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Everything posted by AUDynasty

  1. IMO let’s go with Ashford. At least he’ll always have that big play opportunity. That interception pretty much seals it for me. Go with someone dynamic and ride on him.
  2. That sucked but only three WRs?? I would have put five or at least four out there on that down.
  3. Agreed. I just feel indifferent to with everyone passing second. It’s amazing. I just feel this is a bottom tier P5 team competing.
  4. Amazing how we’re just up 17-13 in fourth quarter over San Jose State! That’s the culmination of the last decade got us to. Wow.
  5. Honestly if you look at the team objectively and without rose colored glasses, you’ll see this as a mediocre team. Some people on this forum have warned us about it. Yikes.
  6. Exactly!! I can’t believe they didn’t call it. Refs broke rules or made up the call for Bama. That was utterly nonsensical and that call should be discussed more.
  7. I've always thought Texas is a sleeping giant. They just need a good coach and things will take off. A juggernaut waiting to happen, especially with NIL and the feverish love for the program from boosters.
  8. But we won't know. They'd had gotten two points AND a possession. What if it was a FG? 15-10 would have been made things way more interesting.
  9. Wonder what the game would have been if they counted the safety for Texas. That's all.
  10. Imagine if their kicker, named Auburn, kicking a GW FG for Texas? Oh man, talk about a perfect schadenfreude!
  11. Only Bama would be gifted with a phantom, rule-breaking call. Wow.
  12. What the hell just happened? If that's an incomplete pass... then the only answer is grounding. WTF?
  13. Seeing some responses on this thread is so weird. If that woman was your daughter, would they truly feel the attack was justified? Can you look in your daughter's eyes and say "Well, you kinda deserved it."? How sad.
  14. If that's the case, do you think the idea of Republic (as you stated) will evolve to adopt policies that are in line with the pulse of people around the nation? To me, the current concentration of extreme wealth is one of the biggest factors for the current generation to reject the capitalist ideology because it simply does not work for them. What other viable alternative is there? When you see the idea of democratic socialism being floated, it's not hard to imagine that we're seeing a shift in this direction. I do agree that democratic socialism will grow in popularity, only because the current and future generations will see no other option for them to lead good, comfortable lives than the current status quo.
  15. Michelle McKenna would be fantastic. She has NFL pedigree and let’s face it—while the AD has the job of managing athletics, it’s all about football. If football is doing great, you can still have a great year financially if other sports aren’t doing so great. If our football season has a great year then that’s a financial boon to other sports. Plus when you throw in her pedigree, you can be sure she’ll be laser focused in finding the right coach plus right system needed to support Auburn football to a standard where we can be.
  16. It looks like the focus of the raid was finding out nuclear documents. https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-714498 Is this for real? It’s mind blowing.
  17. Republicans see LGBTQ individuals in a sexual relationship with other LGBTQ instead of LGBTQ people being in a loving, romantic relationship with others. It's easy to project grooming on LGBTQ individuals when they're already picturing them to be sexual deviants, when there're far too many examples of how straight male religious leaders, politicians, and community leaders were engaged in these acts.
  18. Yesterday there was another hearing. You can see the summary here. Some of the most startling quotes: Pence, who had journeyed to the Capitol to certify the election results, had to be hustled to safety by his security detail, with insurrectionists sometimes only feet away. An anonymous former White House security official, apparently testifying with his voice distorted to conceal his identity, said that Pence’s Secret Service detail were in fear of their lives. This person said that there were “a lot of very personal calls over the radio, so it was disturbing. I don’t like talking about it, but there were calls to say goodbye to family members.” The hearing also played excerpts from radio conversations among the agents, expressing near panic about Pence’s plight, and their own. “If we lose any more time, we may … lose the ability to leave,” one agent was heard to say. “So if we’re going to leave, we need to do it now.” The visceral force of the radio transmissions cuts hard against continuing efforts by Trump loyalists and their media allies to minimize what happened on Jan. 6.
  19. I guarantee if an abortion happens in Idaho, you'll find Republican congresspeople / elected officials threatening retaliation (such as lawsuits, jail, etc) against a doctor who makes a decision to perform an abortion. Look no further than what is currently happening to that 10-year old girl in Ohio going to Indiana for help. People saying that private decisions between mothers and doctors will remain secret are kidding themselves. Bad-faith forced-birther republicans will break havoc on mothers and girls everywhere.
  20. If what’s going on in Indiana with Indiana AG threatening to throw the book at the doctor who performed an abortion for that 10-year old girl from Ohio is of any indication, this is a clear cut threat at all doctors considering providing abortion for women in need. Maybe you should step back and have some compassion for women who will see their lives changed forever just because the Bible says so, while conveniently ignoring that there is a verse on abortion there. Try keep an open mind and listen to their stories. I feel sorry for you. Abortion is healthcare. Period.
  21. You realize that the Idaho GOP has said: "The Idaho Republican Party on Saturday amended its platform to oppose abortion in all instances, including as a life-saving procedure for a pregnant woman." The paragraph is from a pro-life organization saying that abortions should be allowed in life-saving situations for mothers, but Idaho GOP has rejected it. The Idaho GOP's platform throws this reasoning out with the bath water. According to the Idaho Reports Blog, an amendment to allow exceptions for "lethal danger" was proposed, with supporting delegates citing ectopic pregnancy concerns. That amendment was defeated 412–164. Again, you are WRONG. As you like to say... "Nice try, though." Grow up with name-calling.
  22. You're wrong. They said NO EXCEPTIONS at all. https://reason.com/2022/07/19/idaho-state-gop-says-abortion-should-be-illegal-even-when-used-to-save-a-womans-life/ Conservatives are terrorizing women's bodies. ----------- The Idaho Republican Party on Saturday amended its platform to oppose abortion in all instances, including as a life-saving procedure for a pregnant woman. The party platform now supports more restrictions on abortion than currently exist in any state law and declares abortion to be "murder from the moment of fertilization," even when it is required to save a woman's life. Scott Herndon, a Bonner County resident running unopposed for the Idaho Senate, sponsored the platform amendment. "For the last 49 years we have essentially lost the argument in the culture because we have focused on abortion as the termination of a pregnancy and not the termination of a living human being," Herndon said to fellow delegates, according to the Idaho Capital Sun. "We will never win this human rights issue, the greatest of our time, if we make allowances for the intentional killing of another human being." According to the Idaho Capital Sun, the party did, however, approve an amendment clarifying that miscarriages should not be subject to criminal penalties. However, language regarding miscarriage does not appear in the finished platform. Reason reached out to the Idaho GOP for confirmation but has not received a reply at the time of publication. Contrary to Herndon's position, the most strident pro-life activists have long argued that life-saving abortions are not actually abortions. "Abortion is not necessary to save a woman's life," reads an FAQ from the Life Institute. "Treatment for conditions arising in pregnancy, such as pre-eclampsia or sepsis, are NOT abortions, even if the life of the baby is lost, as the intention is not to harm the baby." The Idaho GOP's platform throws this reasoning out with the bath water. According to the Idaho Reports Blog, an amendment to allow exceptions for "lethal danger" was proposed, with supporting delegates citing ectopic pregnancy concerns. That amendment was defeated 412–164. Herndon "vocally opposed adding the exemption" and "argued that both lives, meaning fetus and mother, are of equal value in that situation." If the Idaho GOP can turn this platform position into law, Idaho women could be legally compelled to die from eclampsia, infections due to incomplete miscarriage (the treatment of which would constitute abortion to the Idaho GOP), and ectopic pregnancy, which is the leading cause of first-trimester maternal death, according to the University of California, Davis Health System. The new platform doesn't necessarily seem like a real attempt to court voters. A 2022 Pew Research survey found that only 8 percent of Americans support a total ban on abortion with no exceptions. Even among self-described Republican voters, only 16 percent support such stringent restrictions. According to Pew, pro-choice extremism is slightly more popular, with 19 percent supporting legal abortion with no exceptions, a number that rises to 30 percent among Democratic voters. Americans, it seems, are not broadly supportive of any extreme abortion policy. Time will tell if their elected representatives will listen to them.
  23. To the OP's title... since when? They're just looking to put women "in their place".
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