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Everything posted by Auburn2Eugene

  1. This is disheartening to say the least. I for one don't think Mond and JS are even on the same page. With JS we have competition against FBS competition. For Mond, he is on a STACKED high school team, and pretty much all the highlights I've seen are Bombs to wide open WRs, and he has around a 50% completion % last I saw. Who knows if Mond will work out for the next coach at A&M, but I thank Sumlin for never meeting JS. I certainly would. I would absolutely love JS to come to AU, but I'd rather see someone that can actually develop a QB. JS should of been making sure he would have a different OC rather than making sure Lashlee would be his... Thinking about that.... It almost makes me feel like strange things are a foot at the circle k. If JS signs with us, there is nothing to worry about. That will happen. There is a HUGE difference between JS and JF3 would couldn't start over a QB that didn't get a single FBS offer. I usually agree wholeheartedly with you E, but not on this one. If it in fact did change to an Official, it reduces the number of other schools who JS could visit officially. This is very much to our advantage if it did. Guys, is it better I multiquote this many at once, or should I do like e and post new replies for each one?
  2. I dont feel the same about him. #1. He KNEW what Bama was about when he signed. #2. Knowing Bamas history with QBs (especially DT QBs,) he signed and waited for his chance. #3. He got his chance and was beat out by a true freshmen. #4. After being beat out by a true freshmen, he quit the team. Think about it. Anyway, back on topic, the fact A&M has broken their promise to the Monds is huge. Also the violations against KB could be huge. I hope we can land JS. But as of right now I feel worlds better about our current QB situation if we miss JS. 2 more year of SW then we have Woody to trot out there. Dont get me wrong, I REALLY hope we land JS...but I dont feel its AS important now as it was at the beginning of the season/off season...
  3. I dont understand why this counts negatively against you. Looking at this stat I would think we are O for 4 when passing on 3rd and 1 for the season when its simply not the case. We threw on 3rd and 1 yesterday, yet the stat remains the same. Why is that? I just dont get it...
  4. It could just be me... But I really hope we don't move Cowart to DL. I still think he can be a game changer at DE. He could be a manager next season. Especially since we moved Tega from DE...
  5. I know. But both of Matthew's total whiffs in the open field come to mind more than any. Especially the 2nd one. He will be on both those guys highlight reels for life. Just like he is in Ricardo Lewis'.
  6. You sure this wasn't supposed to say Tray Matthews? He whiffed on 2 open field tackles. One resulting in a HUGE play.
  7. @StatTiger, I also have the same question that @TitanTigerasked.
  8. I'll do it for you 1. Defense looks great 2. We need a QB 3. We need an OC/QB coach 4. We need an OC/QB coach 5. We need an OC/QB coach 6. We need an OC/QB coach 7. We need an OC/QB coach 8. We need an OC/QB coach 9. We need an OC/QB coach 10. We need an OC/QB coach Sounds about right...
  9. I truly don't think so. I think he will be thinking man those guys just need a QB... I still see that as all we are lacking besides a TE and OC/QB coach
  10. My thoughts exactly. Just didnt want to say it...
  11. Nooo. We won't use that game 1. We save that for LSU right? (/sarcasm)
  12. As he should be. We have regressed every season since his 1st. Like it or not, that's how it is
  13. I've been saying this for months. I knew it would bite us...
  14. Oh ok. So I guess he was being a real teammate/sportsman. I guess we have different opinions on what being a good teammate and sportsman are. You (and people like you) are EXACTLY what's wrong with the USA today. Don't say something to hurt someone's feelings. He was being a knucklehead and getting up hitting someone is the exact definition of thuggish. You can stow your hurt feelings because I said it like it is
  15. So... Question is... Do we burn WBs redshirt and just let him get experience for next year?
  16. A QB is all we are lacking. Plus if Stidham is here, it means Kendall Briles is also... Think about how good we could be if he had competence on the offensive side...
  17. Apparently our defense is going to have to win this for us... Let's hope for a couple pick 6s
  18. I want nothing to do with Art Briles. Besides he will be a HC soon, and word is he wants Kendall to branch out... Also word is regardless of this season, if CGM is still here next season, Kendall is our OC. My question is why wait? @ellitor
  19. So our QB can't see over the line, sacks himself, and we have a SR WR who is scared to get hit. Seems Legit. *Paging Gus who was hired* oh and I'm already done with Lashlee. Bring in Kendall Briles
  20. Yea... The announcers on ESPN mentioned it....then said.... I can't say I blame them. I mean yeah.... I don't think that is EVER OK but...it's what they said....and you know because I saw it on TV it's true...
  21. Wonder how this effects WatchESPN... They have a skycam feed. Is this what it will be on until the other one is over?
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