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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. https://www.on3.com/db/alvin-henderson-147701/ Alvin Henderson visiting this weekend?
  2. Can we take all the Prime crap to the rivals board, please.
  3. Arkansas just hired an OC/QBC... Dan Enos. I do not know if that will be a factor.
  4. There should just be a cap on how many players a team can have. no schollies other than academic. . Say 120 players-ish total for football. (and a reasonable limit on all school sports) Distribute the NIL any way the school wants to. It may stop some of the ridiculous amount being talked about for just one or two players on a team if you are responsible for all 100 players. Even the scout team and "walk ons" can get a small NIL if the school prefers a player that is a project . you just can not go over the 120 player limit.
  5. Also agree. I know UF has a strong and capable Spin department, and a strong presence in the media. I haven't followed this very closely. Do we know ANY of this drama as fact, or is it all still hearsay and rumor? (other than the fact this kid wants out of UF or was denied his NIL)
  6. I heard it will just be Robby's Arm out there playing QB with no body.
  7. We should know in the next 24 hours. Today is the last day to enroll/add /drop classes at AU.
  8. Thanks a lot AUBwins. You had to make me remember and post that, so of course my next logical action was to ask my wife if she remembered. She started uncontrollably laughing like a school girl at church. Twenty minutes later she is still giggling randomly. I ought to remind her of that one time she beat the hell out of herself with a pool stick.... but I digress.
  9. HAHAHA I can relate, after 10 years of lacking any serious exercise, I was asked to join a softball team for a fundraiser. They needed one more man to have enough players to enter. turns out half the team was made up of ringers. So we won, and won, and won. I was the oldest person on the team by a decade. I had no idea what I was getting into. This s*** was serious. No one was out there just for a good time. Teams were here from all across the state. We ended up playing 7 or 8 games with only 1/2 hour break between. It was an all day event. The beginning of the last game I got my best hit of the day... WAY deep into right field no fence. I hauled butt to first base, made the turn, and my legs started feeling weary. Rounded second and my legs started feeling VERY WEARY. As a young pup, I was very fast, so I figured if I ran hard I could pull off the home run pretty easily. I thought I really gunned it. I made the turn in the hot corner and realized I was not running near as fast as It felt. My legs were toast. absolutely DONE! I saw the ball being thrown but I broke for home anyway. It was going to be close! about half way down the third base line my legs turn to warm licorice strings. My wife later told me my legs looked like two of those dancing inflatable wind tubes you see in car lots. wiggling every which way as I ran. I was 10 feet from the plate when the catcher caught the ball.... I decided to dive for the plate. The sand was deep (not clay peat sand mixture, just sand), and I basically lawn darted/scorpioned myself into the ground. Face first. I only slid about 3 feet. Mouth FULLY open (and the first thing to hit the ground because I was gasping for oxygen) it filled completely with sand. Like a 5 ounces worth. My wife is now ba-ha laughing and telling the people around her that I looked like a bull dozer with my mouth looking like a dozer bucket FULL of sand. Ironically that is not even the most embarrassing thing to happen to me on a baseball diamond. I was sore for a week.
  10. Not falling in love. Not expecting anything. Like I tried to make clear, it is just a gut feeling. I do not go by gut feeling often. in fact I cant think of one time on the board when I didn't stick to stats and fundamentals. There is just something about this kid that has peaked my interest.
  11. Yeah, it kind of becomes an energy suck. BUT.... I have a really good feeling about Hank Brown. I am a math guy, so I usually don't base things on "gut feelings" , but there is something about Hank that make me think he will be number 2 behind Ashford, and see A LOT of PT early. Even as a true Freshman. Maybe , even starting by midseason. I can not put my finger on it as to why. His stats are good, his highlight vids look good (as do everyone's). But there is just something about him I like. There have been a (very) few true freshmen QB's that have been successful in the SEC. If he has the acumen, and can learn the playbook, I think he could lead us by mid season and help us early in the season. Again, this is mostly based of "just a feeling" and Highlight vids.
  12. I agree, but high school recruits seem to be more long term relationship oriented. It may take a year before we get more than just our foot in the door. I suspect we will do pretty good this year anyway. The portal recruiting will be hard to match with just a few months of relations with the high school recruits.
  13. I know Nick Jackson, but cant remember the other 2. Can ya help me out?
  14. I hope the visitors get to go the basketball game tonight. Anyone that goes, keep an eye out let us know who you recognize.
  15. Time to get rid of athletic scholarships. They can still get academic scholarships under the same parameters as all other students. Put the scholly money toward new athletic buildings, equipment and the school in general. These kids are not underprivileged athletes anymore. They can afford school bills more than anyone else.
  16. https://www.on3.com/teams/auburn-tigers/news/virginia-transfer-linebacker-nick-jackson-visiting-auburn/
  17. t Hugh seems to be preparing for 2024 and beyond. Only 7ish portal players so far only have 1 year eligibility left, and they already have back ups that will be starters in 2024. Don't get me wrong, he has filled some major needs for 2023, and we will hopefully see the fruit of this recruiting season quickly. BUT... It may take a while to build team chemistry with all the new players. It may take a while for some of the players to learn the system/playbook. I know Hugh sees this, and It looks to me like CHF is setting the team up for a 2024 and beyond juggernaut.
  18. I suspect it has to do with his injury. He may still be rehabbing. It would be a high risk to bring in a portal QB that can not go through or compete at 100% for spring practice . May as well wait on a better QB and work with what we have.
  19. You are asking too philosophical and psychological of a topic to delve into here . I suspect it has a lot to do with Americans loving and craving an underdog story. And, if we are honest with ourselves, we love a good schadenfreude. Those two things combine likely have a lot to do with how fans perceive, cheer or jeer players at any given time..
  20. It sounds a bit like a Chinese fire drill. We need a dedicated portal watcher(s) if we do not already have them. At least while the portal is open. NIL is so new, and with Freeze only being here a few weeks, I wonder how streamlined the process is between when a player enters the portal and the coach hearing about it.
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