than a pro sport with egos and slimy practices. Sign of the times I guess (and I’m getting old…)
  15. Pretty sure the nip will freeze off this weekend.
  16. I’m not aware of any planned surgery. I think his injuries mostly require rest and rehab.
  17. Awful news. I don’t know why we need reminders that football isn’t life. (Unlike what Danny Rojas says). Hug your families. Tell someone you love them. Don’t wait. Do it now. War Eagle and War Pirate!
  18. ^sounds right. Cardiac arrest with recovery of pulse. While this happens in the movies and TV, this is not associated with a good outcome 99% of the time. we need to pray for his family. Likely some tough decisions coming.
  19. Conflicting reports. The only thing we know is that he’s in critical condition and that he was taken from Starkville to the higher level of care in Jackson. My guess is a devastating stroke but that is just a guess based on why he would be transferred. However, I’m reading a lot about a cardiac arrest situation. honestly irresponsible to presume, so we will just have to wait for an official report. Either way, coach will need a miracle. Understanding that THE miracle is that we have eternal life through belief in Jesus. prayers up!
  20. On it. What city does Bobby live in?
  21. Don’t know what to tell ya. Everything was in his court and he opted out last minute. I’m told it was because his kiddos are getting older and he didn’t want to upset the apple cart. They seem pretty happy and settled in Oxford. I also wouldn’t put it past Lane to sock it to the poor reporter…he’s kind of petty that way. Nevertheless a huge blow and an absolute cluster. I will always root for our Tigers and support the coach until proven otherwise. But if the hire is Freeze, I’m going to take a sabbatical. Final thought: this experience taught me that my one airtight intel is absolutely worthless. We simply have no idea what Roberts and Cohen are thinking. I think we best figure out that this is the new normal.
  22. You’re right. I’m overreacting. I found myself pulling so hard for Ole Miss there (there’s a first for everything), I got a little lost in the comments. still a good idea for me to take a little breather. Thanks for the positivity.
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