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Everything posted by AUFAN78

  1. Pipko, the daughter of Jewish Russian immigrants who fled religious persecution, said she considers herself the embodiment of the American dream. No mention of her being a sex worker, but I look forward to that evidence. 🤡
  2. This thread will make one's head hurt. FOX is the worst! FTLOG. We all remember the lies of Russia, Russia, Russia. COVID lies for $500 anyone? Should we broach the Hunter Biden lies? To point out FOX as some outlier of daily lies or dishonesty is laughable and the words of a simpleton.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/opinion/bragg-trump-trial.html About a year ago, when Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, indicted former President Donald Trump, I was critical of the case and called it an embarrassment. I thought an array of legal problems would and should lead to long delays in federal courts. After listening to Monday’s opening statement by prosecutors, I still think the district attorney has made a historic mistake. Their vague allegation about “a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election” has me more concerned than ever about their unprecedented use of state law and their persistent avoidance of specifying an election crime or a valid theory of fraud. To recap: Mr. Trump is accused in the case of falsifying business records. Those are misdemeanor charges. To elevate it to a criminal case, Mr. Bragg and his team have pointed to potential violations of federal election law and state tax fraud. They also cite state election law, but state statutory definitions of “public office” seem to limit those statutes to state and local races. Both the misdemeanor and felony charges require that the defendant made the false record with “intent to defraud.” A year ago, I wondered how entirely internal business records (the daily ledger, pay stubs and invoices) could be the basis of any fraud if they are not shared with anyone outside the business. I suggested that the real fraud was Mr. Trump’s filing an (allegedly) false report to the Federal Election Commission, and that only federal prosecutors had jurisdiction over that filing. A recent conversation with Jeffrey Cohen, a friend, Boston College law professor and former prosecutor, made me think that the case could turn out to be more legitimate than I had originally thought. The reason has to do with those allegedly falsified business records: Most of them were entered in early 2017, generally before Mr. Trump filed his Federal Election Commission report that summer. Mr. Trump may have foreseen an investigation into his campaign, leading to its financial records. He may have falsely recorded these internal records before the F.E.C. filing as consciously part of the same fraud: to create a consistent paper trail and to hide intent to violate federal election laws, or defraud the F.E.C. In short: It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up. Looking at the case in this way might address concerns about state jurisdiction. In this scenario, Mr. Trump arguably intended to deceive state investigators, too. State investigators could find these inconsistencies and alert federal agencies. Prosecutors could argue that New York State agencies have an interest in detecting conspiracies to defraud federal entities; they might also have a plausible answer to significant questions about whether New York State has jurisdiction or whether this stretch of a state business filing law is pre-empted by federal law. However, this explanation is a novel interpretation with many significant legal problems. And none of the Manhattan district attorney’s filings or today’s opening statement even hint at this approach. Instead of a theory of defrauding state regulators, Mr. Bragg has adopted a weak theory of “election interference,” and Justice Juan Merchan described the case, in his summary of it during jury selection, as an allegation of falsifying business records “to conceal an agreement with others to unlawfully influence the 2016 election.” As a reality check: It is legal for a candidate to pay for a nondisclosure agreement. Hush money is unseemly, but it is legal. The election law scholar Richard Hasen rightly observed, “Calling it election interference actually cheapens the term and undermines the deadly serious charges in the real election interference cases.” In Monday’s opening argument, the prosecutor Matthew Colangelo still evaded specifics about what was illegal about influencing an election, but then he claimed, “It was election fraud, pure and simple.” None of the relevant state or federal statutes refer to filing violations as fraud. Calling it “election fraud” is a legal and strategic mistake, exaggerating the case and setting up the jury with high expectations that the prosecutors cannot meet. The most accurate description of this criminal case is a federal campaign finance filing violation. Without a federal violation (which the state election statute is tethered to), Mr. Bragg cannot upgrade the misdemeanor counts into felonies. Moreover, it is unclear how this case would even fulfill the misdemeanor requirement of “intent to defraud” without the federal crime. In stretching jurisdiction and trying a federal crime in state court, the Manhattan district attorney is now pushing untested legal interpretations and applications. I see three red flags raising concerns about selective prosecution upon appeal. First, I could find no previous case of any state prosecutor relying on the Federal Election Campaign Act either as a direct crime or a predicate crime. Whether state prosecutors have avoided doing so as a matter of law, norms or lack of expertise, this novel attempt is a sign of overreach. Second, Mr. Trump’s lawyers argued that the New York statute requires that the predicate (underlying) crime must also be a New York crime, not a crime in another jurisdiction. The district attorney responded with judicial precedents only about other criminal statutes, not the statute in this case. In the end, the prosecutors could not cite a single judicial interpretation of this particular statute supporting their use of the statute (a plea deal and a single jury instruction do not count). Third, no New York precedent has allowed an interpretation of defrauding the general public. Legal experts have noted that such a broad “election interference” theory is unprecedented, and a conviction based on it may not survive a state appeal. Mr. Trump’s legal team also undercut itself for its decisions in the past year: His lawyers essentially put all of their eggs in the meritless basket of seeking to move the trial to federal court, instead of seeking a federal injunction to stop the trial entirely. If they had raised the issues of selective or vindictive prosecution and a mix of jurisdictional, pre-emption and constitutional claims, they could have delayed the trial past Election Day, even if they lost at each federal stage. nother reason a federal crime has wound up in state court is that President Biden’s Justice Department bent over backward not to reopen this valid case or appoint a special counsel. Mr. Trump has tried to blame Mr. Biden for this prosecution as the real “election interference.” The Biden administration’s extra restraint belies this allegation and deserves more credit. Eight years after the alleged crime itself, it is reasonable to ask if this is more about Manhattan politics than New York law. This case should serve as a cautionary tale about broader prosecutorial abuses in America — and promote bipartisan reforms of our partisan prosecutorial system. Nevertheless, prosecutors should have some latitude to develop their case during trial, and maybe they will be more careful and precise about the underlying crime, fraud and the jurisdictional questions. Mr. Trump has received sufficient notice of the charges, and he can raise his arguments on appeal. One important principle of “our Federalism,” in the Supreme Court’s terms, is abstention, that federal courts should generally allow state trials to proceed first and wait to hear challenges later. This case is still an embarrassment, in terms of prosecutorial ethics and apparent selectivity. Nevertheless, each side should have its day in court. If convicted, Mr. Trump can fight many other days — and perhaps win — in appellate courts. But if Monday’s opening is a preview of exaggerated allegations, imprecise legal theories and persistently unaddressed problems, the prosecutors might not win a conviction at all. Jed Handelsman Shugerman (@jedshug) is a law professor at Boston University.
  4. Kristi Noem on Face the Nation
  5. Tim Scott on Meet the Press
  6. Tom Cotton on This Week ABC News
  7. Doug Burgum on CNN State of the Union https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/05/05/burgum_huge_number_of_irregularities_and_covid_rules_changes_in_2020_election.html
  8. Parents across the United States are being restricted from accessing their adolescent children’s online electronic health records. Not only are military parents barred from accessing all but basic information on their 13- to 17-year-olds in the military’s online health care portal, but the adolescent minor also is not allowed to have a user logon until 18. Military insurance provider Tricare finally issued a press release in March explaining Department of Defense (DOD) policies that restrict parents from adolescent records in the portal, Military Health System (MHS) Genesis, as well as from “sensitive” physical records. Many military parents object to providers’ having a confidential relationship with their children because they do not trust activist MHS doctors who believe a child can be born in the wrong body to counsel their children on anything in secret — as some are doing. Dr. David Klein was chief of adolescent medicine at Ft. Belvoir in 2016. He and his associates have diligently documented their research on transgender-identifying military dependents. They reveal that from 2009 until 2017, more than 2,500 military dependents, ages 4 to 25, sought treatment for gender confusion from the MHS. When Tricare began to pay for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for dependents in 2016, they observed a marked increase in the number of patients seeking such care. One can only imagine how high the figures are today when taking into account estimates that the number of transgender-identifying youth in the United States nearly doubled between 2016 and 2022. Additionally, the leading organization for transgender care, WPATH, was recently exposed for its lack of evidence and safeguards that led to members performing pseudoscientific surgical and hormonal experiments on minors. And, similarly, the Cass Review, released this month, detailed how England’s leading specialist youth transgender “clinic,” now permanently closed, was untethered from evidence-based medicine. As the rationale for transgender drugs and surgeries unravels, a legal reckoning is being led in the United States by detransitioners such as Chloe Cole, who began transitioning at 12 and had a double mastectomy by 15. DOD and affirming doctors in the MHS must be included in this reckoning and held accountable for any harm suffered by military dependents under their care. Laws and policies that allow medical records and medical treatment of adolescents to be hidden from parents are potentially harmful to children and destructive to families, and this is why military parents must urge Congress to strike DOD’s policies that drive a wedge between them and their children and to pass legislation that clarifies their right to guide the medical care of their children. https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/29/dod-prompts-gender-dysphoria-among-military-kids-and-hides-health-records-from-parents/
  9. https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/4625253-on-alvin-bragg-and-the-art-of-not-taking-the-law-too-seriously/
  10. This seventeen-year-old is making noise in Nashville.
  11. I haven't read the book, so I cannot comment on justification nor whether or not it was an attempt to make her look good. But we do know media tends to leave out context. Whether that is the case here is unclear. But I do know of similar circumstances. My old neighbor raised Dobermans. I fed them while he was on vacation. One of the young males lunged at his son one day and he went to his truck, grabbed a gun, and shot him between the eyes. It seemed harsh to me, but he insisted it was necessary to maintain breed integrity. I'm no expert on the matter, just relaying a similar event.
  12. Are you saying Trump wanted his supporters to attack police and the Capitol? Do we have evidence of that? Now that is true.
  13. Well not typically, but we had intelligence indicating unrest. So at a minimum, you are prepared or should be. Look, I didn't agree with the protest, but again it is protected. I certainly don't agree with those that were violent. But for the record that was .091 percent of the crowd. We can't simply lump the entire crowd into a basket. That's my opinion. I get partisans will disagree. IIWII
  14. The crowd estimated at 135K had the right to protest. I don't necessarily agree with their cause, but they had the right regardless. He knew the crowd were his supporters and he did ask them to go and peacefully protest. The gallows were being constructed in the predawn hours. Did he know about them? IDK. If so, obviously he should have called for the removal. Did he know some in the crowd would attack police? Again IDK. Asking them to peacefully protest perhaps he had an inkling. If so, he had a responsibility to warn against and condemn such activity. His actions post-riot were terrible. Indefensible IMO. He shares some responsibility in the march/protest, but again, I think that is a protected right. And he certainly has some responsibility for not calling off the violence sooner. The J6 trial will shed more light on the matter. Multiple people were pleading with him to call it off. I don't agree the protests were indefensible. I may not agree with the cause, but it is a right under the First Amendment. I do agree the violence and Trump's lack of response were indefensible. I cannot speak for others, but I'm not sure I've seen anyone minimizing the violence. This thread has covered both the lack of security measures and post Capitol attack. Both are relevant and should be addressed. Doing so is not minimalization.
  15. I've answered your questions, yes the ones you keep repeating, multiple times. Don't blame me that you are stuck in an endless loop of stupidity.
  16. Well, it doesn't have to be hard. Mistakes were made and accountability has to happen. Will it? Trump will lose and once again complain the election was stolen and that will be the end of it. Republicans will hopefully move on from Trump, heal, and become the GOP again. Time will tell.
  17. Damn. What a thread. And I was stopping by just to say Congrats to Bo and family.
  18. I have to profess, that is precisely how I feel lately trying to educate you on this topic.
  19. First, thanks for the concession. I have discussed both. You seem to dismiss the prevention phase. Why? Do you even read the threads? These questions have been answered multiple times, yet here you go asking again. It's tiring frankly.
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