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Everything posted by SRBautigerfan

  1. The only thing more frightening than that is the current occupiers of the WH. I'm hoping both parties become less radicalized in the future and slide more to the center but I doubt that will happen anytime soon. If the current regime is any indication it's only going to get worse with social medias and big tech becoming more and more politicized.
  2. Great point that I hadn't thought about myself. I know when I got vaccinated it really knocked me for a loop and I was down for a couple of days. My wife, not as bad and I've heard other folks say they were fine and had no adverse reactions at all.
  3. I'm assuming Loy's increase in PT is directly linked to others being absent due to testing positive for COVID? If not, props to Loy.
  4. This is an obvious case of deli customer suppression. 😏
  5. Alternate uni's with orange face masks. 🤩
  6. Same people that worry about side effects of the vaccine while claiming COVID-19 is no worse than flu while at the same time claim the pandemic was unleashed from a lab in China... 🤨🤪
  7. Some folks always get the benefit of the doubt and some folks... not so much.
  8. I'm guessing that a few folks are feeling a little 0-1 this morning.
  9. Where has it been said that there's a "resistance" by the team to the vaccine?
  10. That's pathetic. Sadly, there will still be flat earthers doubting COVID-19 is real and/or the effectiveness of the vaccines.
  11. Mark my words... 1. Auburn beats UGA Sux. 2. Auburn ends the regular season with two 1000 yds rushers. #War Eagle!
  12. For anyone contemplating whether or not to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines, here's a story I just heard from my wife. She got her hair cut today and the lady cutting it asked whether my wife had been vaccinated. She said yes (we're both vaccinated btw) and the lady (45yo) said she had just made an appointment for her and her husband to get one asap. She said the reason why was because some family and friends had a gathering awhile back and 9 of them ended up testing positive for COVID-19. Out of the 9 people, 2 of them (man and wife in their 60's) had been vaccinated. Their symptoms were mild and recovered in a few days. The other 7 had not been vaccinated. 6 out of those 7, did not require hospitalization and recovered at home with no lasting side effects. But the remaining unvaccinated women, who is in her mid 30's, an avid runner and very healthy was not as lucky. She required hospitalization for weeks, and has suffered severe lung damage as a result. Her doctor said she was very lucky to have not been put on a ventilator but she's now having to see a pulmonologist because of her lung damage. This happed in south Alabama, fwiw, and just wanted to pass it along to everyone.
  13. Egg zackly! If the fellas busting their butts want a little extra motivation and have a little fun at the same time, I don't see a down side to it.
  14. I would think with Council, Hamm and Manning's weight all over 330 lbs we could effectively run the ball.
  15. I'de call that being set up for failure. Hopefully they can put it together quickly and have a solid year. I think they can and will.
  16. Yep. I'm usually more perceptive than that. I'm blaming the lack of coffee in me at 4:am this morning .
  17. Unlike everyone else in that video.
  18. Maybe someone will throw him a life preserver but you gotta wonder if anyone is going to waste a scholly on him if he's going to just quit/transfer if he's not the starter.
  19. Wow, not a good look. It's pretty late in the process to be able to contribute this season but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do these days.
  20. He's got by the end of today to pick 5 starters and get them gelling together asap or it won't matter who's QB1.
  21. I love that last part about operating at a high level every single day. It's a positive culture change that Auburn has needed for awhile now.
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