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Everything posted by Auburnguy101

  1. And if that happens then you can count me out of ever being an Auburn supporter and all my money will go to my grad school. I will never be able to support a scumbag like him…
  2. See, I don’t understand this logical fallacy. Just because someone has a lot of experience doesn’t mean it’s good experience. Also, it’s a huge red flag to me that someone has that much experience at that age and has never been a head coach. I think it’s actually more impressive what Deion has done in less than 3 years at JSU where they had no winning seasons in the 8 years before he came along than what Grimes has done. It wasn’t like Grimes took over a terrible BYU offense or Baylor offense. It wasn’t like he went to Florida International and made them the number one offense in the nation. People tend to over analyze things when it’s not that complicated to be objective…
  3. I get that injuries happen, I honestly do, but I believe outside of 2020 and parts of 2021, his offenses struggled against many of the teams who had a defense.I mean, the last 6 games of last Baylor won not because of their offense but because of their defense. I know his offense is good but I also have a hard time not to think many of his offenses look because they play against no defenses. Also, like I’ve said, he reminds me of Gus where he’s a good offensive coordinator but does it translate to being a head coach and it’s a red flag that he’s been in the coaching business this long and has no head coaching experience. As for Hugh, that’s a non starter for me. On the field, he’s no better than Gus and then off the field, don’t even get me started…
  4. I would say the hesitation I have on Grimes is I look at patterns for a coach and how they fare against the top teams. As a coordinator, if your team is putting up 28+ points against a top 10 team consistently but the team lost, I can still praise the offense and see that potential. However, if you are scoring points only against teams with no defense or no pulse and then struggling to score against good teams, then that’s where I become hesitant. His teams in the first year start hot, but then if you dissect it more, you will notice that many of these explosive games are against inferior opponents but when said offense played against a good team, that offensive production dropped significantly. It has been a pattern with Grimes. It reminds me almost like Gus, and that’s why I feel like we would have the same exact win-loss record with Grimes. Win 7-9 games and have a special year every 5 years. He just reminds me of that same pattern, where we will kill the inferior teams but then struggle to do anything on offense against teams that have a pulse. Also, I wouldn’t call Grimes a “safe” hire but a “comfortable” hire for the Auburn brass, which is very unfortunate. As mentioned, I think he would do great with boosters because of the familiarity and he will toe the company line. Not saying he’s a pushover but he’s not going to be given complete control as well. Finally, I am always highly skeptical of any assistant coach who has not been a head coach but has over 20+ plus years of experience in the field. That makes me seriously wonder the reason why. Is Grimes just a really good position coach/coordinator but doesn’t have the personality and ability to be a head coach? I don’t know but it’s a huge red flag to me that he has never been a head coach for as much experience he has coaching. Do Auburn people believe we are the only ones seeing something no one else does? I don’t know, again, I suspect it’ll be Grimes because it’s the typical Auburn hire. Not saying anything bad about him, just that I don’t get the appeal other than he coached here before and it would be a “comfortable” hire for Auburn…
  5. And you hate it when people call you out on your drivel. I think many people have selective memories when it comes to Freeze. Even with his best teams, couldn’t beat Gus, but yea, sure, let’s list reasons why he would be able to be successful here, even though he wasn’t that good at Ole Miss. I guess I don’t understand the adoration for him. And I love that you bring up he is on his 3rd or 4th string QB. Look at the teams he’s played outside of Wake Forest. It’s a joke of a schedule. Auburn would be undefeated with that schedule. Again, don’t understand the reason people think Freeze is this coach who would take us anywhere. He’s a poor man’s Gus. He wouldn’t even be mentioned if he didn’t beat UAT twice. But, that’s what clouds yours’ and others’ judgments about him. And again, let’s not even talk about the off the field stuff. I can have a legitimate conversation, just when people act like Freeze is this amazing coach is ludicrous. He had an NFL QB and still went 8-5. Sounds exactly like another coach we’ve had, does less with more…
  6. Oh come on, you make it sound like he has played a murderer’s row of a schedule. It’s a joke of a schedule honestly. Auburn would be undefeated with that schedule. Just say you love Freeze, very low standards you have. He’s very average, again, you can’t say anything to me when he hasn’t won anything and had a 1-3 record against Gus with the cheating he did at Ole Miss. Man, would hate to hear your standards of a coach if all it entails is that he beat Bammer. Oh also, he’s POS of a human being, but you keep defending him…
  7. Yea, plan on watching it. But yea, us hiring Deion would be like me winning the lottery 3 times in a row…
  8. Not bird, but he would take the job immediately if offered from Auburn. Also, unless FSU has a losing season, then Norvell will be there next year. Just what I know.
  9. We’re going to hire an AD first, then let go Harsin…
  10. Another thing, you cannot call yourself an Auburn fan and want some POS like Freeze. I’m not really worried though, because Dr. Roberts will never sign off on Freeze. There would be such a huge backlash from a large portion of the fan base, just like Schiano at UT. Auburn needs someone who would unite the fan base and Freeze would just make the fan base more divided. Sorry, can people stop hoping he gets the job? Never seen so many people clamor for such a mediocre lowlife POS coach…
  11. Freeze is so overrated. He beat UAT twice and that is literally the reason so many Auburn fans want him. His offensive prowess scored a whopping 21 points against attorneys at law Gardner Webb yesterday. He is not even as good as Gus, who I am glad is gone. He had and continues to have some bad losses. There’s literally nothing special about him. I’ve never seen a fan base slop over one guy who has not won anything in his life. And let’s not even talk about his off the field stuff. He’s a lowlife POS scumbag who I hope Auburn never allows on campus…
  12. Will never root for Auburn football again if we hired that lowlife scumbag douche. Also, for the Freeze fans, your boy almost lost to attorney at law Gardner Webb but yea, he’s the best ever because he beat Bammer twice. I swear Auburn has the worst people making decisions…
  13. FSU is going to get Deion, sneaky suspicion…
  14. Maybe Harsin is getting fired tomorrow or Monday possibly now…
  15. Well I had been hearing they were ready to fire him soon, but now, it might not happen at all. Oh well, either way, it’ll be another 2 months of arguing haha
  16. As much as I dislike Thamel, I would trust his sources over Hoke…
  17. Maybe, maybe not. Just letting you know what I’m hearing. I do know that my friend’s Dad isn’t sure if Harsin will be fired anytime soon…
  18. He’s in a significant role. Knows Rich McGlynn personally…
  19. Agree, but a lot of moving parts right now. No one can get on the same page apparently…
  20. At home, I think Auburn wins. Their offense is atrocious. Also, that’s what people thought about Ole Miss’ defense, that they would kill us today, and look what’s happening. I think we end the season 6-6 again. Just looking at what’s going on right now, and only Miss State and UAT games look like sure losses…
  21. Texas A and M has no offense. And it’s at home. Kind of reminds me of the LSU game, but this time we’ll win…
  22. First, we’re not going 3-8. We’re going to beat ArKansas and A and M. Second, apparently the people who matter just aren’t on the same page on what to do. Some want a change, another faction wants to give him another year since there isn’t a consensus on a coach that all of them would be happy about. We’ll see…
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