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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. DANG I am a good pitcher! I didn't read the thread on purpose. I did not want to be influenced by others. I'll delete it.
  2. can I pick myself? edit: OK. Hunter was taken. It looks like most of my guys are taken. Is the guy in the shorts still around?
  3. WAR DAMN EAGLE!! You are going to love it here. and by here I mean this board and Auburn University. You will be shocked at the transformation of your son over the next few years. I sent my son to Auburn. he graduated a few months ago. I am in awe at the man he has become, and I was expecting it. I also went to Auburn. I hope Jyaire has tremendous success on the field. I know he will have success in life after attending AU no matter what the future brings. WAR EAGLE
  4. and front tire is not getting much wear and tear.
  5. At least you are young enough to still have memories. All I have is forgetories. I am not even sure what I had for breakfast.
  6. I don't know about golf, but usually ya cut them off before having them for dinner.
  7. Here is the reliability of predictors list from back in Feb Most accurate/reliable recruiting prediction source ranking... 1. Palm reading 2. Tarot cards 3. 16 sided die roll 4 CRYSTAL BALLS 5. THE LEAN 6 Magic 8-ball 7 Wild ass guess 8. the chicken poop game 9. Forearm Tattoo 10 the percentage sign % 11 Fortune cookie 12 Lil' Mook 13 insider information 14 Caleb Williams' Dentist 15 Astrology signs 16 'cruitin finger 17 a school calling "dibs" 18 Calling Miss Cleo's psychic hotline 19 The Groundhog 20 Eeny, meeny, miny, moe 21 Check Yes or No note passed in a 6th grade class. 22 My cousin's wife's friend does Pilates with the recruit's mother 23 On3 predictions 24 Zoltar fortune teller machine 25 Rock, paper, scissors. (lizard, Spock) 26 Water cooler talk from an in-the-know coworker 27 He loves me, he loves me not - flower pedal plucking prediction 28 Airplane tracking 29 spin the bottle 30 Information from the internet 31 Uncle Rico's drunken birthday proclamations 32 podcasts 33 Throwing darts at a list 34 Coach dancing at grandpa’s birthday party 35 George Santos 36 I have a really good feeling about this / Trust me Bro. 37 (for you older readers) the game "Red Rover." 38 unnamed source 39 The recruit is a legacy 40 ChatGPT 41 information from the Chinese Spy Balloons 42 J Lee . . 67 other recruiting websites/ forums . . 98 your local weatherman 99 Me Based on actual result from the Accuracy of Predictions Calculator by Google's AI: BARD.
  8. I think that is the point. Gus star chased not considering need. He would take a 4 star player even if we had more than enough at that position. He would pass over a 3 star player at a position of need. anything to get his average star rating up. we had some high ranked classes at the expense of a well managed roster.
  9. Yes! He now classifies as African American.
  10. ArgoEagle, You are a brave man. The odds are in your favor, but the loss would be devastating. You've been around here long enough to know that if you post something here, you may be held to it for life. IF by some giant miracle this comes true, you will have to go through with this. Someone will save this post, bring it back to the top of the board, and call you out. THEN, Someone else will demand video evidence to be posted here. Of course they will use Youtube to host it. Someone else will eventually post it to all of their social media accounts, and we suddenly have another video issue associated with Auburn.
  11. does this mean we had perfect regular season in 2013?
  12. DO you know how long I have been holding on to that joke? years! No matter what is posted on this board there will be multiple posters who call out or challenge anything as B.S. I have seen blatent facts posted that people have called BS on. It has baffled me, as I have mentioned my "Iron Bowl injury" a half dozen times on this board in a "he is probably BSing" way. NO ONE has called me out til now. It kind of became a challenge for me to see how long it would take for someone to call me out. LOL Thank you WarrEagleHey. I finally got my stupid joke in.
  13. I live in pain myself. on a scale of 1 (sore muscle) to 10 (praying for death) I am always above a 5, on bad days a 10+. the worst is my old Iron Bowl Injury from my freshman year that NEVER healed right. I found it does help me with the pain, but not in a way I expected. Like every other pain med, when I am in pain, nothing stops it!!... but with MMJ, (for me) it is easy to get distracted when high and forget I am in pain. When I have a flare up, I can not concentrate on anything but the pain. When high, I often forget about the pain for an hour or so and can be productive, or watch and enjoy a movie, read the net whatever. When I think about the pain, it is still there, but for those moments of distraction it is LIKE not being in pain.
  14. I am in a legal state. NO Delta. (be careful with that stuff, it is not natural) I've been a black belt smoker for over 35 years. For me, I prefer flower, then RSO, Shatter, hash, vapes, gummies/edibles, cooking oils, and lastly infused drinks. (you need 2-3 of the drinks, and unlike beer you are really full after the first one.) We get the good stuff here tho. Flower here is pushing 30% THC... 3 times that of the good stuff from the 70's. 2X as strong as the best sinsemilla that came up to Auburn from UF in the 1980's. I am more of a taste chaser. THC % is not so important to me. CDB counteracts the THC effects, and makes me feel sick, so I avoid it as much as possible.
  15. dang! how stout are your gummies? Most are capped at 10mg per gummy. That's like 2 hits off a joint. Do you whip your own?
  16. I understand, but they are just eyeballs. Try not to read into them what you want them to mean.
  17. ALWAYS take into account that fans get caught up in the hype and spread and increase the hysteria.
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